Videos and pics of 6' long tanks please!!


New member
I'm going to be upgrading to a 72x18x22 125 gallon tank this spring. I have some reeferrock cooking and will be buying and cooking some marshall and some of my current LR once the baserock is done. I have an idea of what I want to do with the rockscape since this is going against a wall and the farthest right side will be against the wall I will stack rock up against the back and also the very right side. I want to have sort of an open space in the middle, with some more cavey rocks on the left.

I want to get some good ideas from people who own 6' tanks. I have visited the reef videos thread and downloaded the only 125g video I saw. Can you guys share your pics, videos, and aquascapes with a soon to be 125er?
I have rock at both ends, and it tapers down towards the middle
not the clearest pic.
Here are some pictures of my in wall 220. 72" x 24" x 30"

Front view

Side view

Back View ( not finished yet )

Old 125 that used to be in same spot:

Here is my 125 at three months old. I just finished moving the LR around, and have an additional 50 lbs of base rock on order. A 125 isn't too deep from front to back, so it's not the easiest thing to aquascape. Hopefully, with the additional base rock, I will get it looking the way I want. I stopped after about an hour as I was getting frustrated (not having any more fun.) I threw the rest in, and called it a day.

nice is that marshall rock?

With my 125 the back and right side will be up against a wall. So I can use the entire right with rocks right up against it. I'm planning a more open tank with only 120# of live rock. Half is pourous base rock, the other half is pourous branchy marshall rock.

Oh and BTW I'm upgrading from a 55 which is only 12" "deep" (isn't it "wide"?) as you say. This 125 gives me 18 inches to work with. So I'm used to working with less room. 18 is good enough for me.