Unhappy Zoanthids


New member
I have a 5$ frag of yellow zoanthids (so im not exactly freaking out) that is having trouble, the rock started with 6 heads, and only 1 comes out now. And it barely even comes out anymore. I can still see the retracted heads so I'm guessing its not gone yet. I also have a 5$ frag of brown zoanthids that is super happy and growing every day. Everything else seems to be happy also...candy cane, hammar, xenia and green star polyps (they're unhappy, but for a known reason).

10 gallon tank, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrate, 0 nitrite, 79 degrees, pH cycle is 7.9 to 8.1, salinity 1.025, T5 48 watt ligh

Could it simply be a sad bunch of zoanthids that are dying off? I don't know why my brown zoas are doing so much better. I moved it higher, thinking it might like more light, would it prefer shady spot if its not doing well?
I would try to put it in some shade. Sometimes if theres to much light that can happen. Through my years of collecting zoas alot of people say they are for beginners but I would argue that lol I have probably over a 100 different types of zoas and some are more picky than most SPS corals especially sopranos,darth mauls, and my purple deaths if they are to high they turn white to low they turn brown they have to be in just the right spot.
how do you even know the difference in the zoanthid types? All I see is small head zoas and big head zoas haha...then just a ton of color variations
I've had the same issue. Usually, mine come back out. Sometimes, it has taken over a month. Other times, I loose some and every now and then I loose all of them. I try to place them in different flow and lighting (doing it a little at a time so I don't over stress them. For the record, in 6 years of reef keeping and having a zoa nut for a wife, I can honestly say we have never lost an ugly zoa but have lost plenty of very nice and expensive ones. I have to agree with Gotsopranos? that they can be very difficult at times. Best of luck to you. Happy reefing.
I've had the same issue. Usually, mine come back out. Sometimes, it has taken over a month. Other times, I loose some and every now and then I loose all of them. I try to place them in different flow and lighting (doing it a little at a time so I don't over stress them. For the record, in 6 years of reef keeping and having a zoa nut for a wife, I can honestly say we have never lost an ugly zoa but have lost plenty of very nice and expensive ones. I have to agree with Gotsopranos? that they can be very difficult at times. Best of luck to you. Happy reefing.

Completely agree I have some button polyps I could probably leave out of the water for a few days put them back in and theyll come back. My way exspensive zoas if a dang hermit crab brushes against them sometimes they get all ****y and die lol I hate it I hate it I hate it lol. I have some eagle eyes I swear i could probably set on fire and theyll live while my darth mauls if i look at them wrong they die. The easiest one by far so far for exspensive ones have been the true red hornets they are great growers
Hmm good to know! Stay far away from the expensive zoas, I'll remember that lol. I guess I'll just keep experimenting, its up high right now (guessing with the T5 48 watts its too much) but I can drop it down in a day or 2 if its not happier.