VHO Lighting


New member
I'm currently building a new hood and I'm looking to add 2- VHO bulbs to my lighting, purely for actinic sunrise/sunset. One will be in the back and one in the front of my hood. Tank is a 120g 4x2x2. Will 2 Lamp AS220 VHO Ballast Kit LT-AR-AS220 work for this? I don't want to spend allot and thought these might work for my needs.

I also see that they are labeled AS220, does this mean I need to plug into a 220v outlet or will 110v work just fine? I guess I would need the 46'' or 36'' bulb, 48'' might be tight. I'll have 2 lumen bright mini reflectors in the hood also.

Another thought would be T5 retro but I'm not sure if 48'' will fit in my hood, 36'' would work but will it be bright enough? The hood sits right on the edge of the tank.


Thank you for contacting us.
220 stands for combined watts of 2 lamps this kit can run, in this case 2 x 110W (46.5" or 48") VHO lamps.
We always recommend getting actual inside dimensions of the canopy when planning the lighting system. Most standard 4' canopies will fit 46.5" VHO lamps or 48" T5.
Just for reference 46.5" VHO lamp measures 46.75" installed including endcaps and mounting brackets.
You should have no problem fitting one lamp on each side of LumenBright Minis.

