Update on 56 column build


Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef
Premium Member
Finally got the hood finished... got the t-5's installed today, got em off Del, thanks for the great deal. After a bit of modification (got rid of those horrible orange connectors on the ends of the ballasts, and soldered the power cables right in) and disassembled each endcap and rewired the whole setup (the wires were cut just right for his setup, but I just haaaaaad to do it different!) the lights lit up the first time. Feels good seeing something you worked all day on just work the first time. (wouldn't have been all day, but 3 trips to home depot has that effect!). Anyway, here's a pic to enjoy.
Oh, and no, that isn't a chimney sticking out the top, that's a birdfeeder. Gotta keep the parrots fat and happy!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11500366#post11500366 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ludwigia73
Oh, and no, that isn't a chimney sticking out the top, that's a birdfeeder. Gotta keep the parrots fat and happy!

So... you're gonna feed your fish bird poop? :D

Ok ok, good for you. I love the parrots. My bird feeder hangs out over the waterway out back. I've seen at least 6 different kinds of parrots around here. The ducks pick up the seed they drop that floats and a school of fishies get the rest.
same here... the feeder in the back gets attacked pretty hardcore, so alot of seeds end up on the ground. The ducks go nuts over it, and it's a regular feeding station for the baby ducks. We also have a bunch of those little black ducks with a green bill and green feet, we call swamp chickens, but I think they're called coots. They brought their babies a couple of months ago, and they're about 1/4 the size of newly hatched ducks. They had to walk around the blades of grass! Little tiny black fuzzballs!