Vortech Foam Covers - Who Uses Them


New member
I have two Vortechs (MP10, MP40) running in my 90 gal. I'd like some feedback from other Reef Central, Vortech owners as to whether or not they use the foam covers that come with the Vortechs. Currently, I don't. They just look like they could become a nitrate problem. If you use them, what is your experience with them? Do you favor them? and if not, why? Thank you.
I used the cover in he beginning but found that it attracted snails and my shrimp to feed off the cover at night as it would act as a filter and while it did not affect my tank parameters it was obviously a nitrate factory. Not only that but the snails would climb all over it and cause it to grind on their shells. Since i removed the cover no snails bother it, plus one less thing to clean.
I used the cover in he beginning but found that it attracted snails and my shrimp to feed off the cover at night as it would act as a filter and while it did not affect my tank parameters it was obviously a nitrate factory. Not only that but the snails would climb all over it and cause it to grind on their shells. Since i removed the cover no snails bother it, plus one less thing to clean.

Thanks for the response baggedtb. My sentiments exactly. Especially, the "one less thing to clean" part.
I use them, have been for since I got them (( about a year ago )). I just rinse them out during each water change, doesn't add any time to it. If those little foam covers cause me nitrates during the 7 days b/t me rinsing them out, there is something wrong with my tank.

I do have anemones in my tanks, and while they haven't moved in years I don't want to take a risk of an S. Haddoni nuking my tank because I didn't have the foam cover over the pump.
i dont use them. i just dont see how any healthy fish could get stuck on it. i have small fish swim by it all the time.
Thanks everyone for your responses. I can see the pros as well as the cons regarding these covers. All of the responses seem to make perfectly good sense to me. I guess it boils down to individual preferences, tank set-up and what animals are contained therein. Thanks again everyone.
Thanks everyone for your responses. I can see the pros as well as the cons regarding these covers. All of the responses seem to make perfectly good sense to me. I guess it boils down to individual preferences, tank set-up and what animals are contained therein. Thanks again everyone.

Were you concerned about anything in particular, like an anemone?
i dont use them. i just dont see how any healthy fish could get stuck on it. i have small fish swim by it all the time.

I think everyone would agree with that; however, fish are not the only animals that can move in some reef tanks.
Were you concerned about anything in particular, like an anemone?

Good Morning SDguy. No, not particularly. As I stated earlier, I do have a GBTA, but it pretty much found an area in the tank that it seems to favor (has not moved it quite some time) this is not to say that it won't at some point in time, look for a better area in the tank that is more to its liking, but I am retired and at home most of the day and can check on whats going on in my tank quite frequently during the day (and night actually). I was more concerned with healthy water issues when I posted this thread. Obviously, I will now (having read all responses to my post) be more cognizant of the fact that I have an anemone that will move around in my tank. I appreciate your response, thank you.
IMO/E, if you have an anemone -- and more so when you have a species that naturally splits -- it is a wise move to cover your powerheads, no matter how much you are at home.
IMO/E, if you have an anemone -- and more so when you have a species that naturally splits -- it is a wise move to cover your powerheads, no matter how much you are at home.

Thank you Toddrtrex. Your suggestion/opinion has given me cause for further consideration and as a result, I have to say that I actually agree with your opinion. The main reason I removed the cover was due to a GHA issue I was battling. It appears (at least for the present) that I'm winning that battle. So, on goes the cover. I would like to pose another question to you, does your Vortech lose some of its power, flow etc..with the cover on? Mine seemed to.
Not that I noticed, but I wasn't paying attention to that either. Though I suppose if I didn't clean them weekly the pumps would lose a bit of flow after a while.