UV Sterilizer ???'s


New member
I am considering purchasing the Coralife Turbo Twist UV Sterilizer for my 75gallon FOWLR. I just have no idea how these set up and if I would have room in my sump for it. Do they set up independently with their own pump and hose lines, and you just keep the pump inside your sump with the sterilizer outside of sump. I have no idea and would love someone to clarify it for me. Also what are the pros and cons of using a system like this? Will it kill off any beneficial things like copepods or stop coralline algae growth?
Yes setup independently from the sump. You can hang them on the side of the sump or mount them with a clip provided. I chose to mount mine in the back center of my stand.

I have a 18watt Turbo-twist and run it with a Rio600 200 gph.
So plenty of dwell time. This is setup on my 75 gal FOWLR with great results. I guess you could say. No probs as of yet.

You supply the pump and tubing. Good to go
Thanks! I bought a 9w turbo twist by Coralife today at my LFS, with a 175gph powerhead to run into it. Do you think this is slow enough for parasite control?
Really? You think the 175gph wont do the trick for parasites in the 9watt? I turned the flow adjustment down to the lowest setting so it isnt wide open. Does anyone else have this 9watt sterilizer, and if so what gph do you run with it? Im going to post this in the disease forum too, for more opinions, no offense kjmst29
I think it is moving too fast considering the low wattage. I use a 100 GPH for an 18 watt UV on an 80 gallon tank. You want a longer "dwell" time for parasites. So a 9 watt isn't very strong to begin with, and then by rushing the water through, I'm not so sure you're killing anything at all. By making it slower and increasing the watts, you should kill more parasites.

I would also recommend posting this in the equipment forum, but it is hard to get responses there since there are sooooo many threads.

I researched this pretty good before I purchased, but if you hear my setup is wrong, let me know and I'll look into it.
ANyone else with opinions on flow to use. I am currently using a 175gph powerhead, but i have a 80gph powerhead i could switch to. Which one would be better for all around dispensing of parasites, bacteria, and algae.