Unusual ATI t5 bulb color


New member
This is the first time I encountered this. I am wondering if anyone has the similar experience.
I installed a set of brand new ATI bulbs i purchased recently.

The Blue plus bulbs are kinda wash out and not as bright. Since I have several ATI fixtures running, It is very obvious in terms of the color difference.
I have been using ATI bulbs for more than a decade. I notice the difference immediately and they look more like the Hamilton actinic blue in color. Less blue and more white. All 4 new blue plus bulbs look identical and it seems the whole batch is manufactured differently.

Even stranger are the two new ATI true actinic bulbs that came in the same order. They are as bright and as white the Coral plus bulb.

My par meter is out so I have to wait to get a par reading.

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There doesn’t seem to be a real drastic difference but they do take a while to break in. I think it depends on the circumstances how noticeable it is at first.
I never see this color difference before, it is definitely not due to break in. I am amaze by how white and bright those two actinic are. Which may not be a good thing.

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Always a chance of an error in packaging or whatever... Could have been bulbs someone returned or whatever...
I would contact the seller and discuss your options..
Always a chance of an error in packaging or whatever... Could have been bulbs someone returned or whatever...
I would contact the seller and discuss your options..

Something should be written on the bulb confirming model #..or it's just some cheap chinese fake.


Wrong stenciling at the factory is possible but unlikely (unless manuf was switched to China from the EU)

Factory phosphor screw up is possible..

Think the o/p should contact ATI directly.
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More than likely these new bulbs just need 50 hours to burn in to achieve the expected color. At this time we are not aware of any knock off bulbs nor did the factory make any changes. I suspect since the thread is quiet the OP ended up with the expected color in time.
One other "eye ball trick" that often plagues people is your eye will perceive a difference in bulb color based on the neighboring bulbs, for example a Blue Plus may look more blue next to an Aqua Blue Special and more white next to a True Actinic. When you swap these two examples the same thing is applied even though the bulbs moved locations. Make sense?
Unusual ATI t5 bulb color

I did not post more because I just give up. Sorry, after a week, they still did not look right. So I just shelved them and write it off as my lost. Sorry.

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I did not post more because I just give up. Sorry, after a week, they still did not look right. So I just shelved them and write it off as my lost. Sorry.

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Maybe it is just me but it doesn't sound like you were willing to do anything to gain support? If you wish, please email us so we can get purchase information, photos etc and see if we can collaborate your issue.