Upgrade suggestions?


I did it! I finally talked the wife into an upgrade! (Luckily she has some of the reef bug in her and pictures of Mike (JanesMW) recent upgrade brought her around. I won't be going THAT big but bigger than a 90 at least. Probably anywhere from a 120-180 AT MOST, I know I like the 24" depth after only having 18" on the 90g . Looking for some suggestions from everybody. Here are my options.

Option 1) I purchased a really nice 120 gallon acrylic tank from a reefer that had been out of the hobby for awhile. Measurements are 48 X 24 X 24. Brand new tank, still has some of the the paper on the sides. Only downside is there is no stand. I would have to build or buy, I am no carpenter and the wife is very specific about what she likes. Buying a new stand is pretty pricey. I would also need to upgrade sump and probably skimmer.

Option 2) I sell the 120g acrylic and the 90 g I have now and buy a used system that would be all inclusive. I am confident after buying my 90 (which has it's flaws) I now know what to watch out for when buying used.

I am a bargain hunter and will wait for a good deal. When I got the 120 I was pretty certain I would stick with that but after that recent post on Acrylic Vs Glass I'm having second thoughts. I have 2 younger kids and dogs, the last thing I want is a tank that scratches if you look at it the wrong way.

Regardless I am very excited and look forward to any feedback you fellas may have!

I will be selling both my 120 gal tanks after my upgrade if u r not in a rush? I think both are nice stands. One tank is glass and the other is acrylic. Both r 4x2x2 tanks
Sweet roger keep me posted! Im taking my time with this one.

Decisions decisions mike, I didnt know they made a 5 foot 150, im going to look into those for sure. also thanks again for the frags the other day they look amazing! Cant wait to see that big piece on your tank!
If you can find an old Oceanic like the one I sold recently you should be able to find a 156 (5x2x2) pretty cheap.
I am with both Mike's. 150-180. Or a 200DD. 48x36x26ish.
90 to a 120 is barely an upgrade. Not one worth paying for at least.
Take this opportunity to get the biggest damn tank you can possibly fit in the location it's going. Period. ;) No regrets.
I would recommend a 6ft by 18" by ~22" (~135 gallons)

Or a 180 6x2x2

An upgrade from 90 to 120 you wont noticed much expect a little more depth which won't really increase your coral placement space that much.

As far as bargains I look every single day 2x a day, so if you pm me what you are looking for more specifically I can link you any that fall into that category. Also you might think of keeping your 90g and adding a 75g ? possibly I know alot of reefers who have larger tanks end up with smaller sizes too because of compatibility issues between either different corals, anemones, or clams....so just a thought if you have the space.
Take this opportunity to get the biggest damn tank you can possibly fit in the location it's going. Period. ;) No regrets.

Agreed. Just make sure u can afford the maintenance. Nother worse then a great setup that u cant afford to maintain it correctly after 6 months. Other then that the bigger the better :)
Agreed. Just make sure u can afford the maintenance. Nother worse then a great setup that u cant afford to maintain it correctly after 6 months. Other then that the bigger the better :)

Yes, or get a second job to pay for your hobby. :lmao:
It's great because the wife said to me, "get a new tank and after that I don't want to hear about ever getting a bigger tank" I said OK, in that case we need to go as big as we can! My house is not huge but I have a perfect bare wall that could hold a 6 footer nicely.

The thought that has been nagging my mind is what a couple guys stated, 120 isn't a very big step up from a 90 and would I be happy with that? Not in the long run!

While I'm not rich by any means this is my only hobby, other than my kids I guess you could say! But they are very involved with the tank as well, I taught my 7 yr old daughter how to use the refractometer and run the basic PH, nitrite, ammonia tests. I plan on a nice slow upgrade (unless I buy a package) I get free RO/DI water from work.

It's funny in this hobby setting up is my favorite part, buying equipment, placing the rock, etc. I originally got into it for the fish but now am into corals so I may redo my stock list a bit.

Thanks for the advice/suggestions guys !
Option 2 gets my vote.

I have a 180 but am looking to upgrade already, go as big as you can, worry about the wife later lol.
I would also think about the fact that it is not just the initial cost but the on going maintenance costs associated with keeping a large reef like a 180g especially if it is sps/clam dominated. With that said a full system for $500-1000 is not difficult to find.

You want MH/t5s or all LEDS?
72x30x24 yup agreed that's what I just bought. Been in the hobby 8 years before stepping into something that large. Mainly because of the cost. Even used by the time you buy rock, skimmer, lighting, powerheads, controller, dosing equipment / calcium reactor for a tank that size. ,ato, and stock the tank u will be into it for between $4,000- $7,000 depending on how big u go...plus maint. I think you need to add a budget along with this question. U also need to have a monthly maint budget in mind. Jmo all that being said if you r going fish only you can cut the cost a lot as lighting is no longer a premium. The skimmer also.

I see it all the time people getting out of the hobby because they got a great deal on a large tank. The cost for setup and maint get over welling and with in a short time they sell everything and get out. I have no idea of your finances just saying I hate seeing people that once loved the hobby out because they get in over there heads cost wise.

Good luck with what ever you end up doing.

^^ main reason we sold our 265g monster. You step into a diff ballgame in those ranges. And our new home is not on a concrete slab. But it sure is great staring at those giant beast.