Vanishing Shroom


New member
I've had a blue mushroom for about 2 weeks now and it seemed to be opened up and doing fine for the most part. Yesterday I cleaned out the tank, scrubbed the algae and whatnot which seemed to stress the shroom out a little bit. it folded in a weird way and got a little bit smaller, not drastically shriveled though. It seemed fine this morning and I just noticed that it had completely disappeared off the rock with no trace at all. The only fish in there is a freckled hawk and I have no idea where the coral went.
I have 2 koralia 850s in the tank and a rotating diffuser. The coral initially shriveled up so I moved the koralias away from it and it opened up. Is it possible that the circulation in my tank is too strong for a shroom?
toss it into a no flow spot and let it reattach if you have no place like this in your tank then make a little box for him to sit in for a a couple weeks. I use little cheap plastic containers from wal-mart and drill holes in them.