
This Thread was started with questions about valves and we hijacked it big time. But I think the question was ans.
Hey guys. Im wondering how your meals were last night? Personally I thought it was the worst I have had there. My ribs were small and hard/dry, cornbread ice cold. Obviously the beers had a problem and kept coming flat. The waiter plain old sucked and kept splashing beers on us and was just very bad and unattentive. Ive never wrote a letter to anyone complaining before but am seriously considoring it. What was the total bill anyway???
I had a BBQ salad and it was OK, not special, but not bad either.
The Sammys were fine but the Miller lites and other lite beers were flat every time.
The waiter did a half a$$ed job.
You should have sent your meal back.

Also the waiter was hitting on Rob. Kinda made me jealous. ;)
That was a great evening. Really made me miss the good ole days and at the same time gave me the feeling there may be more fun like that to come in the future.

Food was pretty good but then the waiter did call me honey ;)
It OK to complain Jeff so long as you do it politely. People who complain politely get what they want, rude obnoxious complainers get "the special sauce".

Gotta do that again!!
What?? Marvin, Rob and Moe were in the same place at the same time? And had a good time?! :eek1: Maybe there is still hope for peace between Israel and Palestine after all!

I was with you guys in spirit. I had ribs at TGIF in Roppongi (Tokyo) tonight. Not quite the same as Firefly's, but beggers can't be choosers ...
Yes Jim there is hope just so long as its not Marvin or me writing the peace accord :D

Maybe next time we should meet for sushi in Jim's honor :)

Good to see you around Jim
Jimbo whats shakin?? It was good to see Moe again. I missed the big lug.
Now what about Scavdog????

When you coming back to the states?

Sushi sounds good to me!