UPS disgusts me...


New member
Ater many weeks of waiting, my two 6100's and controller arrived. The magnet holders were due in on Tuesday.

The idiot UPS driver left the mag holders in front of my front door (I live in an appartment complex), and some $%#* stole the package.

Just burns me to think of such a valuable piece of equipment going to waste, while my stream kit sits dry on my dining room table.

I'm waiting for Premium Aquatics to get back to me regarding another shipment. In the meantime, does anyone have any ideas on stop-gap mounting? (down to 1000gph total flow in tank)

The tank is an acrylic 180 (large lip running around the top). I don't mind DIY, but it must be relatively simple as my right arm is in a cast for the next 8 weeks.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


Man that sucks, I tell you what Nick, tell me how wide the braces are on your tank and I'll make up a couple braces for you. I could probably ship them Fri or Mon. Make sure Premium changes everything to signature only.
Thanks Roger, that is very kind!!!

I just got a bit of good news though: managed to find a shop that had 1 in stock (will be shipping out tomorrow). I'm sure that should tide me over until premiumaquatics gets in a new batch.

I may have had problems trying to use the braces -- my lights are sitting on some diamond-plate legs that are exactly the width of the tank opening (7 in lip). Only the back sides of the access holes are unincumbered (7.5 inch lip).

Thanks again for your kind help!


does make me laugh though to think that someone has a set of 60 dollar fridge magnets!
Well, just got emailed from the second source for the magnets -- they are sold out.

Would I be able to use custom clips (the braces of my tank are 7.5in and only accessible on a line parallel to the front of the tank).

Would the Stream Rocks be helpful in anyway?


The Stream rocks could work, they are 10" wide so you need to have a relativelly wide opening, unfortunately the biggest bracket i could make would only accomodate 6".

When I lived in an apartment mmy car got broken into and I found almost all my tapes and CD's behind the dumpster the next day, maybe if they don't like what you got they will dump it off, it is worth checking around. The only good news I have is if you needed the smaller magnets more arrived yesterday and I am sending some to Premium.
Excellent news!

Hopefully Premium will bumb me to first on the waiting list.

Thanks again for your help and advice -- you make Tunze USA the class outfit that it is: keep up the good work!
Hey Nick,
Painter with a broken arm, doesn't sound good...

If you still need them I have an extra set of the small magnets (unopened). Nothing wrong with them I just got two orders at once. I will sell them to you for what I paid.
