upgrading to MH's-What to do with corals?


New member
I have a 55 gal reef with softies and a few montis, lots of zoos, a BTA, rose anemone, sebae, toadstools, finger leather, 2 gorgonians, mushrooms,etc.

I am going to switch out the 260w Coralife Lunar Aqualights (CF)with 2-250w 15000k DE retrofits. How should I accimate the new lights? Should I consider re-arranging any of the corals, etc.?

I currently keep the 260w on for about 10 hours per day, using the actinics 1/2 hour before and after daylights. I will not have actinics with the new retros, but hear the Phoenix give good blue hue(not looking for too much white or too much blue).

Any thoughts on how I should do this and how long to keep the lights on each day?
I would use screen over the top,(in layers) removing 1 layer every 2 days.IMO i would cut light cycles by a couple of hours also.
Lessen the photoperiod and build your way up----OR AND MORE PREFERABLY

use the window screen...you can get rolls of it cheap at lowes/HD and take them off gradually until they are used to the light
Thank you for your help/replies. I have extra sreen in the garage from hurricane repairs.

How many layers should I start with? I will also be setting the MH's on top of canopy so that it will be at least 10" off the water. After acclimation to light using screen, I will try to move within the canopy which will put about 5-6 " off water. Depending on heat issues, I may end up moving the lights back to top of canopy.
Id start with at least 3 layers... run a week to 10 days then take one off.. etc,,,, thats the best way,, 4 layers is to much..