vho lighitng for acro's


New member
i just bought a green slimer and a orange monti cap....the the thing is i have 440 watts VHO lighting. i placed them in the top of the tank to make sure they have enough lighting. i have a 48x13x20 tank. how low can i put the sps in the tank? i know i can put them in the bottom but is mid tank good enough for some montiopora digita or mille's? thanks
I have a friend that has kept some very nice corals in her VHO lit tank. The important thing is to purchase corals that have been kept/raised under similar lighting
digi's yes, milli's ?, yongei's are extraordinarily hardy. i had a small frag for a week that fell in the back for over a month, when i found it it was bleached, but it has colored back up is encrusting and has developed two axial corralites in less than three weeks.
I have 660 W on a 75 but had 440 W on my 55 and never had a problem kepping any SPS. Just keep them up a little higher because you don't get as much penetration as you would with halides.:rollface:
With the lighting you have on a 55 gallon, you could place the frags anywhere in the tank and not worry about them having enough light.