Video with some new lights!!!!!


New member
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I had to reload the page for the video to come up. Great tank as always. So what lights did you end up going with?
Very nice love your collection of fish.

Thanks I am seeing things with them that I never saw before....

I don't see anything. I tried with tapatalk app and now just webpage on ipad.

Matt just reload the web page for some reason I have to open the thread and then hit reload and it comes right up

I also don't see anything.


I had to reload the page for the video to come up. Great tank as always. So what lights did you end up going with?

Thanks, I went with 4 of the Radion xr30w pro's
Saw 4 radion set up yesteday. These lights look soooo awesome. congrats matt.

thanks Mike cant wait to see how everything develops

much better!!

Thanks judge.....this is just straight out of the box ...I need to get them hooked up to my apex and get them adjusted correctly much to learn
Very nice. Wished I could have some of those angels, but they would eat my corals.
Fwiw, Radions don't integrate with apex. You need to run their own software. Can't see the video, but Radions rock! I agree, bring on the colored stix!!!
Fwiw, Radions don't integrate with apex. You need to run their own software. Can't see the video, but Radions rock! I agree, bring on the colored stix!!!

I think you have been misinformed the Radions do integrate with the Apex and they also have there own software .....You must not have been paying attention at MACNA lol jk......when they first came out they did not but with the use of the wxm and the new fusion apex software they both will play nicely

Highlights (as listed in the MACNA updates from Neptune Systems):

Full control of EcoTech Radion XR30w and XR30w Pro
Requires use of our existing WXM Module
Requires firmware upgrade
New LED Lighting Wizard in Apex Fusion simplifies control
Individually control all LED channels
Create your own lighting “presets”
Storm modes with clouds and lightning
Control Radions from your phone or tablet devices with ease

have to use the new Fusion dashboard from Apex though......
I believe Apex is releasing something called Apex Fusion and that's going to allow users to control Radions.

That's what I heard at least!
^ didn't see the post above!
iPad problems..

I am considering doing the upgrade to Pros from my Gen 1s. Trying to get the video to play from my iPad to see how they look!
Wow, good for me! Radion pros......check........apex controller...........check................wxm module..............check....................................................water in tank, EPIC FAIL, LOL!:deadhorse:
Matt- still ignored the "colored sticks" inquiry. All that technology, all that light for FISH!!!?? Come on man bring it on!!! :deadhorse1:

I can keep fish with a compact flourecent from Home Depot.

Your tank is awesome, bring it on, lmao.
Eddie I'm ready for the donations ......I will be over wed night ...bod meeting tomorrow or I would be over sooner lol
matt- my tank is all frags again. i gave all my big sps colonies away.

once they grow, your welcomed. i still owe u big for the help with the tank move, and ur captain job with macna volunteers, :)