Using the closet for new in-wall build


Premium Member
So, my lovely wife has agreed to let me move the reef tank to create an in-wall build and while I'm at it I can get a bigger tank!
So, the question is how big should I go? Well, there is a catch. The tank is to be built into what was once a 6-ft closet, in a room that is my wife's office. She work from home (I wish I could) so I can access it from her office, but it needs to be quiet and shouldn't put any heat into the office. Here is a floorplan

The interior dimensions of the closet are 74"x25", should I push it and squeeze a 72x30 (5 inch wall) tank in there or should I stick to a 60" tank? The solid wall at the top right is the one I'll be cutting the hole for viewing the tank. If I really want to maximize space, I could move that wall 12" closer to the sliding door, but that raises costs. Suggestions are appreciated!
I'm also looking for ideas on how to best ventilate (the left wall is exterior) and what kind of doors should I use to isolate the closet from the office.
Get it all in writing first, because the slightest of hums will most likely cause her to file to divorce :D

Seriously as far as noise, Tunzes probably are the quietest I've heard for pumps, not sure about return pumps, make sure you do a flooded (herbie?) overflow to make no bubbles and no sound, your skimmer most likely is going to be the largest noise maker of the tank, unfortunately I haven't found a way to quiet that aspect down much.

IMO though, I'd pass on this due to the restrictions... hold out for a better deal from the boss ;)
Well, I was thinking I would use some kind of insulated doors to cover the opening into the office. Then some kind of ventilation fan up through the roof or out the exterior wall. I guess I would need to supply some kind of make-up air, perhaps an exterior vent low on the wall? If I can run my 90 gal reef next to the TV then I can make a reef in the closet even quieter. Any suggestions? Anyone else use a closet for their tank?