UV sterelizer

I have one that I am not useing, not sure of the watts or brand but it worked to clear up an ick outbreak about a year ago.

OK, so we don't have it, I guess it broke.

Bummer, I was hoping to help you out since you have been such a big help to us!
I have a very small turbo twist that I bought used and have never used. I am thinking you want a 40watt if it is going on your large system. I have 2-40watt lifeguard piggybacked on mine. Marine Depot was the cheapest I found them.
If you end up buying a new one, I got a great deal from custom aquatic. (one of the reef central sponsors). If you go to sponsors and click their link through reef central you get an additional 5% off any order and their prices are pretty cheap already. I purchased an Aqua UV/Ozone 40 watt unit through them and am very happy. The unit has an inlet/outlet so you can put the ozone generated back into the tank. I have mine put feeding the skimmer. It doesn't generate a lot of ozone maybe 10mg/hr but the UV/Ozone does make my water clear. Hope that helps
Really I just want a unit I can run for a coupel of weeks after taht dont know how much I will really use it if at all.