Unique: A Reefing Journal: A Look Back & A Movement Forward


Hello everyone, it is now time for a new thread.

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Neal and I reside in the northeast corner of Connecticut, and I have been reefing for almost 10 years. I have had more ups and downs than I can count, and I have kind of been off, and out of my game the last year and a half or so. At which time, I ran into a lot of self inflicted issues and wounds due to my own over confidence, lack of attention to detail, and ignorance. Needless to say I have learned so much from my mistakes. If there is one thing I can say to fellow reefers, it is to research and research some more. When you think you have researched enough, do even more. However, don't ever be quick to jump on the bandwagon of what is "cool" to others, or trending. Stick with your beliefs, and follow your reefing heart.

As some of you know, I have really always done my own thing, especially since 2009 or so. I take a completely different approach to aquascaping and the presentation of my "reef". I have had more tanks and setups than I can recall, its amazing I was ever really able to get anything done. The one constant the last few years, for the most part, has been my method of aquascaping. I do not use live rock, though I have incorporated it at times. My preferred method of aquascape and presentation starts with the use of all natural, tumbled rock tiles. I purchase these tiles from Home Depot, and I use them like building blocks, similar to when we were kids and played with lego's. This idea, is combined with my love and fascination of marine life, and my fixation on the idea of a Lost City of Atlantis, and some of the ideas of architecture of Ancient Rome and the like which also fascinate me. This has brought me to a style which no one to my knowledge has ever chosen to use. Meaning I am the first amongst thousands and thousands of reefers around the world, to take this route. With that thought, I carry great pride, as I am striving to be own, unique reefer.

In this journal, I will first present everyone with a look back on the last 5 to 6 years or so of my reefing experiences with many photos, and some basic input on what happened and how I achieved the results I did, or did not get. It will be followed by a description of the last 5 to 6 months of my step back, and my self mandated cleanse sort of speak, and my attempt to relearn everything I thought I knew about reefing. I will then move onto present day, and carry you all on my journey with what I hope to build up to something truly amazing, and unmatched as I attempt to be the first of my reefing kind.

So I thank you for joining me, and please have some patience as this thread is gonna take me some time to get to present day. Please enjoy the photos of reefing yester'year, and all comments, and concerns are welcomed.

Again, my name is Neal, and I am a true reefer through and through, and I am starting this thread to share my experiences, past and present, with you all.

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I feel like this can be done hall of presidents style or sitting in a little boat doing a its a small world type journey through the history of Neil's tanks.
sit back keep your hands and feet in and enjoy the ride.
bring it on Neil
So let's start with 2008 into Spring of 2009. At this point I had decided to step away from corals, and just try to have a nice saltwater tank. For the previous 3 years, I was into trying corals, though I never had much success with having anything flourish. I did not have access to wonderful sites like this one and others, and there just wasn't a whole lot of good info available to me. However, I still had my hand in reefing for those first few years, and I knew I enjoyed it immensely. I started out with a 100g reef ready, basically a 120g, but 3.5 inches shorter and only 1 overflow. That was my first reef and attempt at saltwater. I then moved to a 72g bowfront featuring hang on gear. Looking back, I absolutely hated the shape and bowing of the tank and glass, but never the less, that was my second. Those two tanks, took up my first 3 years, again, which I did in fact keep softies and lps alive, but never thriving. Between no internet and real good source of info sharing, and listening to inexperienced fools at the LFS's (lived in southern Cali at the time), and being foolish enough to take their word on everything, well, like I said, I was able to keep things alive, but never really got anywhere outside of keeping healthy fish. It was however, when I learned how truly important it was to QT your new arrivals.

So back to 2008, I had just moved into a new house myself and some friends were renting, and I ordered myself a 150g, peninsula aquarium with an awful center brace, but an overall great look and feel. I had no intention on keeping coral, and it was strictly and low stocked, minimal scape approach. This tank however, was the first to have a real skimmer, and my first experience with UV sterilization. I kept this tank for almost a year until moving back home to the east coast in spring of 2009. Like I said, it was minimalist, but I actually loved the look, and I used sand and 3 decent sized pieces of rock for my scape. I kept a trio of yellow tangs, a scopas tang, a convict tang (which would eat from my hands) and a coral beauty angel. As well as some shrimp, and a purple reef lobster. I have always loved the reef lobsters, nothing quite like them. Never really had any issues with this tank which was nice, except one time I came east for about 11 days, and the fool I had keeping my tank for me, basically didn't do much and I had a couple issues to deal with upon my return. however, all fish were fine, and that is all I really cared about. This tank came down in April of 2009, a week before my trip home, and I simply gave the fish back to the LFS, and I gave the tank to a reefing friend.

On this tank, I used a 48" power compact from Coralife (hate their products), a Reef Ocotpus 300 extreme dual pump skimmer (which Chris' brother actually bought from me last summer), previously said 72 bowfront for my sump, an oceanrunner 6000 (I believe) for a return, a coouple of old Koralia 4's and a single Koralia 3 for flow, and since I lived in SoCal I really never used a heater. I do not recall the manufacturer of the UV, but it was a pretty decent and well built one from what I recall. There was a large window on the other side of the tank which led to a outside, roofed over porch that we would hang on and BBQ almost daily, so that was cool when we had peeps around.

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So upon moving back east, this was my first break in reefing in about 4 years. I settled back in, staying with my folks, and after about 10 months, I had the money, and the itch to get back into reefing. At this point it was early 2010, I was watching all the activity and reading a lot here on RC, and I decided, I wanted to try my hand at SPS for the first time, and other corals again. So, like everyone else does in the hobby unless your truly frugal, lol, I blew threw more money than I should have at that point, and purchased myself a 40g breeder for a display and a 30g breeder for a sump. I still had the UV from the previous tank, as well as the large skimmer, which was GROSSLY oversized for such a small display and sump. I also bought a new heater, a new vortech mp10 (my first) and brand new teklight, 36" (6) bulb fixture. I also bought a small Eheim for a return, though I don't remember which model exactly. I started out with dry reef grade aragonite, which was the first time I had used this sand, and I will now never use anything but. I also started with the same 3 pieces of rock that were used in the previously mentioned 150g. Clearly too much mass of rock for such a small tank, but hey, it took me nearly 8 to 9 years to figure most things out, so what the heck, that's how I rolled at that point, lol. I got things all setup, and as I started with everything dry, once I got it flowing with water, I dropped in a raw shrimp, and basically let it cycle for like 8 weeks. Far longer than needed, but whatever, that's jus what I did at that time. I also rigged a Aquaclear 110 hang on "power filter" with a acrylic "ramp" and hung it on the side of the sump and this is where I kept my carbon for a while. God those AC's are such garbage for what they are really meant for, but it actually worked really well as a somewhat "active" carbon "reactor" as I could really pack it in a media bag, and lots of it. Looking back and learning from our reefing experiences as we always do, its amazing I had anything left in my tank to grow corals between all the carbon, the UV, and the immense skimmer I was using for maybe 45 gallons of water at the most.

So fast forward a couple months. I had also plumbed in a 20g high to use as a deep sand bed refugium, in which I attempted to grow Cheato for nitrate control. As if I actually needed it with all that gear on that small tank. It was no wonder I couldn't grow macro and it would die off in a couple of days of putting it in there. So, this simply became a way to keep more volume to my small, over filtered system, and become the home for my 3rd reef lobster.

One good thing that came out of my attempt to keep Cheato, was as I was looking for some free on this forum here, which was about the first time I found out about CTARS and this forum, I got a response from IcyCoral, Eric, and a reefing based friendship was born. Though life changes and people have other responsibilities, and schedules, Eric will always be a good friend of mine, and I will forever appreciate and be grateful for all the help and time he took to help me with my hobby. A straight up, very cool dude right there. And low and behold, he had corals too. So naturally, that was my first source for coral and such, and my first friendship and connection made through reefing here on the eastcoast. Surprisingly, and especially after learning about dosing from Eric and more online research, I had what started a fairly good run with sps and zoas/palys. This is also the when I learned that angel fish can be a real nuisance to sps and some other corals. I also learned about red bugs. Which just for the record, I never got bugs from Icy, they came in on a staghorn coral I got from a LFS in Auburn, MA. Thankfully I had a cousin with a new puppy, and she had no problem getting me interceptor, and I fried those little buggers real quick. This happened about 4 to 5 months into this go around. And truth be told, im glad I went through it, as it taught me some valuable reefing lessons. The few photos to follow, are the first 8 months or so, of this system. My first setup back home on the east side, and my first real attempt and moderate amount of success at reef keeping. Though I was very foolish, and would never leave anything alone, or my hands out of the tank. Which I have learned is one of the keys to successful reefkeeping. PATIENCE!!!

by the way, the blue stag is I believe the one Swannyson eventually grew out, as im pretty sure we traded for it the following spring, and is now the one Chriskid grows in his reef. well, one of his many, lol. As well as others im sure, so that is cool :beer:

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SoCal huh? I spent the first 18y of my life in Southern California. Been here in CT now 18y lol.

give me a few mins to get pics up in the previous post... but, yea man, Pismo Beach, right on the ocean for 7+ years. My first interaction with you here we talked about it vaguely and quickly. One of the best experiences and best things I ever did for myself was moving there, im a different and improved person because of California.
Here is where it really began...

Here is where it really began...

So, we are still on the same 40g breeder at this point, with the same 30g sump, and all the other gear mentioned in the previous post. However, this is where the tiles began to come in. I had an uncle who was redoing his bathroom, and I was over there one day. We started talking about my hobby and whatever other nonsense, I don't recall. However, I was mentioned frag plugs and telling him about silly reef stuff like that or something, and he said, "hey, I got something you might find useful", and he gave me (3) 1' square, leftover tile sheets from his remodel. All natural rock with no coating or anything whatsoever. Naturally, I was like, "sweet, free plugs", errr whatever you wana call them, lol. Little did I know, these silly things would change my reefing experience and methodology forever. Each sheet had 36 individual 2 x 2" tiles, and I soon put them to good use. This was also about the time I went back to barebottom, like I had in my 72g mentioned in post #2 here in this thread. So I had pulled all my sand, and I started mounting and building sorta speak. I was hooked from that moment forward. Though I did relapse to rock for a short period at a later date, which we will get to. This change happened sometime around Christmas of 2010/2011. As you can see, I was achieving some level of success for really just being a noob. Dumb beginners luck, as you all will see in a year or more from this time frame.

Oh, and for whatever reason, I decided to sell the mp10, big mistake, and went to a koralia magnum 7. yup, in a small 40g breeder. stupid, I know...

note the candy apple reds in the bottom right hand corner of the second pic, keep those couple little faded polyps in mind for later ;)

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Follow that up about 2 months later, February, 2011. I was looking for a bigger tank, and I had planned on moving my system to the basement which I eventually did, which was nice, because I now had my own breaker of the circuit board designated solely for my hobby. No more tripping breakers or any nonsense like that, which was a fair amount of piece of mind in that regards. I was looking for a 75g reef ready, and I don't recall if I asked around, or if I saw it posted, I think it was jus posted by chance for free like the day I started wanting one. It was Kynan, last calendar year's elected club president, and he told me if I came can got it, it was free. So naturally, I picked up Icy, and we went and snagged that tank for free. If you see this dude, thank you again for your kindness and generosity.

This system was in effect for about 10 months, and really proved to be my greatest run of success in the hobby thus far in terms of sps growth and success. The height and length, not so much the width, really allowed me to experiment with the tiles. so I got more, and started going to town by making these pedestal style columns out of them, and I REALLY liked what I was onto. Between this, and the display to follow, showed me how when using this approach, having some height to work with, really help the aesthetics and overall look, which I really feel took a step back, as well as my luck with the next display changeover. But I will get more into that later. My approach was simple, and it worked. I had done away with the UV, however I have no proof that it helped by losing it, it just happens to be the timing of it. I used the same Reef Ocotpus 300 extreme dual pump, and stuck with the barebottom. However, I sold some things and purchased (2) Vortech Mp40's, and a new 48" (8) teklight. I ran 6 ATI blue plus' and (2) ATI aquablue specials basically the whole time. I tried a purple plus once, but didn't care for it. I really feel like the light, the skimmer, and the bare bottom rocked it for the sps. I kept my light just a few inches above the tank, however if I wasn't careful, and at times I wasn't, I would literally fry new frags if I didn't raise the light and/or start them off low in the corners. Big Mike (bigfish), now uses this same light, so I'm glad it's worked out for him.

I also used the previously used 40 breeder display, as my sump, and started using one of the koralia 7's I had, in my sump, and at that time I did away with filter socks. I dosed manually by hand daily the entire time I had this system up, and as long as I stayed on top of it, no matter how much I had to add at once daily, everything went really well for the entire time. One of my greatest regrets was changing things up and moving to yet another system and display. But again, we will get into that later, and I guess the growing pains had to happen sometime right??? but for this 10 month period, I was loving it, and so were the dozens of people who came to see it and bought frags from me.

You will also see my pride and joy, which pains me as I no longer have him. The Purple Tang I rescued from a absolutely terrible, and closed down now, LFS in Rhode Island. Long story short, I basically traded for him 3 small frags, and I took him home. He was completely emaciated, malnourished, head rot like you wouldn't believe, lateral line disease, the whole nine. Which is a testament to how durable they really are and Zebrazoma tangs in general. The down right hardiest IMO. When I brought him home, he went through a short QT. The only fish I had most the time with this display, was him, and a sixline wrasse. This fish now resides with our buddy Ron (suicideissleep), and he is still looking fantastic and healthy. Ron adopted him back in the early fall sometime, when I broke down the 180g I had. (we will get to that 180 as well ;) ). I am very grateful to Ron for taking in my prized fish, and I know he takes great care of him. Ive seen him a couple times since, and its just really nice to see him doing so well after I invested so much time, effort, and oddly enough, emotion, into this amazing fish. Thanks again Ron, your a good dude :beer:

I have a fair amount of photos to share of this 75g from when it was setup, so I will post them in the next couple of posts here shortly
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Here is some photos from the 75g mentioned in my previous post. This display was discarded in December 2011, and was setup in February earlier that year. One thing I liked was taking photos (all from my old Droid phone). I always thought I made for some cool pics from the certain angles.

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and a few more of the same display, and the Purple Tang talked about above.

<a href="http://s842.photobucket.com/user/thestomp1978/media/Mobile%20Uploads/B034036D-F25A-4D42-9DB2-4BFBEA08511A_zpsxjqvlnyt.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz344/thestomp1978/Mobile%20Uploads/B034036D-F25A-4D42-9DB2-4BFBEA08511A_zpsxjqvlnyt.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo B034036D-F25A-4D42-9DB2-4BFBEA08511A_zpsxjqvlnyt.jpg"/></a>

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and upon removal, jus a little coralline ;)

<a href="http://s842.photobucket.com/user/thestomp1978/media/Mobile%20Uploads/36364EA1-4057-40EB-A921-782AC176F31C_zps5dxfr25h.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz344/thestomp1978/Mobile%20Uploads/36364EA1-4057-40EB-A921-782AC176F31C_zps5dxfr25h.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 36364EA1-4057-40EB-A921-782AC176F31C_zps5dxfr25h.jpg"/></a>
moving right along

moving right along

So we now continue on. Just so no one think I have no life, lol, I'm home sick on my weekend, so what better way to distract myself than diving into my hobbies ;)

I left off somewhere around December of 2011 with the last photo and post. The 75g pictured previously had been taken down, and was being replaced by a new Deep Blue Aquatics, 80g RR style aquarium. I really liked the dimensions and shape at first, but after a while, it really got my nerves. However, not nearly as bad as downfall my sps would eventually take due to my own lack of attention to detail and diligence. But I did really come into my own with zoas and palys somehow, while these issues had come and gone, or jus never had really gone anywhere, which was amazing and really showed their hardiness. Which is funny, cause I honestly feel as though polyps are much more difficult to keep happy than sps as there are just so many unknown variables IMO. But again, in the coming months of 2012, I would learn a lot of hard lessens, and my peak with sps would be over. Until what I hope is now my present day rebirth to getting my mojo back ;)

This setup was run with all the same gear as the 75g above. Same skimmer, same light, same return pump, same sump, same mp40's, same heater, etc. However I could no longer really use the columns I had previously because of the depth of this tank, so I started going wider and more low profile rather than higher like in that 75g above. Which, actually worked out wonderfully with all my polyps as you will see in the few dozen pics to come of them.

So, lets get to my most major of overlookings and mistakes that plagued me from with this system and overall my entire hobby experience. This system was up and running for about 11 months until nearly thanksgiving of 2012. First, and for whatever ignorant reason, I never tested and adjusted my dosing after removing of few of the bigger sps pieces, or changing my system out. HUGE mistake. I lost some really nice newer pieces I had that had really started to color up and take off, as well as some of my oldie but goodie colonies I had grown. An incredible small established colony of ORA Pearlberry, and sweet little Purple Monster to name a couple. That was my first major issue the first few months. Second, and for the next 3 to 5 months after that, well, I learned the hard way yet again because my ignorant self never checked my refractometer literally for months and months, until one day I was just like "what the heck" and did some reading, then checked my refractometer and low and behold, it was off by about .009 to high, meaning my salinity was around 1.034, and of course my alk was around 12. As I kept a low nutrient system with all the barebottom, flow and skimming, this was very bad as well. The Alk issue for the second time in 6 months or so, basically finished off the rest of my sps except for some of the hardiest of hardies (ORA cali tort being on of them, and the red planet for example) and the salinity really did a number on my zoas also. Well, you can see where this is going. A rude awakening and reminder of how truly important it is to stay on top of the little things, like testing and calibration. I now test weekly or more, and calibrate everything I need to weekly or more.

So I make through my second major ignorant and self inflicted hurdle, and I move forward. I still had some sps and had gotten a few more small pieces here and there, but the damage was done, and my spirits were a little tarnished come early fall of 2012. However, getting everything stable, and as you can see from the pics to come, my polyps in regards to zoas and palys, were flourishing once again. I have yet to see another Rasta colony like the one I grew, and we will get to that shortly as well.

But, as my bad luck string would have it, I had one more huge obstacle yet to befall on me, and that was FRIGGEN' DINOFLAGELLETES. These things were more obnoxious and spirit draining than anything I had encountered to this point. I mean everything else was an easy fix, though they took their toll. But dino's, if not treated proplerly, can be a whole other story and on a whole other level. If you have had issues with these things in the past, you know what im talking about. This is where it was nice to have the zoas and palys, they are much hardier in regards to tolerating these things. But have them suffocate out the rest of your sps after already losing so many, well, lets just say I was ready to break stuff daily, lol. They caused me to end up breaking down this tank, sell of most all of the colonies I'm about to share in the next few posts, and start over. And they really wiped out the rest of my sps by constantly suffocating them. Again, I used high flow, major skimming and lots of carbon, to no avail. These things had a hold like I hadn't seen personally before. Looking back on it now, I really wish I knew then, what I do now, and I wouldn't have moved on from this system or these corals. DINO'S ARE TREATABLE, AND I HAVE SINCE BEATEN THEM EASILY, BUT IT TAKES SUPREME DILIGENCE WHEN YOUR MIGHTALLY INFECTED WITH THEM. I will explain later on how I go about this, and it takes numerous avenues of treatment as jus one at a time doesn't usually work if ever. I have no idea where they came from or why they took so long to show themselves within my own hobby and systems, but they did, and when they, they took hold something fierce.

I got so frustrated, I gave up and started over pretty much all the way around. I went to an acrylic cube I got used, which will follow this segment of the thread shortly. I sold most all my colonies if they hadn't died or withered to next to nothing, and my spirits about reefing were pretty down. Until this last month or so, this was my last previous go around with corals for the most part as you will see as we move along.

Enough of the downer stuff, hopefully some will learn from my mistakes as well if they read through.

So, some real nice pics of this system from its high points to follow in the next 3 or 4 posts.
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Now that they have uploaded to photobucket, here are some pics from the system talked about above in post #14. I have quite a few, even after narrowing down from like 300, lol. But hey, everyone loves pics right?!?! ;)

First some basic pics of the initial tank setup and the stand I started using with this setup, which I absolutely love and still use.

before sanding and painting, as I got it.

<a href="http://s842.photobucket.com/user/thestomp1978/media/Mobile%20Uploads/018BBED2-3FFF-4E92-9D28-836D847B0D77_zpsyi40puxi.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz344/thestomp1978/Mobile%20Uploads/018BBED2-3FFF-4E92-9D28-836D847B0D77_zpsyi40puxi.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 018BBED2-3FFF-4E92-9D28-836D847B0D77_zpsyi40puxi.jpg"/></a>

cleaned up and with some "table tops"

<a href="http://s842.photobucket.com/user/thestomp1978/media/Mobile%20Uploads/96F86C48-E8C8-4E83-8FDA-B7F3DBCB7213_zpslrtwyxp0.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz344/thestomp1978/Mobile%20Uploads/96F86C48-E8C8-4E83-8FDA-B7F3DBCB7213_zpslrtwyxp0.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 96F86C48-E8C8-4E83-8FDA-B7F3DBCB7213_zpslrtwyxp0.jpg"/></a>

here you can see the sump I used. A 65g rimless breeder I got off a reefer local to me.

<a href="http://s842.photobucket.com/user/thestomp1978/media/Mobile%20Uploads/08CFFB03-ECD1-47EB-BA6C-3A5F7EEFBFD9_zpswmtapuhe.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz344/thestomp1978/Mobile%20Uploads/08CFFB03-ECD1-47EB-BA6C-3A5F7EEFBFD9_zpswmtapuhe.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 08CFFB03-ECD1-47EB-BA6C-3A5F7EEFBFD9_zpswmtapuhe.jpg"/></a>

and right before it was in place, with an opening made for the overflow, drain and return, and with switchboards mounted, which I still use and love. also you can see the top fastened down at this point too.

<a href="http://s842.photobucket.com/user/thestomp1978/media/Mobile%20Uploads/ECF9F4BF-8F9F-480C-BA6A-9FA7454BF294_zpsgdngsfj9.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz344/thestomp1978/Mobile%20Uploads/ECF9F4BF-8F9F-480C-BA6A-9FA7454BF294_zpsgdngsfj9.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo ECF9F4BF-8F9F-480C-BA6A-9FA7454BF294_zpsgdngsfj9.jpg"/></a>
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Great read Neal, I'm def still rocking that Tek light! It grows corals really well!

Man I loved that tile tank you had so much...I always find myself searching for it and reading through and watching how you made it just about the coral, giving it the best chance for flow, light and growth. A true coral gardener!!!
And now some of the corals it contained and grew during my time with it. I wont bother showing much of the sps, it got pretty ugly, and I would rather focus on the future rather than the past with that aspect.

there is no chronological order to these pics really, just posting the ones I thought were best, and best represented the good I was able to achieve during this period.

the following photos, and all to follow to present day, were all taken with my Iphone 4. No cropping or editing or color enhancing was ever used...

these are not the only zoas i kept during this time, but like i said, I'm using the best pics I had from that period. And just about all of them, except the fruit loops and la lakers in this post, were grown from just 1 or 2 polyps. Or eyes, in the chalice's case.

<a href="http://s842.photobucket.com/user/thestomp1978/media/Mobile%20Uploads/1F87F314-034E-4447-B195-48E0B310735C_zpspeefhqpn.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz344/thestomp1978/Mobile%20Uploads/1F87F314-034E-4447-B195-48E0B310735C_zpspeefhqpn.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 1F87F314-034E-4447-B195-48E0B310735C_zpspeefhqpn.jpg"/></a>

remember those Candy Apple Reds I mentioned earlier in the thread?

<a href="http://s842.photobucket.com/user/thestomp1978/media/Mobile%20Uploads/54310106-3CB7-4A57-8C09-EC092A242B06_zpsp1x1y2jk.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz344/thestomp1978/Mobile%20Uploads/54310106-3CB7-4A57-8C09-EC092A242B06_zpsp1x1y2jk.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 54310106-3CB7-4A57-8C09-EC092A242B06_zpsp1x1y2jk.jpg"/></a>

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Great read Neal, I'm def still rocking that Tek light! It grows corals really well!

Man I loved that tile tank you had so much...I always find myself searching for it and reading through and watching how you made it just about the coral, giving it the best chance for flow, light and growth. A true coral gardener!!!

Thanks man, I really appreciate that. That light worked great for me, glad to see its still rockin.

Wait til you see what I got in the works now. Not what I'm sporting now, but for the next tank I get as the one now is just kinda like a start over kit, lol. Just gotta get my confidence back, and then find the right display for it ;)

<a href="http://s842.photobucket.com/user/thestomp1978/media/Mobile%20Uploads/14268DA8-A4D4-4DFC-9BA2-088ABD164A3D_zpschx0swo6.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz344/thestomp1978/Mobile%20Uploads/14268DA8-A4D4-4DFC-9BA2-088ABD164A3D_zpschx0swo6.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 14268DA8-A4D4-4DFC-9BA2-088ABD164A3D_zpschx0swo6.jpg"/></a>

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got hornets?

<a href="http://s842.photobucket.com/user/thestomp1978/media/Mobile%20Uploads/C2943133-361A-42D1-BB2A-58FC2DAD798D_zpso9dngqrm.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz344/thestomp1978/Mobile%20Uploads/C2943133-361A-42D1-BB2A-58FC2DAD798D_zpso9dngqrm.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo C2943133-361A-42D1-BB2A-58FC2DAD798D_zpso9dngqrm.jpg"/></a>

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