Urgent HELP needed to move VERY large tank this Sunday, October 4, in PORTER RANCH

Sounds like someone is ready to do another upgrade...again :)

hahaha maybe a large FOWLR

I really like how my SPS tank turned out. Except now I have nothing to do but watch it grow..

a fowlr would be awesome. I can finally get some large tangs. I've hoarded enough equipment in the last 2 years to make it work. Just looking for the perfect used tank :headwally:
definitely a great tank. I'm just afraid it's not big enough. Then I'll have the itch to upgrade again x.x
Wow, I totally missed this one. I wouldn't have believed George sold everything after all the work that went into his build.
Good news that everything went smoothly.
Im bummed I just saw this! I would have driven down from SLO to help move that monster! What an experience! very cool, glad it went well!