"Vice" zoos? What does that name mean?


New member
Hey all, I have a general name question in regards to Zooanthids. I just ordered some frags online and afterwards realized there was one thing that was common on all of the frags I was looking at. Many of them had "Vice" in the name. Does that mean anything in particular, or is that just part of the goofy naming system that people have develped for zoos?
They had some called "Miami Vice" but they all were not that. I ordered some "True Blue Vice", "Ultraviolet Vice", "Ultra Pink Easter Egg Vice", and some "Neon Green Vice". We'll see if they are worth a cr ap when they come in.
did you get them from coral morphologic? If so then that is indeed what they have named them. lately I have seen "vice" frags showing up around the net, and cant comment on their origin. I do remember when CM first started selling what they deemed "vice" zoas and they were the only one with them. I also read an artice by the CM guys awhile back that talked about their vice zoas, and how they were getting tests ran on them to prove that they were a unique, previously undocumented strain.

I have 4 or 5 different types of "Vice" zoas from Coral Morphologic, and what I can say about them is they are "different" than any of my other zoas...they seem hardier, they grow with short stalks in a nice tight mat, and appear to be totally resistent to zoa pox....i had 3 different colonies all show signs of the pox, and it never xfered over to my vice. If your purchase was from CM, I'm sure they'll look wont look like crap
Yes, that is where I ordered them. They looked fantastic on the pics, but isn't that how everything goes? I am in the midst of re-vamping my tank to have a zoo/ricordia focus. I upgraded my skimmer (hopefully that isn't a bad thing--too clean of water) and am upgrading my lighting from T5's to HQI and want to find some of the more unique specimen for the tank. Stumbled on the Coral Morphologic site and saw that it was "what you see is what you get" so I ordered some. I'm glad to hear you have had good luck with them in the past.
Vice zoas from coralmorphologic are just what they call the zoas that they collect from florida waters.
As everyone already stated they are Caribbean zoanthids and usually form a tight mat. They come in the most beautful pastel colors. Good luck with them.

I wish we had coral like that here in North Florida (panhandle), I would not mind collecting so, but the water gets to cold in the winter up here.

Well, I got them, and it is about a 50/50 review. Great service, great shipping, and half of the zoas are AMAZING, and the other half are just nice. I got some pink with green skirts that are unbelievable. New light is coming Thursday and the polyps are still acclimating to the new tank and my transferring them. Pics will come this weekend.
I should clarify, it is a 50/50 review as far as how the polyps look compared to how they looked on the pictures. Overall, the purchase was GREAT!
Good luck with them. Please keep us informed on how they do for you. These are straight out of the wild so I have heard they do not last in our tanks. That has kept me from picking some up myself.
I think, originally, it was meant to be "Miami Vice," as the first "Vice" zoanthids were a baby blue, and pink, reminiscent of the 80s pastel clothing, wore on Miami Vice...lol.
The owners of Coralmorphilogic think that "Vice" zoas are a new species of zoanthid and that is why they have most of their zoas that are collected from Florida waters tagged as Vice zoas. They are currently being tested by a scientist in Japan to see if they truly are a new species.

Coralmorphilogic isn't only an aquaculture facility, it is also an art studio. They are also a research group.

I have ordered from them and everything looked great.