Used the wrong bayer

I recently bought a set up 180 softy tank. Tank was nice and well maintained. test acros colored up nicely in 3 weeks so I decided to buy 20 frags from JMD1114. I bought the wrong bayer dip and noticed right when the corals arrived. Floated them and ran to get the right stuff. Grabbed the wrong bottle and dipped them in the bayer insect killer with mite control. corals bleached badly, thought they were all dead. That was Saturday and luckily all but 2 are alive and coming back. Still bleached but I can now see some color. Feel like a total idiot and didn't even want to admit it on here. But figured should post good with the bad. Plus I searched for anyone that might have done the same thing and found nothing. Either I'm the only idiot to do this or I'm the only one to admit it.

But now I'm wondering if it even would have killed any pests that might have been there. Did not notice any bite marks or eggs. The mixture was like milk so I have no idea if anything even fell off. Bad way to start off, just hope it isn't worse by introducing pests.

The corals were arrived alive and well and were packaged great, not a single leaking bag. fingers crossed.
What are the active ingredients on the bottle you used? I can't remember if they list concentrations but you could compare it against the Bayer Advanced to see if you at least got an effective dip.

No reason to be embarrassed if you haven't done something stupid in this hobby you haven't been in it long enough :)
Hopefully its the Imidacloprid that kills the pests. Also hoping it didn't leave a residue that could cause long term problems. I did the double dip in clean tank water, but the mite control says it's rainproof for 30 days. Complete does not say rainproof. I will take the current recovery as a positive sign. Maybe get some polypads.

Bayer complete active ingredients:
Actives: 0.36% β-cyfluthrin; 0.72% Imidacloprid

Bayer insect, disease and mite control:
Imidacloprid - 0.47%
Tau-Fluvalinate - 0.61%
Tebuconazole - 0.65%
No reason to be embarrassed if you haven't done something stupid in this hobby you haven't been in it long enough :)

This entire forum is based on people doing stupid things, trying not to do stupid things, or buying stupid things. Lol.

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This entire forum is based on people doing stupid things, trying not to do stupid things, or buying stupid things. Lol.

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The candor here belies the wisdom of the statement itself. We all screw it up someday, somehow, someway.

Our constant tinkering is surely the best way to snatch failure from the jaws of success, lol.
Worst part was I caught my mistake as I was about to do it. Went to the Lowes and bought the right Bayer. But I still screwed it up. Another thing I learned was I should not have tried to open bags, remove plugs and put right into the dip. Some were in for the 15 minutes but others for over 30. Should have put them in regular salt water and did the dip once they were all done. Which may have more to do with the bleaching than anything else.
Worst part was I caught my mistake as I was about to do it. Went to the Lowes and bought the right Bayer. But I still screwed it up. Another thing I learned was I should not have tried to open bags, remove plugs and put right into the dip. Some were in for the 15 minutes but others for over 30. Should have put them in regular salt water and did the dip once they were all done. Which may have more to do with the bleaching than anything else.

This may sound wasteful -- But depending on the temperature of your room (I like it cold as I overheat quick) you should consider some small 50-100w heaters for each stage of your dipping station. And probably a tiny cheap ph as well (Hydro Nano, or those $10 80gph ATO pumps).

The pump -- will aid circulating the heated water (obvious) but will *also* really help push off those dead/dying critters on the frags and plugs themselves.

The heater -- Is just in case.. It makes it *much* easier if say, you run a 15-30 minute dip, then rinse them in water that's been cooling the whole time.

It sounds more complicated than it is. Basically get 3-4 clear sterolite boxes, and a tiny heater/pump for each. Mark each box, and make sure the heater/pumps stay with the same box at all times (mark them too). 1 Bayer dip, 1 Post Rinse, 1 Final rinse.

As an additional note, I see a lot of people divided on dipping corals in FW after a Bayer dip, as the RO/DI apparently strips the poison off easy and quick. And if you try that... I'm talking a QUICK dip & swish in FW then remove.
Just figured I'd give an update. Kept the frags on the bottom for about 3 weeks and all but 2 recovered. They are now up on the rockwork. They are starting to grow/encrust and show a little color. I'd post a picture but all I have is my iPhone and iPad and everything is washed out in blue. I have more frags coming in Saturday, I'm better prepared this time. Live and learn I guess. I will say it pains me to break a frag off of an encrusted plug, but better than putting pest eggs in system.