did you get them from coral morphologic? If so then that is indeed what they have named them. lately I have seen "vice" frags showing up around the net, and cant comment on their origin. I do remember when CM first started selling what they deemed "vice" zoas and they were the only one with them. I also read an artice by the CM guys awhile back that talked about their vice zoas, and how they were getting tests ran on them to prove that they were a unique, previously undocumented strain.
I have 4 or 5 different types of "Vice" zoas from Coral Morphologic, and what I can say about them is they are "different" than any of my other zoas...they seem hardier, they grow with short stalks in a nice tight mat, and appear to be totally resistent to zoa pox....i had 3 different colonies all show signs of the pox, and it never xfered over to my vice. If your purchase was from CM, I'm sure they'll look wont look like crap