Urgent - need help


New member
I did my very first water change today. (was having a service before) and all was going well. I turned on the pump to blow out any water in the pipes. Once I finished and tried to turn on the pump again, it wouldn't work. It turns on and is making all the normal noises but it's not sending the water back to be filtered. My pump is external sitting under my tank.(i'm very new to the hobby so excuse my ignorance). It's connected to a small tank with blue plastic balls. What can I do, I don't want my fish to die.
Without knowing more specifics like what kind of pump, model or type will be hard to pin point with any accuracy but I will give it a shot

It probably has air in the propeller cavity, try getting a power head and force water into the inlet of the pump to start the suction that will blow the air out and the pump should start normal.
I have a turbo-sea pump. I'm really really new to all this so I'm not sure what you are asking me to do.
There is plenty of water in the small tank underneath where the pump is attached to. It sounds like it's trying but no water is coming out onto the pad.
Roger, If youre awake now can i call. Thanks!! Clown2be you saved my fish over night with your suggestion. Thank you again for all your help
pump is all good again. there is a little elbow pvc in the sump that i took off and the trapped air came out. :) Fish survived the ordeal!!! I can sleep again.