It doesn't accept a different skimmer pump than what came with it? I find that hard to believe. Aquarium Supplies
Unfortunately we do nto have this part available to us at this time. I apologize for this inconvenience. Thank you.
With best regards,
Product Support Team
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AquaCave, Inc. · 3909 Grove Ave. · Gurnee, IL 60031 · USA
Syncra sk 400 impeller or complete pump. On no website, sicce didn't reply, vertex didn't reply, marine depot, premium aquatics, one could help. So I purchased another skimmer as this has been going on for 2 weeks now. Should it be this hard? I have been doing this for over 10 years and have never had to hunt something down to this extent.
yes, omega 150......worked well too!
Untrue, Contact Vertex at (714) 274-6550. They carry replacement parts for all currently produced products.
Call the number I listed or email If you emailed through the vertex aquaristik website it has to bounce from Germany back to California. Try the contact I've listed, or talk to Albert at AquaCave, he can put you in touch with the people at Vertex.
I have had nothing but issues getting in touch with vertex...I love the look of their stuff but just assume I have to replace it if I have any problems with it.