Actually keaton's mom
You may know Keaton is off at college and I have been left in charge (sigh). For the most part all is going well. The clown fish seem to be insistant on shuffling the new clam I got at the frag swap around...what is with them? And why does it seem like our zoas have really short skirts? Zoa hos??
Sorry, I got off track. Anyway here is the issue at hand. We have a green birdsnest that WAS flourishing-I mean growing like crazy. About 1-1/2-2 months ago it started loosing tissue at the tips (I guess that is what was happening because many tips turned brown like algae colonizing). Also about maybe a month ago one of our candycanes started getting "skinny". Forgive my amateur description, but all the other candycane colonies in the tank are fleshy and full and this one just wasn't. Recently I started being able to see skeleton under the tissue on several of the polyps. No other sps is (or is it are?) having trouble and all the other candycanes are doing great so I just don't think its something in the water parameters.
Today I when I was blowing detritus off the rocks, etc. with a turkey baster I was able to see (because of the junk that got caught) that the vermiteds that live on the rock with the birdsnest had filaments stretched not only on it but over on the candycane. Most of what I've read claims that vermetids are "harmless", however, it seems suspicious to me that these two corals are seemingly very unhappy. I moved both of them and found that the far side of the candycane isn't nearly as pitiful as the side that was within easy reach of the vermiteds.
Could I be on to something? I seriously have been looking several times a day helplessly watching these corals deteriorate. If the skeleton is visible through tissue on the candycane, is there any hope for those polyps or should I break them off? I need to fatten it up quick!
YIKES! Keaton will be home in a couple weeks! :eek1:
Comments please...
Keaton's mom
Sorry, I got off track. Anyway here is the issue at hand. We have a green birdsnest that WAS flourishing-I mean growing like crazy. About 1-1/2-2 months ago it started loosing tissue at the tips (I guess that is what was happening because many tips turned brown like algae colonizing). Also about maybe a month ago one of our candycanes started getting "skinny". Forgive my amateur description, but all the other candycane colonies in the tank are fleshy and full and this one just wasn't. Recently I started being able to see skeleton under the tissue on several of the polyps. No other sps is (or is it are?) having trouble and all the other candycanes are doing great so I just don't think its something in the water parameters.
Today I when I was blowing detritus off the rocks, etc. with a turkey baster I was able to see (because of the junk that got caught) that the vermiteds that live on the rock with the birdsnest had filaments stretched not only on it but over on the candycane. Most of what I've read claims that vermetids are "harmless", however, it seems suspicious to me that these two corals are seemingly very unhappy. I moved both of them and found that the far side of the candycane isn't nearly as pitiful as the side that was within easy reach of the vermiteds.
Could I be on to something? I seriously have been looking several times a day helplessly watching these corals deteriorate. If the skeleton is visible through tissue on the candycane, is there any hope for those polyps or should I break them off? I need to fatten it up quick!
YIKES! Keaton will be home in a couple weeks! :eek1:
Comments please...
Keaton's mom