- Corals are sold and now all gone.
- Shrimp and starfish are off the market for now because the kids need some time to adjust to the idea of them leaving.
- Tunze "package A" is sold.
Livestock Remaining:
- Super male golden rhomboid wrasse (from the late Rob Lower) $260 (price lowered)
- Super male dusky wrasse (Halichoeres marginatus), (from DD) $60
- 3-4" blue hippo (from DD, captive raised. came to me size of a quarter) $30 (price lowered)
Live Rock
~ 275 lbs LR. Lots of LARGE pieces. Plenty of coralline algae, some valonia, no pest anemones what so ever. $300 for all.
Tunze Stuff
Package "B" $380
- (2) Tunze 6100 streams
- (2) Tunze Deco Rocks
Also have...
- (1) Tunze 7095 controller. I extended the moonlight cable for more options on placement. Everything works great. Includes 4 cables and original box. Add to the package above for $100, or purchase separately for $130 (price lowered)
Snapper Pump
- Sequence Snapper return pump with Fasco motor. Approx 4 years old. I used it maybe 2-3 months. Had it for a backup pump in case I needed to clean the main pump or had a failure. Photos above in this thread. $100
Fluidized Reactor
Deltec FR509. Condition is like new. $140 (price lowered)
~1500 ml Warner Marine biopellets. Used for several months, actual volume may be slightly less, but that is what I started with and there is little visual difference in the level. $40
DI Resin
- Unopened 7.5 lb bag of BRS nuclear grade color changing resin. $40
Frag Kit
- Includes all the stainless steel fragging tools you could ever want... multiple scalpels, bone cutters, small and large foreceps, other scary looking things. Some have a little rust, others are like new and new. $20
Loc Line Grab Bag
- Lots of misc 1/2" locline fittings and nozzles, all brand new. $10
Prices are for local pickup in Stockton. If you want a price with shipping included send me your zipcode. No shipping on livestock.