Volunteers needed for MACNA 2013!!

Alright.... as of 12:31PM i sent a confirmation email to all the emails I have received for volunteering.

If you didn't get an email from me, I dont have you, please resend.
So i'm sure your probably going to receive more volunteers than needed. How will they be determined?

Mlivvy- I hope your right, but trust me, the number of volunteers needed for an event this size, and how we want to handle it, IS HUGE.
Do we need to reply back to the email with what position we are interested in or it will be decided for us?

No you do not need to reply, this was just a confirmation that we have you on list.

Positions will be discussed further on. Of course we want to keep you happy, you are volunteering after all, but understand we have certain positions, and shifts that might be booked, and we might just need to place you elsewhere.

We will work with all to keep happy, but example, if we need 10 people for the morning shift for registration and have 15 volunteers, yet we need 10 for watching doors, and only have five, we hope those other five would understand the need to watch doors, etc, etc.....
Helloooooooooo Is this all you have !!!! :deadhorse1:

Come on boys and girls. Who wants to be part of the biggest MACNA ever!!!!!!!:debi: :rollface: :fun4:

THIS WILL BE FMAS representing here boys and girls, to the rest of North America BTW!!!
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So here we are. 47 days away from the biggest show FMAS will have for the next decade or more. An event that will benefit YOUR club for years to come. An event that will showcase FMAS and our community to the rest of the World's aquarist community, and all I have is a few dozen volunteers?!!!! COME ON MAN........!!!!!!....

If every member gave us a 4 hour shift, MACNA would be very well represented.

At this point the few that have volunteered will be running around like chickens with there heads cut of to represent YOU!!!!!! GIVE ME A BREAK... some of you cant spare 4 hours in a 3 day period?????!!! :deadhorse1:
Many on here do a lot of talking, but i dont have on the volunteer list.

This is your club we are trying to represent!!
The FMAS Board of Directors and a few key members take a lot of time and effort out of their personal lives to make FMAS what it is today. Speakers don't magically appear for meetings. Field trips and events don't fall from the sky. My point is that every aspect of the club requires work from someone, some VOLUNTEER. That means we are not paid to work for FMAS, we do it purely out of the love for the hobby and what FMAS is. And trust me, at times it feels like a full time job. As Eddie touched upon in one of his recent post, a lot of people are quick to be vocal, yet as the saying goes...."talk is cheap." :)

We are approaching one of the biggest events this hobby of ours has ever seen in the United States. I am not aware of any other MACNA or similar marine aquarium event to have set some of the records and "firsts" MACNA 2013 has experienced. We have speakers, vendors and attendees coming from all around the world. If you enjoy this hobby, this will be your chance to submerge yourself for three days all things marine aquarium related. Trust me, it will be several more years, if not longer before you have a chance to attend a MACNA this close.

As the President of FMAS, I am asking that those of you that have not committed to volunteering, please strongly consider and volunteer your time to help us show the world what a great organization FMAS is. FMAS is about more than frag swaps. We have a strong community of hobbyist that are like no other. This is your time to help FMAS. If there is one time we need you, now would be it. Not only will you be helping FMAS, you will gain access to MACNA 2013 as well as other perks. Volunteer for MACNA 2013 and help FMAS succeed. Four hours is nothing. Many of us go to each others homes or the LFS and blow away two hours easy talking fish or coral stuff :D LOL

So......how do you volunteer?
Send an email to Eddie with your availability and contact info (name and phone number) to AquamanE@comcast.net. In the Subject line, enter "MACNA volunteer".

Thank you
