URGENT HELP! Need 3/4" Glass cut to size


New member
My cabinet builder cracked the top of my Eurobraced custom starfire tank, and I need to replace a regular plate glass piece. The piece is the top of the eurobracing that measures 5"x58" and it's out of 3/4" glass. Everywhere I call says they cannot cut and guarantee the size, and they all say they have a variance of up to 1/8"! I'm very concerned about that variation and would like to get a piece that is an exact fit.

I honestly I AM SUPER STRESSED OVER THIS LITTLE PIECE OF GLASS. My question is do you guys know anyone in hte country that can cut me a pice of glass exactly 5"x58" out of 3/4" glass?

I contacted Lemar, but they said 3 weeks, then another week to ship to a reseller then that reseller would need to ship out to FL. I really need this glass faster than a month lead time, can anyone help?
honestly when i was looking for glass baffles, every glass place had that varience rule.

they know what they are doing for the most part and ur best bet would be going local, because in my case, that variance rule ended up falling on the 1/8th to big side of things.. because it was their glass, and they cut it, they where able to grind down the glass to get me back that 1/8th of an inch i needed. im assuming the 5inch width is what they are worried about.. and honestly at 58 inches long i wouldnt be surprised if ur current piece of glass had at least a 1/16th varience in it somewhere.. when i was measuring and cutting i took em down to the 1/32 of an inch and they worked with me, it took em twice