Video of my fish eating...325 reef

Appreciate the video. Looks like you have a really nice and established tank. Do you have a build thread by any chance? Also what is that small fish at the very bottom left of the video around the 3:15 mark. The colors are washed out in the video so I can't really tell.
I have several threads showing progress and issues in this tank, mostly in sps threads. If you click on a persons user name and open their info page you can look and see all statistics and see all threads started by a person. I have lots of coral shots showing growth but not too much of equipment I am afraid. There are also several videos posted showing the rest of the sump and stuff.
Actually that was his color pretty accurate in the video. . He used to be very bright pink. He is a baselet. He is at least 5 years old, maybe older. I dont think those fish are supposed to live more than a couple of years and his color has faded away as he aged. He started fading about two years ago.
Tank Brand

Tank Brand

What is the brand name and dimensions of your tank? Also where did you purchase it?

Thanks Craig
Very nice indeed! Love the big sps right in the middle. acro?

That cleaner wrasse was going nuts!! that is one hyper fish :headwally:

What is the brand name and dimensions of your tank? Also where did you purchase it?

Thanks Craig

The tank is custom made by a gentleman who used to be in Ocalla Florida. I dont think he is in business anymore. The tank is 60x48x24 inches.