Upcoming tank upgrade... quick question about transfer...


Active member
In about a month in a half I will be upgrading my 50 to a 120 (I decided to go bigger than the 90 cube).

The sandbed in my current tank has been in since August. When I transfer to the larger tank, can I keep all of my sand or should I just take a few scoops and seed the new sand? I wasn't sure if 8 months was enough time for lots of uglies to buildup. I have done some searching here on RC and have read mixed reviews. Some say a few scoops, some say the whole thing, some say start over.

What have you done? From what I understand I can keep all my water, add new water and it won't be an issue. The only potential problem is stirring up the DSB and getting a mini cycle.


I did a 120 SPS tank transfer 2 months ago and lost nothing. Guess I was fortunate. never had a cycle or any algae outbreaks. knock on wood. I took about 1" of the sand from previous DSB and cleaned-sold the rest. Think it was approx 20# worth. Before I added water, I replaced sand with CaribSea oolitic live sand and then seeded the sand with the 1" layer I took out. Also, get as many water jugs, rubbermaids to transfer water and livestock. I used about 50% of the old water and made 50% new water. Good luck, its a full days work!
Here is what I did when I upgraded from my 90 to my 135. Luckily my new tank was set up next to my old tank on the wall just opposite. I bought all new sand and used a 1" layer from the old tank to seed the new sandbed I also added 20 gallons of water from my old tank and every week did a water change taking water from the old tank transfering it to the new tank and vice versa. I also set up two powerheads in each tank with a hose going from one tank to the other everyday I would turn them on for 1 hour and transfer water from one tank to the other after two months it was time for the big move I got up at the crack of dawn and turned on the powerheads and started transfering water between the two tanks after 9 hours both tanks were exact on salinity, PH, ALK, and temp so when I transfered all livestock no acclimating was needed it had already been taken care of. Next day I took down the old tank and cleaned and dried all equipment not needed did not loose anything.
just take your time. Also, get a big arse rubbermaid trash can in the back of a pickup truck and go to your LFS and have them fill er up with NSW. Depending on the size of your trashcan it may take 2 trips. Just use a big pump to move the water out of the trashcan. ( i got a mag 36 with hose barb that will move 20 gallons in about 1 minute at most )
I would not reuse the sandbed, use new sand and seed it with some of the old sand. If you are going to have a cycle, it will happen regardless of how much new SW you use....I would fill the tank with 70-80% new SW. Keep all your LR submerged during the move, and you probably wont have a cycle.