Using Components Strong


New member
Its recommended that 5ml be added to 1 liter of the Calcium/Alkalinity/Mineral salt solutions. Does this depend on the concentration of these solutions as not all Calcium/Alk solutions contain the same concentration. For instance if I were to use a solution that is double the concentration of Aquaforest Calcium and KH solution I would in essence be dosing 1/2 the amount, therefore would I need to double my component strong to 10ml per 1 liter to achieve the same amount?
The amount of microelements depends on requirements for magnesium and calcium.
Offcourse - You can dose microelements how much do you want:)
But we recommend to dose for start 5ml - observe color of Your corals and if You If you decide that this is too not enough to Your corals, just add more in next mix.
