underwater digital camera opinions and experience wanted


So, this forum appears to be full of discussions on taking nice pictures through the glass/plex etc, but I can't seem to find much of any information on people taking underwater pictures. Here is my situtation. I have an interest in taking solid underwater pictures in Hawaii where I go very often, as well as many other places I intend to go in the near future as I finally have the funds to do so. I am in need of an external type digital camera that is pocket size or so, but does good all around pictures. What I have seen is some of them that have the underwater cases good down to around 100ft. A while ago I spent a lot of time taking pics with a 2.3 mp cannon sd230 with a case and am far from happy with the results. I think something like this but better, yet still small is an option as most of my diving and snorkeling stuff will be not that deep. The issue of glare with any silt and time to take the pic while holding breath is something I want to fix, but I don't know if some of the better newer cameras won't have this problem as much or if the only option is the attachable type arm flash thing....which also are available with some. Or should I get one of those underwater type cameras that aren't necessarily that good for above water and then maybe get another camera for above water, clubbing etc type of pictures? The bottom line is I need an underwater camera that wil be able to take high quality pictures that I can blow up to at least like 20x10 and put on my walls, without needing to be within a foot from the subject if possible. If I need to get a different camera than one of the newer cannons etc that use a case but aren't underwater camera, then tell me that, but I am hoping I can get a multi purpose that will do that job and save me some coin.

I know its a lot of babling, but if you read this and know something about cameras....help me out!
100 feet or so...looking for expirienced responses please. There are many choices such as made by olympus and canon, sea life etc....
You've got Nikonos V unerwater camera (posible to buy several lenses).

If you want something to take nice pics under and above water I think the best choice is a nice digital SLR (Canon EOS 400D, Nikon D80) with Ikelite underwate case. There are specialized forums about this subject.
I keep an old Olympus C-4040 and a PT-010 case for underwater use. Yes, it's a P&S, but I find it much less stressful to use this instead of risking my better equipment. It takes decent pictures, and with an f1.8 lens I can use it without flash in shallow water.

I would suggest shopping Ebay for a used setup. You should be able to find someone selling a 2-3 year old camera with underwater housings and accessories for a good price.