Upcoming Elections


New member
I have talked to quite a few people in the club and we thought that Herman Jordan would make a good president. He has been the president before and did a very good job. I am not sure if all the people in the club know him personally but some may just be unaware of whom he is until they see him. He is very knowledgeable about the hobby, club and the industry as a whole. He has helped many members of the club and when I first joined he was the first person to introduce himself and welcome me with open arms.

With that said;

I would like to nominate Herman for President of FMAS.
Thanks Rogger. I think that would be appropriate so that everybody could meet him for sure.

By the way, what is this meeting about?
upcoming elections

upcoming elections

I think Herman will do a good job - he has done it before - and knows what needs to be done. Shelly will also be able to help out with the web and other stuff - she has done the newsletter before as well. I know he has a lot of experience and has been on the board for many years.....

Regardless - whoever is going to be on the board this year - I implore the volunteers to take their commitment seriously - don't say you can do something if you aren't really able. We all understand that we have busy lives. Its ok to say no - in fact - better to say no than to say yes and then not do it.....and most important - remember that board members SHARE responsibility. It doesn't have to be a job done alone...if you are going to be on the board - be willing to ask for help.... :)


To Reef Central
Herman is a great candidate, I thought that due to work reasons he was not getting that involved in club operations. If he is available and willing then i also agree that Herman would be a great board member.

He has a great personality and really has a passion for the hobby and the club.