

New member
Hello Again.

I have a question about the Venustus that were posted in stock today. I have heard many negative things about these fish in captivity. Mainly that they refuse to eat. Do you typically have good luck with these fish? Are they eating?


I think the issues stem from the fact that they are a deep water angel. All deep water fish need relatively low temps and extremely stable water conditions to thrive. We never have a problem with them at all because our systems are relatively cool at around 75 degrees and they are so large that it is difficult to influence things like temp, salinity and pH very quickly. A venustus that does not eat is not finicky. It is uncomfortable. Many people make the mistake of trying a zillion foods to get them to eat when what they should be doing is adjusting their living conditions to more closely match that which they came from. We feed a lot of live brine as you know and that is typically what they eat most. They do have a high percentage of algae matter in their normal diets so we also keep ogo in with them.

Hope that helps. :)