VOTING - for members NOT attending the swap

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I understand that this wasn't intended to come up last minute, it just adds something we have to figure out quickly. :( That's life, it can be fixed. :) Everyone wants this to work as fairly as it can, really, everyone.

I think the issues/suggestions I've seen are 1) non-attendee voting, 2) if only 2006 registered members, or 2005 and 2006 members can vote, 3) nomination deadlines/should there be floor nominations. And we'll need to check out the registered names, errors happen but can be corrected. Was there something else major?

Also, Rich, on the question of "why do we even need floor nominations" the other thing I thought of is that if someone didn't win their first-choice office, they might want to run for an at large position or something like that. If we say that there are no floor nominations, then they couldn't move down the list. So I personally think it's useful to allow that option to remain.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7258478#post7258478 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fizz71
Trying to please everybody is an impossibility...the best we can do is be as fair as we can without over complicating the process....which is now happening since this was brought up. be it.


It's time to surrender Fizz. Many of us understand everything you're saying and realize the necessity of it, but you're fighting a losing battle. Certain individuals are determined to hijack this club, which is unfortunate. What's even more unfortunate is that these same individuals have an extensive history of failed ventures and most of their supporters aren't even aware of these shortcomings.

Many of us know that you could have brought up these failures, but you have chosen to take the higher road. I commend you for that. When this club colapses under their haphazard control, you will not have failed. It's unfortunate, but they will have failed the many people who could have been helped by this organization.

Write the check for the hall and the food, with or without the contract/bill of sale. Allow whatever form of email voting the nomination comittee wants to use. Let anyone who attends the swap vote for the new BOD. Also, allow anyone who might intend to become a member between now and July 1 of 2007 vote by email (let's not discourage anyone who might be on the fence). Last of all, don't wait until July 1st to step down. Have your letter of resignation ready for submission upon completion of the vote. Then move to have the president-elect take over immediately.

Thanks for all you've done and for trying to mediate things here. You and Mal don't deserve the abuse you've both taken.

Rahn (did not ask to be nominated, as was implied previously)
Agreed! I agree wholeheartedly with you Nixnutz, infact, I have spoken to fizz on many occassions about similar situations and feel that he has done a great job. I had resigned but have since been renominated and can not give up just yet. I appreciate everyones support and hope you all will join Brad, I and others in molding this club and help make a difference.


Like I have said many times in this thread -

I am NOT posting on this thread to argue

This thread was NOT created to start problems. It was agreed upon by ALL of the committee to do this thread. And for those of you that have a problem believing me I have the emails to prove it.

This is my final post on this thread no matter what is said by anyone good or bad.

All I have left to say is, anyone who really cares about this club and wants to know what has been really going on for sometime now and also to find out the truth about the people you are supporting, email me I will supply you with all the information you need with proof. There are people out there, and you know who you are, that have been wanting this information and now I'm willing to give it to you.
Rich, Kevin, and everyone else

I agree with Rich that electronic voting would have been great. Because of the limited get togethers this club has along with the vast size of the area members are located we wanted to give the chance to everyone to get their vote in. We had no way of knowing the board had decided it was not going to be allowed for this election.

On another topic- Kevin or Mal is there gonna be a list of already paid up 2006 members?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7264621#post7264621 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by keeperofcorals
Like I have said many times in this thread -

I am NOT posting on this thread to argue

This thread was NOT created to start problems. It was agreed upon by ALL of the committee to do this thread. And for those of you that have a problem believing me I have the emails to prove it.

This is my final post on this thread no matter what is said by anyone good or bad.

All I have left to say is, anyone who really cares about this club and wants to know what has been really going on for sometime now and also to find out the truth about the people you are supporting, email me I will supply you with all the information you need with proof. There are people out there, and you know who you are, that have been wanting this information and now I'm willing to give it to you.

I'm going to respond to everything on here personally as well. This thread needs to die.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7264621#post7264621 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by keeperofcorals

All I have left to say is, anyone who really cares about this club and wants to know what has been really going on for sometime now and also to find out the truth about the people you are supporting, email me I will supply you with all the information you need with proof. There are people out there, and you know who you are, that have been wanting this information and now I'm willing to give it to you.


Oh, I'm sorry, I meant keeperofcorals ;) ,will you provide ALL the information? Or will you conveniently leave yours out?

Forgot, you'll not respond since you've now gotten the last word...

You can't start something, then insist it stop when it hits too close to home.


P.S. Sorry Ricky...It had to be said.
No problem Nixnutz, I am fed up. I have been pushed to the point where my mouth wants to run too. Here is my side of the story as it takes place directly after your post.

You just P.O.ed the Dynamic Duo. It was less than an hour and they have called me to see what I have told you. For the public record I haven't talked to you. But, then in that same conversation I was questioned like I was under the lights at the police station.

I am keeping to myself, waiting for this election and hoping the members make the right choices. I am considered the bad guy in their eyes, which is fine with me, I could care less. People know what I am really about, and if they don't I am willing to talk to anyone. I have been told I started something. NOT the case, I have no concerns of the Dynamic Duo(sorry and no offense to Batman or Marvel comics), they know whats going to happen, I have no doubt that people have read this and see what is happening.

I am sure after this is read I will recieve another phone call asking what I am doing. What am I doing? Bringing it to light, I have nothing to fear. Why should I be interrogated, I didn't know I belonged to a communist nation or a socialist country? These are all things people really should know. I have had no say in the Nomination Committee, that is truth. What I have said hasn't made a difference.

The email I send to the KEEPERS was one that I do partially regret, but I am not willing to speak only to not be heard. It wouldn't have mattered what I said about non-attending members voting. I had made decisions as the Chairman of the Nomination Committee that were disregarded.

Members, this is only my perspective, but I ask you to ask yourselves, "Is this what we are in for if certain people are involved or "running the show?" That is what I have to say, and it can only make the very few mad. Yes, the very few. I don't care at this point, like Fizz said to me today, this is supposed to be fun, when people take the fun out of this you dont want involved at all. Well we have a choice here, the choice is to keep those that take the fun out of the club out of the spotlight!

Thanks to all who read this with a grin, you have wanted to say it for so long,

We will no longer be affliated with NCPARS, which will make some of you very happy. I will, however, apologize to RC for the following posts that I will be doing but it had to be done. I didn't want to argue or bash anyone but I have been pushed to my limit. My apologies again to RC.

This is an exact copy of the letter that went out to the people who contacted us regarding the information that we had to offer

To those of you who care or are just curious,

This is long but it tells all about the club and explains how we feel and what weรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขve been going through.

We have had most of this information for a long time now. We havenรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt really come forward with it because there wasnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt really a time or place for it and we didnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt want to cause problems. We were also waiting to see the outcome of some of the details that were being worked on.

But, due to the last attack made on us, reminding you that we didnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt start it, we decided that it was time to let those of you know what we know. We are tired of trying to do good and be accused of being trouble makers. All of this รƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€ฆ"ล“fightingรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€šร‚ย began last fall. Some of the information we have on an old computer that died and if itรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs wanted we can get it.

Last fall we decided that we would help Mo with a situation that arose between him and NCPARS. We decided to help not only because at the time we were sponsoring Mo as a business but we are also his friends. The problem was that Mo requested that NCPARS help with his venture of doing a school tank to help educate children. The help that he requested was in the form of money. We understand that some of the BOD was in favor of helping but Mal and Fizz made a big deal about giving Mo money. I, Kelly, contacted Fizz regarding what was going on. And, as typical he turned it into an argument and accused me of bashing, complaining and everything that you saw us being accused of on Reef Central. I became very upset with Fizz when he began to be discriminatory against Mo. Claiming that they didnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt want to give him money for the school tank because he wasnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt a citizen of the US. There is more proof of this if you read the attachment รƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€ฆ"ล“AOL chat 030906รƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€šร‚ยฆรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€šร‚ย. We found his reaction and words to be very offensive and something that a President of a club should not be doing or saying. Most of the emails that were sent between me and Fizz were forwarded to a couple of the BOD members that we had emails of. These BOD members did nothing and responded that they didnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt see any problem with what was going on. To me that is showing support for the way Fizz acted. Due to these problems thatรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs why ReefNest was formed and we were glad to see this decision.

Also, last fall the decision was made to request an election due to some of the BOD members no longer wanting to serve and also to try to help make a change in the club. We in no way wanted our involvement with the elections or our intensions of being nominated to show that we didnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt like someone or that we thought everyone on the BOD was in the wrong. It was more people then just us that wanted to see the elections occur. The decision was made to hold the elections and a couple of us decided we were going to run since there wasnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt much response. Those people were myself, Rich and Ricky (rickyfins). I discussed a lot of issues pertaining to the club with Ricky especially regarding Mal. We also recommended to Brad to run for VP of Public Relations because of his hard work that was done with sponsors.

The issues with Mal were that he took complete control over the clubรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs money. Yes, he was the treasurer but the control he had was whatever he chose to do with the money was what was done, which isnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt right. If there was a joint decision it should have been shown some where so that there was no question. He never would answer members when the question of the clubรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs money would be asked. He ended up finally posting a financial statement that anyone that knows about bookkeeping and knows anything about the money that was being brought into the club would know that the statement was not correct in a lot of aspects. I used to talk with Mal, civilly, online and he used to tell me the amount of money that was being brought into the club with events. These amounts that he told me and the amounts on the financial statement did not match. Mal was also one of the main pushers for the NPO status the club currently has. It is said that this NPO status was discussed with all of the members. It was not, and if it was, there wouldnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt have been such a problem about it. The meeting they discussed the NPO thing was done at about 6 in the evening after a swap when about 90% of the clubรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs members had already left. To me that is not discussing something with the members.

NCPARS took on the NPO status and told the members that it was done so that they can support projects such as Moรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs and other projects that support the education and conservation of the ocean and the reef keeping hobby. To this date there has been no showing of the proper use of the NPO status. It is still unknown what the true reason was behind getting the NPO status. They will claim that they are holding the next swap in support of ReefNest but it was done because there was a fear that an event on their own would not be a success.

Money has always been a very large issue with NCPARS. Every event is based solely on how much can be made through raffles and membership. That is one of the reasons why raffle tickets are pushed on attendees which I have saw people complain about. This is also one of the reasons why membership sign ups are pushed. Yeah, when you sign up and pay your membership you get in free to the other event but it gives them an idea of how many people will show up to the next event and purchase raffle tickets. We were also given information from a very reliable BOD member that money from the club was being used for personal reasons by other BOD members. I am not mentioning who it was that told us this information nor am I naming who it was that was being accused. I will not name names regarding this out of respect for who told me.

This is not the only time we ran into a problem with Mal and wanting to control club money. We were members and I was the VP of SV-SEA which is a club near Philly. We were with this club from the start and I was the VP from the start. Mal was also there from the start and from this time he was consistently trying to get involved with the clubรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs money and the bylaws. You can ask anyone from that club about it but I know they will deny it because that is how club people react now days. The president of that club and some of the other BOD members and regular members wanted Mal out of the club completely. Nothing was ever done but to try to keep him out of what was going on because we didnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt want to hurt his feeling or not let someone participate in a club.

This brings me to the accusations that have been posted against us regarding another club. Just like people accuse us of posting false info. these same people need to follow there own thoughts, donรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt accuse or post information until you know all about it. These people posting were not part of that club and received their information from a very poor source. We were not trying to take over. I was already the VP. The reason why we left that club was due to a President that didnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt have respect for the sponsors of the club. There was an event at TFP and during that event the President of SV-SEA was going to vendors that were at TFP, which TFP was one of our sponsors, and telling them that their products were junk. He was also going to customers of TFP, going through their shopping carts and telling them to buy products that other stores have and not TFP. We witnessed this and so did the Treasurer and Public Relations BOD members. These BOD members requested that I do something in regards to what was going on. When I did attempt to do something about it, which was my job as VP, I was accused of trying to take over. There was no support from the other BOD members that initially requested my actions. So, we basically told them that either people stand up for what is right or we are out. We decided on this because I was the one that brought in the majority of the clubรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs sponsors. I was in contact with these sponsors who understood my intentions and at the time we were a sponsor as well. We did not want to be seen as associating with a club that would allow a BOD member to act the way the President did. Fizz knows all of the details about this situation because he was at TFP on that day. And, I also spoke with him on the phone a few days later. But he fails to come to our defense or let us know privately.

Please do not think that I put this information in to go against the other club. That is not my intensions at all. I posted this info. So that you will know the truth. I have no hard feelings for anyone at SV-SEA and I actually still see some of their members as friends.

Now, back to NCPARS issues. Deceit has been another issue that has been occurring. Money, as mentioned earlier, is one of the ways that deceit has occurred. Another was the accusations that raffle items that were donated by sponsors were being kept for personal use. Also the topic of raffles being fixed so that certain members would win the product of their choice has been brought up. We donรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt have concrete information regarding this but it has been brought up by respectable sources and there has been some doings that support this. When this was brought up to Tim (a BOD member) there was no constructive response to it and as far as anyone knows there was no attempt made to find out any more information. The attachment, รƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€ฆ"ล“AOL chat 031406รƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€šร‚ยฆรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€šร‚ย, shows where this was brought up to Tim.

We have been told by a number of people that they support our choice for running for the BOD positions. Some of these same people have been posting against us on Reef Central and telling others a totally different story. If you read both AOL chat attachments you will see where Ricky had the same feelings as us. Now, all of the sudden, he is posting against us on Reef Central. We received a call from him last night asking our opinion about him stepping out of the nominations. He told us that he was too busy to hold a position due to school and other projects that he was doing and that he had no willingness to run anymore. Now, heรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs posting that heรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs running again because he doesnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt like all the รƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€ฆ"ล“fightingรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€šร‚ย and Brad has re-nominated him for a majority of the positions. Ricky was one of the first people to confront me at the last swap complaining about what was going on with the club, complaining abut Fizz and Mal and giving his thoughts on how to change what is currently going on. Now, all of the sudden his attitude has changed. If I was someone that was out of this spotlight and heard of this I would question his true intensions of wanting to run again.

Brad is another person that is in question with his stand with the elections and the club. We have talked with Brad on several occasions to find out his feelings. He has been upset with the club, Fizz and Mal. He has been upset that he receives no recognition for what he has done for the club with his work with sponsors and raffle donations. On several occasions he has voiced his opinion on being against a lot of issues with Fizz and Mal. But, when you read his public posts, he shows support for those people he claims to be against. It has been brought to our attention through other members and viewers of the club that Brad is a follower and not a leader. We have seen this for ourselves and can not understand why he would be running for President of the club.

We also received support through a PM (see attachment) from another member telling us that they feel we would do well on the BOD and that they were against Brad being president. They also told us that they support our ideas and now they are posting against us in a thread that we have several times mentioned that we were not fighting with anyone that we were just trying to help by saying รƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€ฆ"ล“This attack of our current officers when you don't agree with them is not very civilizedรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€šร‚ย. There was no attack and we can not figure out why people are always accusing of such.

This constant telling people one thing and doing another is very much used in this club. There are not too many people you can trust. I understand that people can change their minds but these people are saying one thing and within hours posting something different. Then we get responses saying รƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€ฆ"ล“I donรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt want to start anything if I show my support of youรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€šร‚ย.

We have our own thought of what is going to happen at the time of the elections. We both feel that there has been a plan that is currently being carried out. The addition of nominees and adding others to more positions at the last minute is proving our thoughts so far. We are not at liberty to say what we are thinking of because we donรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt want to place accusations as others have done to us and other members.

The BOD is constantly saying they have to follow the bylaws but itรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs not always done. One instance, the BOD is to announce when a BOD member resigns and when this announcement is made a replacement for that person is to be done. Well, this wasnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt followed. Mal, who was the treasurer, resigned back in March. Nothing was said except Brad telling friends through emails. The BOD never announced it or posted in denial. A treasurer resigning is very important because he is the one that handles the money. No treasurer, no tracking or use of money can be done. Also, Mal, being the treasurer, is on the clubรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs bank account. There was also no replacement made and Mal is still in charge, keep in mind he resigned, because heรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs still the one dealing with the situation of paying for the swap next weekend. Iรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขm unsure if everyone on the BOD was told of this resignation but I do know that for sure 2 of them were told. And, if anyone from the BOD knows of such an issue they all should be notified and have the situation looked into.

NCPARS currently has a few BOD members that have no respect or actual care for what the members think or do. If there was respect or care for the members there wouldnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt be this constant turning everything into a fight, hiding information from members, not following the bylaws, deceit, name calling, misuse of money and donated items, not following up with member complaints or questions, asking for help and then bashing the ones that do help, not recognizing people for things that they have helped with or done to benefit the club and much much more. There are only 2 current BOD members that we have respect for which is Sanjay and Scott. Both of them have shown that they can handle things in a calm and professional manner. They have also both shown that they care about the club.

We donรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt have a personal vendetta against anyone. When weรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขre not dealing with club issues we all can talk and be with each other on a friendly level. Itรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs just certain people, Fizz and Brad especially, that think that as soon as someone has a problem they are out to get them. Donรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt get me wrong, there have been some things that Fizz has done to benefit the club. And, Brad has done a lot in regards to sponsorship and getting items donated for raffles. But that is about it. These same people feel that nothing can possibly go wrong with a club and when it does your just being a trouble maker. The whole reason why we get singled out is because we are about the only ones that voice our opinion. I know that if more people spoke up there wouldnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt be the problem that is going on right now.

We also understand that this is just a reef club and a hobby. But, as soon as NCPARS received the NPO status and became formed as an actual club it brought politics into the picture. The use of elections is strongly formed on politics and it can make for a not so pretty sight until everything is done. I saw posts from people in regards that we should keep club information out of the forums. The problem with this is that Reef Central is the main use of NCPARS. We tried very hard to get club information to be posted on, which is where it was to belong. This couldnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt be and wouldnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt be done. The club does not meet on a regular basis so meetings are impossible. AOL chats have been done but they donรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt become productive. As you will see in the AOL chat attachments people get mad and log off. Iรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขm not sure where these people want club topics to be discussed but it has to be done somewhere. If we continue not to discuss issues, good or bad, then the club will only get worse.

I do agree that there are some issues that do not belong on a public forum or website. But the issues pertaining to the club right now need to be taken care of and there seems to be no other way to get a response from those that matter but to do a post.

You can use this information I gave you however you feel fit. We will not be fighting with anyone and we just tell it like it is. Any one that knows us knows that is how we are. Some of the people that are included in our attachments are not there for others to get mad at or to start trouble between us and them. They are in the attachments to show the proof that we have. We just wanted to see this club be what we know it can be. It didnรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt have to be one of us on the BOD, it could have been anyone else as long as there was change. We are on the nominations because not too many others, that were different then current members of the BOD, that were interested.

We are just tired of all the bickering and miscommunication that has been going on. Itรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขs time that the members know what is going on and take it as they may. We hope to see things get better and see the club move on. But, this wonรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt happen until all of this is taken care of. Honestly, both of us have thought about pulling out of the nomination positions we are in. We are not doing that for two main reasons. First, we donรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt want people to think we gave up on what we believe in. Secondly, we donรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt want to give others the satisfaction that they got to us or รƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€ฆ"ล“forcedรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒโ€šร‚ย us to back out.

There are a lot of good people in this club and also good people waiting to become members. But, the problem is, these good people are being over looked or pushed down. We have went through a lot and have seen a lot going on and we just donรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt want to see that happen to anyone else.

Thank you for your time.
Rich and Kelly
The following posts are exact copies of the attachments that were included with the letter sent out to those that wanted the information

AOL chat 030906

BMKINDIG (11:23:03 PM) has entered the room.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:23:03 PM) has entered the room.
crlsandmre (11:23:03 PM) has entered the room.
BMKINDIG (11:23:05 PM): is this easier
rickyfinsaquatic (11:23:08 PM): yep
rickyfinsaquatic (11:23:14 PM): are you going to add fizz
crlsandmre (11:23:14 PM): yeah
Fizz71 (11:23:15 PM) has entered the room.
Fizz71 (11:23:19 PM): Hah
rickyfinsaquatic (11:23:19 PM): hello all
crlsandmre (11:23:24 PM): hi
rickyfinsaquatic (11:23:30 PM): is anyone else joining
Fizz71 (11:23:56 PM): Ya now..I had one called NCPARS. AIM changed can no longer get into a room without inviting somebody..just by using the name.
BMKINDIG (11:23:58 PM): hey all
rickyfinsaquatic (11:24:10 PM): hey
BMKINDIG (11:24:13 PM): that all that's online on my buddy list
rickyfinsaquatic (11:24:20 PM): same here
Fizz71 (11:24:26 PM): btw.,,the meeting is slated for the the middle of posting when you all started IMing me.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:24:40 PM): wholly ****
rickyfinsaquatic (11:24:46 PM): a date
crlsandmre (11:24:48 PM): 17th of May?
rickyfinsaquatic (11:24:49 PM): I am sorry
BMKINDIG (11:25:02 PM): ok fizz i saw that
Fizz71 (11:25:39 PM): AIM Meeting...this month
BMKINDIG (11:25:39 PM): acculy we are talking about joining mo's swap in may
Fizz71 (11:25:48 PM): the swap is still possibly going to be with Mo.
BMKINDIG (11:26:00 PM): but not officail
crlsandmre (11:26:24 PM): ok cool
rickyfinsaquatic (11:26:53 PM): ok I think that is a good idea
BMKINDIG (11:27:24 PM): and i believe elections will be then
crlsandmre (11:27:31 PM): that would be good also
rickyfinsaquatic (11:27:41 PM): yes
rickyfinsaquatic (11:27:48 PM): I am nominating kelly
rickyfinsaquatic (11:27:49 PM): lol
crlsandmre (11:27:59 PM): for what?
rickyfinsaquatic (11:28:07 PM): what do you want to run for
rickyfinsaquatic (11:28:08 PM): lol
Fizz71 (11:28:11 PM): The problem with doing it at Mo's is we can't really use our donated items..the whole money we can pay for everything...but that's all...We'll discuss it later.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:28:45 PM): i dont understand, and maybe it is because I am still in the dark about the subject
crlsandmre (11:29:25 PM): what position do you guys think i should be nominated for?
Fizz71 (11:29:30 PM): I tried to explain it in the post
crlsandmre (11:30:04 PM): what if we tried to get new items to be donated just for this event?
Fizz71 (11:30:10 PM): Mo just likes to make things up and run with it...he doesn't worry about legit names and irs...I think this is the first year he is personally even filing with the IRS.
BMKINDIG (11:30:21 PM): if ncpars accepts donations they can't be raffled off at a joint meeting
crlsandmre (11:30:42 PM): why? and why would the new items have be donated just for ncpars
Fizz71 (11:30:46 PM): But Brad...who gets the raffle proceeds from items donated to NCPARS?
crlsandmre (11:30:54 PM): when the companies are contacted you tell them about what is going on
crlsandmre (11:31:25 PM): split everything 50/50
crlsandmre (11:31:31 PM): all proceeds
Fizz71 (11:31:39 PM): I just don't want grief when we try to file our taxes as an NPO.
Fizz71 (11:31:56 PM): Paper trails are the only thing that covers you ***.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:32:09 PM): I have a box of stuff laying around
Fizz71 (11:32:20 PM): You know..technically..any money that goes to Mo he should be reporting as income on this tax return?
crlsandmre (11:32:27 PM): their won't be any grief i'm not sure exactly who is giving all this info about npo stuff but it isn't making much sense
rickyfinsaquatic (11:32:29 PM): I will donate for his cause for this cause
crlsandmre (11:32:38 PM): no he doesn't have to
rickyfinsaquatic (11:32:44 PM): yea and I claim everytime I take a ****
rickyfinsaquatic (11:32:47 PM): too
rickyfinsaquatic (11:33:04 PM): he isnt obligated because he isnt american
BMKINDIG (11:33:06 PM): lol
Fizz71 (11:33:07 PM): So you don't think..if NCPARS would give Mo a check for $1000 it needs to be recorded someplace.
Fizz71 (11:33:15 PM): ....ah yes...there's the rub.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:33:27 PM): it would need to be documented
rickyfinsaquatic (11:33:31 PM): reciepts
crlsandmre (11:33:34 PM): if ncpars donates it needs to be recorded for the members
Fizz71 (11:33:35 PM): That's part of the problem and the reason Mo wouldn't take president.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:33:42 PM): yep
crlsandmre (11:33:53 PM): the only way it needs to be documented with the irs is ONLY if you are claiming it for a refund
crlsandmre (11:34:12 PM): if you are claiming is as a refund then you are NOT npo
BMKINDIG (11:34:33 PM): i'm clueless in this area personally i just get the stuff
Fizz71 (11:34:42 PM): Let's just back the 9/11 trolly up a second...we know where Mo comes from, we know his citizenship we see how organizations giving him money that "vanishes" could be a call for concern?
Fizz71 (11:35:01 PM): I KNOW Mo would never anthing inappropriate with the who am I.
crlsandmre (11:35:08 PM): first of all i know all about MO
BMKINDIG (11:35:10 PM): and i really don't care who gets it
crlsandmre (11:35:35 PM): the money would be properly documented for the members thus showing where it went not that it vanished
Fizz71 (11:35:58 PM): But where did it go? That whole "no member can benefit" thing is the problem.
Fizz71 (11:36:26 PM): If we gave it to the school..then they gave it to mo..that would work..but Something happened when Mal and Mo tried that..I'm not sure what, but Mo gave up.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:36:29 PM): why
crlsandmre (11:36:31 PM): it went to reefnest for the school, when you do up the receipt for documentation you post on it what school it went to and why
crlsandmre (11:36:48 PM): i already know about the Mal and Mo situation
rickyfinsaquatic (11:36:51 PM): he gave up because MAL is anal retentive
crlsandmre (11:36:56 PM): lol
crlsandmre (11:37:31 PM): the reason why MO gave up is because Mal wanted the shipments and other items to go to him or be in his name before going to the schools and Mo did not agree
crlsandmre (11:37:35 PM): which i understand
rickyfinsaquatic (11:37:59 PM): yea it is another instance of MAL sticking his nose in where it didnt belong
rickyfinsaquatic (11:38:06 PM): and Mo didnt want to give it up
Fizz71 (11:38:10 PM): Whatever..I just know that Mo gave up his tanks to do the the school tanks are his tanks. It's not just the IRS issue..there's also the issue of how fair it is to other members.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:38:10 PM): and he shouldnt
crlsandmre (11:38:11 PM): exactly
rickyfinsaquatic (11:38:52 PM): if the tanks are in the schools how are they still MO's tanks
crlsandmre (11:38:58 PM): if other members didn't want ncpars to be helping mo they would say something, if they don't say something that's their problem but from what i have witnessed they do support it
Fizz71 (11:39:10 PM): If Mo stopped doing this today..they would go back to him.
crlsandmre (11:39:30 PM): i feel the npo status of ncpars is an accuse that is being used to hide behind with situation that certain bod members don't want to deal with
Fizz71 (11:39:57 PM): Which is?
crlsandmre (11:40:07 PM): who cares where items go after they've been use. I'm sure the Salvation Army doesn't worry where clothes go after they donate them to a needy person
rickyfinsaquatic (11:40:45 PM): the general assembly needs to vote I think
crlsandmre (11:40:53 PM): one of the situations is the Mo situation, every time this comes up the NPO status is used as an excuse not to help the schools
BMKINDIG (11:41:18 PM): you know(and fizz can back this up)in august or sept i begged for help with rafffle and got no help
rickyfinsaquatic (11:41:40 PM): I know you were yelling at me then
Fizz71 (11:41:41 PM): If it were all schools...fine..but this is a Mo saw the one post..why should our money all go to tanks that noe of our general membership will see. We can support him, but it shouldn't be or focus.
BMKINDIG (11:41:43 PM): and now suddlenly people want to help
Fizz71 (11:42:01 PM): No they don't Brad...I mostly here complaints.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:42:05 PM): yes not the focus
rickyfinsaquatic (11:42:20 PM): but a part of the "VISION"
crlsandmre (11:42:28 PM): it shouldn't be the complete focus but if you read the homepage of it states that ncpars supports the education with schools
rickyfinsaquatic (11:42:28 PM): to helping the community
rickyfinsaquatic (11:42:45 PM): and education, good point kelly
rickyfinsaquatic (11:43:06 PM): Fizz I remember you a little more chipper than you are now
Fizz71 (11:43:10 PM): Right..but my idea of a traveling tank does that too..and it can benifit the school of any member's kid...not just dumping tons of cash into 1 or 2.
crlsandmre (11:43:20 PM): just like i told Mal - if the state is to find out that ncpars is not supporting the focus that was filed with the npo status that the club will loose it's status
Fizz71 (11:43:25 PM): Ricky..this whole thing has just drug me down.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:43:30 PM): relax
Fizz71 (11:43:43 PM): thing you have to look at is the definition of education.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:43:44 PM): we are in this together, we just needed to ***** to get attention
Fizz71 (11:43:58 PM): Being an NPO for education is as simple as having speakers at events.
Fizz71 (11:44:11 PM): It doesn't mean we need to hold classes and teach seminars.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:44:11 PM): hmm speakers
crlsandmre (11:44:20 PM): i'm not stupid fizz, i know the definition - NPO is not that simple. I was the one that gave Mal all the information on NPO
Fizz71 (11:44:33 PM): It can be even simplier as educating new reefers on better husbandry
rickyfinsaquatic (11:44:34 PM): lol thats too funny
crlsandmre (11:44:38 PM): Mal got all his info from me
rickyfinsaquatic (11:44:48 PM): and yet mal is still stupid
rickyfinsaquatic (11:45:02 PM): i am sorry i take it back
Fizz71 (11:45:08 PM): listen..stop with the whole name calling
Fizz71 (11:45:10 PM): thank you
rickyfinsaquatic (11:45:22 PM): its hard fizz you have to understand
Fizz71 (11:45:25 PM): Mal is not stupid..if he did he wouldn't have a very succesfully account firm.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:45:32 PM): I have a very deep HATE for the man
Fizz71 (11:45:32 PM): accounting
rickyfinsaquatic (11:45:51 PM): accountants are just like attorneys, good at lieing
crlsandmre (11:45:51 PM): that's something else that i am tired of, everyone puts Mal on a pedistool because he's a CPA
BMKINDIG (11:46:00 PM): we know ricky
Fizz71 (11:46:05 PM): Anyway...we just need to educating SOMEBODY.
crlsandmre (11:46:21 PM): if he is such a successful CPA then the financial statement wouldn't have been so screwed up
rickyfinsaquatic (11:46:23 PM): thats right, we need meetings first in order to do this
Fizz71 (11:46:28 PM): I'd prefer that to be our members...but if the majority wants to throw it at Mo..well...I have no vote anyway.
crlsandmre (11:46:28 PM): which is a completely different topic
Fizz71 (11:47:09 PM): Whatever..I'm tired of all the hatred
crlsandmre (11:47:17 PM): there's not hatred
Fizz71 (11:47:17 PM): We are all doing our best
rickyfinsaquatic (11:47:21 PM): I dont hate you FIZZ
Fizz71 (11:47:25 PM): rickyfinsaquatic (11:43:30 PM): I have a very deep HATE for the man
crlsandmre (11:47:28 PM): it's just been too long and nothing has been taken care of
rickyfinsaquatic (11:47:35 PM): yes MAL is that man
Fizz71 (11:47:46 PM): because everytime we ask for help Kelly..we get nothing.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:48:06 PM): I think there needs to be more than one form of communication
crlsandmre (11:48:10 PM): i'm not talking about help
BMKINDIG (11:48:17 PM): like i said i begged for help and begged some more
rickyfinsaquatic (11:48:19 PM): telephone, newsletters
rickyfinsaquatic (11:48:22 PM): mail
Fizz71 (11:48:25 PM): I asked for BOD member responded...I asked for simple reviews..nobody..we asked about committees in threads and at the last meeting..nobody.
crlsandmre (11:48:25 PM): i'm talking about every swap there is supposed to be a meeting and not meeting is done
Fizz71 (11:48:36 PM): I tried emails..half of them came back.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:48:57 PM): there is supposed to be someone in charge of keeping track of that right?
crlsandmre (11:49:07 PM): there has been no recognition to sponsors, brad does not get recognized for what he does, etc.
Fizz71 (11:49:14 PM): Oh we have it tracked..but what we got were bad email addresses.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:49:42 PM): postal mail maybe
rickyfinsaquatic (11:49:54 PM): NPO gets a discount on mass mailings
BMKINDIG (11:50:04 PM): i reconized the sponsors and sent thank yous also
Fizz71 (11:50:05 PM): Which costs money..but yes...we talked about doing the voting that way.
Fizz71 (11:50:24 PM): We announced all the sponsors at the swap and heard him.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:50:30 PM): hmm, Fizz you seem to have a bank full of money the club hasnt used
crlsandmre (11:50:35 PM): i know you did Brad but the club as a whole didn't
Fizz71 (11:50:36 PM): Oh I know...
Fizz71 (11:50:52 PM): Ok a whole..what SHOULD we have done?
rickyfinsaquatic (11:51:12 PM): i know I was a sponsor that never got recognized
BMKINDIG (11:51:12 PM): kelley you got a thank you email from me after the last swap right?
crlsandmre (11:51:16 PM): keep the sponsors list updated on the site,etc.
Fizz71 (11:51:25 PM): What more is there than thank yous and printouts at the swap and announcing them. This swap we want to add their name to the item as we give it away..but thats all I know about.
crlsandmre (11:51:27 PM): yes i did brad and thank you
Fizz71 (11:51:38 PM): They are Kelly.
crlsandmre (11:51:46 PM): NO THEY ARE NOT
Fizz71 (11:51:48 PM): I did them myself right before and after the swap
crlsandmre (11:51:54 PM): we haven't been updated in 2 years
Fizz71 (11:51:59 PM): Based on the lists I got from brad and tim
Fizz71 (11:52:01 PM): BULL****
crlsandmre (11:52:30 PM): then why did i have to go to tim and ***** that we were not updated and he told me that YOU couldn't get in to update the site
Fizz71 (11:52:48 PM): Brad and Tim had a spreadsheet they sent to me and I did the page
rickyfinsaquatic (11:52:50 PM): All I know is I donated an iwaki pump for the startup swap, it disappeared and never heard anything else about it
crlsandmre (11:53:00 PM): also - you always plugged Something Fishy and TFP but could never post about us or other stores
rickyfinsaquatic (11:53:02 PM): Mal said it was sold and that was it
rickyfinsaquatic (11:53:32 PM): I never even got the proper paperwork for the IRS for my donation
crlsandmre (11:53:38 PM): lol
rickyfinsaquatic (11:53:42 PM): and you are worried about mo
Fizz71 (11:53:57 PM): I've had enough
crlsandmre (11:54:01 PM): as always
Fizz71 (11:54:01 PM): I'm going to bed
rickyfinsaquatic (11:54:07 PM): typical
BMKINDIG (11:54:10 PM): paperwork from adonation?
rickyfinsaquatic (11:54:14 PM): yep
Fizz71 (11:54:37 PM): You siad it was the startup think we're not organized now..were where nothing then.
Fizz71 (11:54:44 PM): we where
Fizz71 (11:55:03 PM): Everytime we try to improve..but we need to hear HOW to improve.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:55:10 PM): I was told I would get proper paperwork
BMKINDIG (11:55:39 PM): we just resently got the npo from the funding that was raised at the fall swap 2 years ago
rickyfinsaquatic (11:56:08 PM): if you say so, is there a form a # to show it
crlsandmre (11:56:09 PM): we never got anything from our donations either but Mo needs proper paperwork - this seems like dicrimination
rickyfinsaquatic (11:56:15 PM): and shouldnt it be on the site
rickyfinsaquatic (11:56:28 PM): come on kelly
Fizz71 (11:56:38 PM): anything more than a year comes off the site.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:56:57 PM): no I mean the NPO status
crlsandmre (11:56:58 PM): also i don't think they way Mo is talked about is fair just because he isn't white or truly american
Fizz71 (11:57:07 PM): alright
Fizz71 (11:57:09 PM): Im done
Fizz71 (11:57:11 PM) has left the room.
rickyfinsaquatic (11:57:54 PM): still there everyone else
BMKINDIG (11:58:05 PM): yes
rickyfinsaquatic (11:58:08 PM): good
crlsandmre (11:58:08 PM): yep
BMKINDIG (11:58:29 PM): mo's backround has nothing to do with the whole thing
rickyfinsaquatic (11:58:43 PM): lol
crlsandmre (11:59:03 PM): then why is it brought up
rickyfinsaquatic (11:59:06 PM): wise cracks at him are horrible
BMKINDIG (11:59:10 PM): it's the treasurer that issuses the $$$ holding the
BMKINDIG (11:59:22 PM): just happens to be mal
BMKINDIG (11:59:43 PM): is mo a non american?
BMKINDIG (11:59:58 PM): i don't know for sure
rickyfinsaquatic (12:00:14 AM): you cant tell
crlsandmre (12:00:16 AM): for god's sake, i'm married to a spanish guy and i'm not one to scream racism but it has been brought up way too much between Fizz and I when we have a heated debate about Mo
rickyfinsaquatic (12:00:19 AM): his english is horrible
crlsandmre (12:00:26 AM): lol
rickyfinsaquatic (12:00:44 AM): can you understand everything he says brad
crlsandmre (12:01:33 AM): i don't know why ncpars is turning their back on Mo because he was one of the founding members, i'm not saying that ncpars has to give 100% of what he needs but a little bit of help would be nice
AOL chat 031406

shimmy yaz187 (8:12:36 PM): alright well I guess I will kind of start some talk here
rickyfinsaquatic (8:12:49 PM): cool shoot shimmy
sassycat112263 (8:12:54 PM): all ears here
richnkelly28 (8:13:11 PM): ok
shimmy yaz187 (8:13:31 PM): I am not currently a member of NCPARS and I will be honest as of late with all the stuff going on I will be really considering it as soon as things calm down a bit
rickyfinsaquatic (8:13:50 PM): well things have calmed alot since this has started
BMKINDIG (8:13:52 PM): has everyone heard the next swap is may 6th
sassycat112263 (8:13:57 PM): I'm not a member yet either....but I plan to become one!
richnkelly28 (8:14:00 PM): no there was no announcement
shimmy yaz187 (8:14:04 PM): I feel that there are a lot of issues that need to be addressed and the organizational skills have to be revised drastically
sassycat112263 (8:14:11 PM): Yeah - nice date - NOT. I'm going away on my long awaited honeymoon that week.
rickyfinsaquatic (8:14:13 PM): yea and the last I heard brad, it was unofficial
shimmy yaz187 (8:14:35 PM): also more information available to people who are considering to join the club would be nice
richnkelly28 (8:14:36 PM): yes a lot needs to be taken care of that's why some of us are making the elections so important
BMKINDIG (8:14:37 PM): ncpars is going to sponsor reefnexts swap
richnkelly28 (8:14:49 PM): cool
shimmy yaz187 (8:14:50 PM): like just for one example I don't even know who the BOD is
sassycat112263 (8:14:51 PM): I agree shimmy.....I feel like a dummy.
rickyfinsaquatic (8:14:52 PM): thats good brad
richnkelly28 (8:15:10 PM): shimmy - the majority of the members don't know who the BOD
rickyfinsaquatic (8:15:15 PM): don't worry about information, it is coming in slow for everyone
rickyfinsaquatic (8:15:22 PM): we are working on that
richnkelly28 (8:15:25 PM): one of the original starters of the club just found out last night who the VP is lol
shimmy yaz187 (8:15:40 PM): yeah see that right there is a major issue
rickyfinsaquatic (8:15:42 PM): that is why you have seen some of my nasty comments on RC
shimmy yaz187 (8:16:00 PM): when people in charge dont even know what is going on there is a serious communication problem
richnkelly28 (8:16:04 PM): like ricky said there are people working on matters right now to help move the club into a better direction
BMKINDIG (8:16:22 PM): there is an unofficial bod
shimmy yaz187 (8:16:25 PM): yes I know this
rickyfinsaquatic (8:16:31 PM): we are gathering together to put change into motion
sassycat112263 (8:16:42 PM): It's not easy - I'm sure. I belonged to a freshwater aquaria society back in Canada - and I know how much work that was.
BMKINDIG (8:16:45 PM): more like the slaves that put stuff together
shimmy yaz187 (8:16:56 PM): better communication and documentation is a must
richnkelly28 (8:17:01 PM): i agree shimmy
rickyfinsaquatic (8:17:24 PM): I am one of the original members and early today was the first time I got to see and read the by-laws
richnkelly28 (8:17:33 PM): that isn't right
rickyfinsaquatic (8:17:36 PM): so I agree as well
shimmy yaz187 (8:17:42 PM): i have talkedf to ricky already and have stated that I would love to be more involved however I do not have the time to be more involved
Smoke47756 (8:17:51 PM) has entered the room.
shimmy yaz187 (8:17:54 PM): this is an issue that some of the current BOD has as well
richnkelly28 (8:17:56 PM): hi smoke
shimmy yaz187 (8:18:00 PM): and it is causing the club to fail
sassycat112263 (8:18:01 PM): hi smoke
rickyfinsaquatic (8:18:09 PM): that is ok just being a member you will have a voice for change
rickyfinsaquatic (8:18:22 PM): hey smoke
sassycat112263 (8:18:40 PM): When did the club last meet?
richnkelly28 (8:18:41 PM): members will be heard when the changes take affect and they will feel that they are contributing to the club
shimmy yaz187 (8:18:43 PM): so we need to make sure that with the new elections people are going to do the duties involved with their post and if not then they ned to be removed from post to keep the club functioning properly
rickyfinsaquatic (8:18:47 PM): last year sometime
richnkelly28 (8:19:02 PM): our last swap was in OCT
shimmy yaz187 (8:19:12 PM): yeah I will definitly be a contributing member and throw out any ideas I can
rickyfinsaquatic (8:19:15 PM): yep thats right kelly and it was a disaster
Smoke47756 (8:19:17 PM): oct 28
richnkelly28 (8:19:23 PM): yes it was ricky
sassycat112263 (8:19:27 PM): Well, I just started this hobby up at the end of October - so that's why I haven't heard anything.
rickyfinsaquatic (8:19:34 PM): all vendors took a hit
richnkelly28 (8:19:37 PM): yep
richnkelly28 (8:19:49 PM): the last swap is one of the reasons we are no longer a store
rickyfinsaquatic (8:19:56 PM): I wasnt even a vendor that day and I could see a big difference in the amount sold
BMKINDIG (8:20:08 PM): the bod presently is kevin (fizz)tim(bytor)mal(mal3)jon(jonk) scott many names me, bill =wassomething and of course zooqi
rickyfinsaquatic (8:20:27 PM): Brad your list needs updating
rickyfinsaquatic (8:20:28 PM): lol
richnkelly28 (8:20:31 PM): lol
shimmy yaz187 (8:20:44 PM): yeah bytor hasnt been on in forever
sassycat112263 (8:20:48 PM): Is "zooqui" Mo?
richnkelly28 (8:20:51 PM): yes
rickyfinsaquatic (8:20:53 PM): yes
shimmy yaz187 (8:20:53 PM): yes
richnkelly28 (8:21:03 PM): yeah bytor isn't online much
sassycat112263 (8:21:04 PM): Ok - I've seen lots of his posts.
Smoke47756 (8:21:04 PM): i talked to bytore a week ago
rickyfinsaquatic (8:21:11 PM): tim is still involved
rickyfinsaquatic (8:21:16 PM): me too
richnkelly28 (8:21:36 PM): i'm involved also
Smoke47756 (8:21:38 PM): his computer was down
shimmy yaz187 (8:21:38 PM): i just havent seen him post in awhile
rickyfinsaquatic (8:21:56 PM): smoke do I know you
Smoke47756 (8:22:28 PM): i met you at psu swap
richnkelly28 (8:22:42 PM): i was wondering the same thing as ricky
BMKINDIG (8:22:45 PM): brb
rickyfinsaquatic (8:22:52 PM): wow thats pretty vague I saw about 300 people that day
sassycat112263 (8:22:53 PM): I don't know anyone here.
rickyfinsaquatic (8:23:11 PM): can ya help me out a litlle
sassycat112263 (8:23:11 PM): I've talked to Brad a couple of times when I was first setting up...that's it.
richnkelly28 (8:23:16 PM): you'll learn more people the longer you are involved
Smoke47756 (8:23:22 PM): ok i was the one that had my drill there to drill tanks
rickyfinsaquatic (8:23:24 PM): for sure
rickyfinsaquatic (8:23:35 PM): oh ok, its getting more familiar
richnkelly28 (8:23:39 PM): i know now
rickyfinsaquatic (8:23:43 PM): you are supposed to drill for tim arnt you
Smoke47756 (8:24:01 PM): yes
rickyfinsaquatic (8:24:17 PM): get your *** moving, I am supposed to do the plumbing with him
rickyfinsaquatic (8:24:29 PM): lol
sassycat112263 (8:24:30 PM): (yer in trouble now, smoke)
Smoke47756 (8:24:41 PM): im plan on going down sunday
rickyfinsaquatic (8:24:51 PM): smokes not in trouble
rickyfinsaquatic (8:24:55 PM): he knows how tim is
BMKINDIG (8:25:12 PM): back
sassycat112263 (8:25:23 PM): welcome back
Smoke47756 (8:25:45 PM): yep i drill his tanks the first time but he told me the wrong size bit to get
sassycat112263 (8:26:33 PM): Brad, are you running for the BOD again this year?
rickyfinsaquatic (8:26:34 PM): lol
rickyfinsaquatic (8:26:42 PM): YES HE IS
rickyfinsaquatic (8:27:06 PM): weither he knows it or not
richnkelly28 (8:27:07 PM): yeah were is your nomination brad?
sassycat112263 (8:27:15 PM): lol...did I open a can of worms?
richnkelly28 (8:27:18 PM): lol
rickyfinsaquatic (8:27:19 PM): nope
BMKINDIG (8:27:19 PM): bod yes not sure if i want pres
richnkelly28 (8:27:31 PM): i think you should do VP of Public Relations
rickyfinsaquatic (8:27:38 PM): brad whichever position you want baby
rickyfinsaquatic (8:27:46 PM): yea thats probably you man
richnkelly28 (8:27:47 PM): you have been doing a great job and busting your butt doing that already
shimmy yaz187 (8:28:06 PM): I made a suggestion in the one thread about using IRC for chat. What is everyones opinion on this? I think a chat where we could come and go would be nice and alot easier to get certain questions and issues answered and debated fast
richnkelly28 (8:28:08 PM): and trust me you will get recognition for it now
BMKINDIG (8:28:22 PM): yes but it's not shown
rickyfinsaquatic (8:28:24 PM): smoke are you running
Smoke47756 (8:28:37 PM): nope
richnkelly28 (8:28:41 PM): it will be shown with the new BOD
richnkelly28 (8:28:53 PM): i never used IRC shimmy but it's an idea
rickyfinsaquatic (8:28:54 PM): shimmy- the irc chat is a good idea, but I think our website has that capability it is just not being used
BMKINDIG (8:28:58 PM): rons a chicken
rickyfinsaquatic (8:29:05 PM): come on ron
rickyfinsaquatic (8:29:06 PM): run
rickyfinsaquatic (8:29:11 PM): we need ya man
richnkelly28 (8:29:14 PM): the website should have a chat room
rickyfinsaquatic (8:29:16 PM): we need everybody
rickyfinsaquatic (8:29:36 PM): yes kelly it should and it has the capability
richnkelly28 (8:29:40 PM): right
rickyfinsaquatic (8:29:52 PM): most websites do
shimmy yaz187 (8:29:52 PM): yeah the website chat would work as well
shimmy yaz187 (8:30:01 PM): I know you can have Java based IRC on sites
rickyfinsaquatic (8:30:12 PM): yep that is true too
richnkelly28 (8:30:17 PM): do you know how to do websites shimmy?
shimmy yaz187 (8:30:23 PM): and that would prob be easier for alot of members
rickyfinsaquatic (8:30:35 PM): we could probably use afterx as the server
shimmy yaz187 (8:30:37 PM): I have some knowledge of HTML
rickyfinsaquatic (8:30:49 PM): ok shimmy pay your dues and run
rickyfinsaquatic (8:30:52 PM): lol
shimmy yaz187 (8:30:55 PM): yeah I am on afterx right now
richnkelly28 (8:31:07 PM): we can use you after the new BOD comes in
BMKINDIG (8:31:19 PM): i organized this on aol and we use aol for bod meetings
shimmy yaz187 (8:31:24 PM): yeah I am more than willing to do what I can
shimmy yaz187 (8:31:47 PM): yeah AIM works the only issue is the inviting that has to be done
shimmy yaz187 (8:32:27 PM): who runs the website right now?
richnkelly28 (8:32:41 PM): Fizz
shimmy yaz187 (8:32:49 PM): thats what I thought
richnkelly28 (8:33:01 PM): but he said he doesn't know how to setup a lot of what the website can do
rickyfinsaquatic (8:33:04 PM): why do you sound so blah about it shimmy
richnkelly28 (8:33:12 PM): lol
Smoke47756 (8:33:16 PM): i help him out with the site
shimmy yaz187 (8:33:22 PM): I can look into what options we have available with our current setup and see what we can do about adding chat
richnkelly28 (8:33:32 PM): that would be nice shimmy
rickyfinsaquatic (8:33:38 PM): yea smoke I think kevin mentioned that to me today
BMKINDIG (8:33:39 PM): i can say this i need a website geek on my bod
richnkelly28 (8:33:52 PM): your right brad
rickyfinsaquatic (8:34:02 PM): yep
shimmy yaz187 (8:34:07 PM): I am not totally proficient but I do know some stuff and am always willing to learn more
Smoke47756 (8:34:14 PM): its not the geek part brad it learning the program were using
rickyfinsaquatic (8:34:18 PM): I think the BOD should all be geeks of some kind
richnkelly28 (8:34:26 PM): something that needs to be told to the members - there are also "members at large" positions that need to be filled
rickyfinsaquatic (8:34:43 PM): yes they were never filled were they kelly
Smoke47756 (8:34:46 PM): im a geek at everything
richnkelly28 (8:34:50 PM): not that i know of
sassycat112263 (8:34:53 PM): I'm a shopaholicgeek
rickyfinsaquatic (8:34:55 PM): way to go smoke
rickyfinsaquatic (8:35:09 PM): see we are all geeks at something
richnkelly28 (8:35:15 PM): shopaholicgeek we could work you in somewhere lol
sassycat112263 (8:35:17 PM): I can type 80wpm...does that count for anything?
richnkelly28 (8:35:26 PM): yes secretary position
rickyfinsaquatic (8:35:28 PM): yep
rickyfinsaquatic (8:35:38 PM): brad
sassycat112263 (8:35:42 PM): I held the position of secretary in the last club I was in. :o)
Smoke47756 (8:35:44 PM): i have 5 computers on my network
shimmy yaz187 (8:35:59 PM): i had 7 at one time
shimmy yaz187 (8:36:03 PM): down to 3 now
richnkelly28 (8:36:12 PM): how long were you in your last club marlene?
BMKINDIG (8:36:15 PM): ricky
rickyfinsaquatic (8:36:15 PM): can you tell me if anyone has said anything to you about the current events of the club or if they talked yet about my newsletter idea
Smoke47756 (8:36:21 PM): all wireless
sassycat112263 (8:36:23 PM): About 5 years or so....but that was ages ago.
shimmy yaz187 (8:36:27 PM): alright I gotta jet
shimmy yaz187 (8:36:32 PM): i will look into chat
richnkelly28 (8:36:34 PM): bye shimmy
rickyfinsaquatic (8:36:37 PM): bye shimmy
richnkelly28 (8:36:39 PM): it was nice talking to you
shimmy yaz187 (8:36:43 PM): will read the comments later on though
sassycat112263 (8:36:43 PM): I haven't heard anything, Ricky - if you're talking to me.
Smoke47756 (8:36:47 PM): later shimmy
richnkelly28 (8:36:49 PM): thank you for checking into the chat thing
sassycat112263 (8:36:52 PM): Bye Shimmy
shimmy yaz187 (8:37:02 PM): nice to meet you all and I added everyone to my buddy list so feel free to message anytime
rickyfinsaquatic (8:37:09 PM): great
richnkelly28 (8:37:10 PM): thanks
BMKINDIG (8:37:24 PM): i haven't heard anything but did you submitt the idea to someone via email.
Smoke47756 (9:04:49 PM): bytor is on
rickyfinsaquatic (9:04:58 PM): invited him
sassycat112263 (9:05:02 PM): that's nice of you, brad....but I wouldn't have a clue what I want...
ByTorPA (9:05:40 PM) has entered the room.
rickyfinsaquatic (9:05:46 PM): hey tim
sassycat112263 (9:05:47 PM): Hi Bytor
BMKINDIG (9:05:47 PM): hey tim
ByTorPA (9:05:52 PM): evening all
BMKINDIG (9:05:59 PM): how you been
rickyfinsaquatic (9:05:59 PM): eww cool colors dude
ByTorPA (9:05:59 PM): whats going on?
Smoke47756 (9:05:59 PM): hey hippy
rickyfinsaquatic (9:06:14 PM): not much right now
BMKINDIG (9:06:22 PM): just bsing
rickyfinsaquatic (9:06:26 PM): for sure
ByTorPA (9:06:27 PM): hey Brad, how ya been?
sassycat112263 (9:06:43 PM): Ricky is kicking brad's butt to the moon, and brad is showing his butt....haven't missed much.
BMKINDIG (9:06:43 PM): hanging in there
rickyfinsaquatic (9:06:53 PM): oh if ya didnt know tim I am going to be on the nomination committee
Smoke47756 (9:06:53 PM): i thougt were were looking for a new bod
BMKINDIG (9:06:54 PM): lol
ByTorPA (9:07:11 PM): I am?
Smoke47756 (9:07:17 PM): damn my typing sucks
sassycat112263 (9:07:17 PM): I'm always looking for a new bod. About ten pounds less, please.
BMKINDIG (9:07:37 PM): tim delete the last 1000 email you got and save the headache
richnkelly28 (9:07:45 PM): i'm back
sassycat112263 (9:07:55 PM): welcome back...didn't know you were gone...oops
rickyfinsaquatic (9:07:58 PM): who cares
richnkelly28 (9:08:01 PM): i feel the love
ByTorPA (9:08:02 PM): Brad I'm still reading them and the post since friday
sassycat112263 (9:08:03 PM): lol
rickyfinsaquatic (9:08:11 PM): wow
BMKINDIG (9:08:19 PM): sassy i'll help
richnkelly28 (9:08:28 PM): hi bytor
BMKINDIG (9:08:32 PM): you work it off
BMKINDIG (9:08:35 PM): lol
Smoke47756 (9:08:37 PM): we sill on for sunday tim?
sassycat112263 (9:08:41 PM): lol - you're rotten
ByTorPA (9:08:43 PM): heya rich and kelly how's things?
richnkelly28 (9:08:50 PM): good and you?
ByTorPA (9:09:04 PM): still breathing , so i guess thats good
richnkelly28 (9:09:11 PM): yeah that is a good thing
rickyfinsaquatic (9:09:24 PM): speaking of breathing I am ready for a smoke break
BMKINDIG (9:09:24 PM): tim did kevin get a hold of you
rickyfinsaquatic (9:09:25 PM): lol
richnkelly28 (9:09:33 PM): that's where i went lol
ByTorPA (9:09:35 PM): Ron I'll let ya know better sat night... I picked up another job ta do today
BMKINDIG (9:09:38 PM): he was going to call you
ByTorPA (9:09:58 PM): yes Brad I talked to fizz last night
BMKINDIG (9:10:02 PM): but didn't have your ##
BMKINDIG (9:10:10 PM): ok
ByTorPA (9:10:14 PM): dunno y he didn't??
ByTorPA (9:10:28 PM): gave it to him months ago
BMKINDIG (9:10:29 PM): got me
AOL chat 031406 cont'd

Smoke47756 (9:10:35 PM): only thing about tim is only 60 miles awy from me
rickyfinsaquatic (9:10:37 PM): hell his number is on every bathroom wall in every LFS for miles
richnkelly28 (9:10:44 PM): lol
sassycat112263 (9:10:49 PM): lol...ricky
BMKINDIG (9:10:57 PM): i think your number only works when it wants to
Smoke47756 (9:11:02 PM): i dont have to drive to far for frags
rickyfinsaquatic (9:11:04 PM): your an f-ing icon
ByTorPA (9:11:13 PM): yeah right....
rickyfinsaquatic (9:11:25 PM): people put your digits everywhere
rickyfinsaquatic (9:11:27 PM): lol
ByTorPA (9:11:36 PM): brad I'm not always around
BMKINDIG (9:11:48 PM): lol
rickyfinsaquatic (9:11:50 PM): brb
ByTorPA (9:11:50 PM): I have other jobs besides my main one
richnkelly28 (9:11:54 PM): it's selective answering brad j/k
ByTorPA (9:12:00 PM): the joys of freelancing
Smoke47756 (9:12:15 PM): at least you have a job tim
ByTorPA (9:12:35 PM): well ya gotta hunt for work
ByTorPA (9:12:43 PM): I do it every week
richnkelly28 (9:12:43 PM): hey smoke do you know how to paint?
Smoke47756 (9:13:00 PM): houses?
sassycat112263 (9:13:01 PM): (paint by numbers doesn't count)
Smoke47756 (9:13:05 PM): lol
ByTorPA (9:13:08 PM): my real job is only 15 to 20 hrs a week
richnkelly28 (9:13:10 PM): yeah interior painting
Smoke47756 (9:13:23 PM): did it for 8 years
richnkelly28 (9:13:24 PM): good one marlene
richnkelly28 (9:13:36 PM): we're looking for painters for this summer
BMKINDIG (9:13:41 PM): hell ron can't paint bye numbers he can't even count
Smoke47756 (9:13:54 PM): 13468910
sassycat112263 (9:13:57 PM): you guys are so rotten to one another - I can feel the love.
ByTorPA (9:14:14 PM): yeah doesn't it just show
sassycat112263 (9:14:27 PM): lol.....thanking God I'm a girl - so maybe they'll go easy on me....wishful thinking?
Smoke47756 (9:14:31 PM): your a drive in a half kelly
BMKINDIG (9:14:34 PM): you should hear us on a bad day
BMKINDIG (9:14:40 PM): this is nothing
richnkelly28 (9:14:41 PM): i'm a girl too marlene and it's not that easy
sassycat112263 (9:14:53 PM): You're a girl? You must be Kelly then?
richnkelly28 (9:14:59 PM): yep i'm kelly
BMKINDIG (9:15:02 PM): kelley is just as bad as us
richnkelly28 (9:15:06 PM): hehehe
sassycat112263 (9:15:06 PM): Wow - now I don't feel so bad. :o)
BMKINDIG (9:15:23 PM): bad is good
richnkelly28 (9:15:25 PM): i didn't realize you were so far from us ron
sassycat112263 (9:15:25 PM): Maybe we can whip these guys into shape.
richnkelly28 (9:15:43 PM): it wouldn't be fun if we whipped them into shape
ByTorPA (9:15:43 PM): never happen
ByTorPA (9:15:53 PM): cant teach ole dogs new tricks
sassycat112263 (9:16:41 PM): So how does everyone know one another then? Through the club?
rickyfinsaquatic (9:16:42 PM): back
richnkelly28 (9:16:57 PM): the club for me
ByTorPA (9:16:59 PM): you were gone?
rickyfinsaquatic (9:16:59 PM): yea I know most of them through the club
ByTorPA (9:17:39 PM): yeah sassy we all met thru the club
rickyfinsaquatic (9:17:55 PM): a long time ago huh
sassycat112263 (9:17:58 PM): Well....I'm hoping I get to meet you fine upstanding people soon.
ByTorPA (9:18:05 PM): yeah it's been a few yrs
ByTorPA (9:20:40 PM): ok rick
shimmy yaz187 (9:24:12 PM): ok just to give you guys a heads up I did find a chat module that will run on the website
rickyfinsaquatic (9:24:21 PM): so I gues we are all meeting on friday too then right?
sassycat112263 (9:24:21 PM): shimmy is back
shimmy yaz187 (9:24:38 PM): yeah for a bit
rickyfinsaquatic (9:24:51 PM): cool
shimmy yaz187 (9:25:55 PM): haha yeah i got up at 8
BMKINDIG (9:28:47 PM): in between quickies
richnkelly28 (9:28:54 PM): you wish
sassycat112263 (9:28:56 PM): lol
ByTorPA (9:49:07 PM): ok i'm back sorry
richnkelly28 (9:49:11 PM): howdy
ByTorPA (9:49:45 PM): I have like 100 plus emails to deal with
Smoke47756 (9:49:51 PM): ha ha ha
ByTorPA (9:49:52 PM): drivin me nutz
richnkelly28 (9:49:53 PM): holy crap
ByTorPA (9:50:08 PM): I feel like just holding the delete button
richnkelly28 (9:50:15 PM): has it been that long since you've checked?
Smoke47756 (9:50:16 PM): thats what you get when your never online
ByTorPA (9:50:31 PM): my pc was down for a good month
BMKINDIG (9:50:47 PM): tim i told you to delete them all
BMKINDIG (9:50:54 PM): not worth it
rickyfinsaquatic (9:50:54 PM): lol
ByTorPA (9:51:02 PM): and with all this stuff with the club boiling over
rickyfinsaquatic (9:51:04 PM): sorry tim
ByTorPA (9:51:20 PM): rick? sorry for?
richnkelly28 (9:51:25 PM): yeah we were without a pc for about a month so i know what you're dealing with
rickyfinsaquatic (9:51:31 PM): think about it
Smoke47756 (9:52:00 PM): i dont have that problem i have computers sitting every where
ByTorPA (9:52:13 PM): still at a loss rick
rickyfinsaquatic (9:52:57 PM): are the emails club related
ByTorPA (9:53:07 PM): oh yeah Rick
rickyfinsaquatic (9:53:11 PM): then I am sorry
rickyfinsaquatic (9:53:20 PM): how about it kelly
rickyfinsaquatic (9:53:44 PM): kelly are ya there
richnkelly28 (9:53:54 PM): yeah, there shouldn't be as much problems being caused
richnkelly28 (9:54:18 PM): unfortunately now you have a **** load of emails to deal with and people to answer and talk to
ByTorPA (9:55:01 PM): yeah Kelly I do
rickyfinsaquatic (9:55:20 PM): Tim are you running again
ByTorPA (9:55:48 PM): Only if I'm asked to Rick if not I will prolly step done
rickyfinsaquatic (9:55:58 PM): hey will ya run again
ByTorPA (9:55:58 PM): down
rickyfinsaquatic (9:56:08 PM): I am asking you to
ByTorPA (9:56:41 PM): dunno yet Rick... thanks tho
rickyfinsaquatic (9:57:06 PM): sure
richnkelly28 (9:57:37 PM): like ricky said in his one post on RC - we all hope that noone takes any of this crap personally
BMKINDIG (9:58:04 PM): sorry i do!!
richnkelly28 (9:58:21 PM): why no one directly said anything bad against you did they?
rickyfinsaquatic (9:58:30 PM): I know I didn't
rickyfinsaquatic (9:58:43 PM): it must have been Tim
rickyfinsaquatic (9:58:45 PM): lol
richnkelly28 (9:59:19 PM): i know ricky and i have been recognizing you for all the work you have done for the club with sponsors, donations, etc.
BMKINDIG (9:59:25 PM): that's not the pointi help run this club!!! so i'm responcible
ByTorPA (9:59:54 PM): I think we did a hell of alot to get this to be a formal club... and I'll admit most ofus haven't hadmuch free time in the past few month for club business
richnkelly28 (9:59:59 PM): to be honest, if you feel responsable for all that has happened you are putting way too much on your plate
BMKINDIG (10:00:52 PM): gues thats the manager in me
rickyfinsaquatic (10:01:01 PM): maybe
BMKINDIG (10:01:11 PM): aka my real job
Smoke47756 (10:01:21 PM): you work brad
BMKINDIG (10:01:25 PM): manageing people
richnkelly28 (10:01:26 PM): a lot that has been complained about is stuff that hasn't been done since the beginning not just over the last few months
ByTorPA (10:02:35 PM): I don't see what all your getting at Kelly?
richnkelly28 (10:03:34 PM): i'm just saying, it's been said a lot that the problems that are going on right now are new and they are not. there are also BOD members who are feeling really responsable that are not responsable for what has happened.
BMKINDIG (10:04:23 PM): like what?
BMKINDIG (10:04:36 PM): not posting a meeting date?
BMKINDIG (10:06:17 PM): no comment?
richnkelly28 (10:06:25 PM): problems: not letting members know what is going on in the club, waiting to the last minute to come up with an event and then complain when no one responds or is unable to attend, waiting to the last minute to look for volunteers and then complaining that no one responds, secrecy amongst the BOD (example: Mal's resignation - should have been made public already), secrecy about money...
richnkelly28 (10:06:31 PM): i'm not done
richnkelly28 (10:07:15 PM): backstabbing, being nasty about other members and BOD members, not supporting sponsors..
richnkelly28 (10:07:23 PM): do want more?
ByTorPA (10:07:56 PM): yes Kelly
richnkelly28 (10:08:03 PM): i'm not saying this stuff to **** anyone off, everyone has been wanting to know what all i know
richnkelly28 (10:09:40 PM): not following the bylaws, not having the majority of the vote for the NPO status, not using the NPO status for what it is needed for, not supporting topics that have been stated that NCPARS stands for, yearly financial statements not properly done - posted or reviewed
richnkelly28 (10:10:25 PM): having a president and a treasurer that does not hold the respect or ethical behavior that is required of them
ByTorPA (10:10:55 PM): Sorry Kelly I jujst do see these things...
richnkelly28 (10:11:06 PM): i'm sorry you don't either
richnkelly28 (10:11:25 PM): i do, rich does, other members that have contacted and we have spoken with over the last 2 years do
richnkelly28 (10:11:57 PM): that's why i'm speaking out now so that others can see what is going on because they are questioning what is happening and why are people "fighting"
ByTorPA (10:11:59 PM): well then you all can make the needed changes
rickyfinsaquatic (10:12:12 PM): tim I have to agree with respect and ethical behavior
richnkelly28 (10:12:29 PM): i'm not saying i'm going to be the one to make changes but i am running for the BOD to try to help make these changes
ByTorPA (10:13:30 PM): well this is what needs to be done... more ppl showing anintrest... In the club and is why there are elections
rickyfinsaquatic (10:13:58 PM): my loyalty is with the members dude, I am here to help and get involved
BMKINDIG (10:14:21 PM): no comment there ricky
richnkelly28 (10:14:29 PM): i am the same as ricky
rickyfinsaquatic (10:14:31 PM): why not brad
ByTorPA (10:14:33 PM): I was asked to be on the BOD because in the beginning there were very few who show much interest it making the club formal
BMKINDIG (10:14:47 PM): (you better know wherei stand
BMKINDIG (10:14:52 PM): !!!!!
rickyfinsaquatic (10:15:00 PM): I do know where you stand
BMKINDIG (10:15:49 PM): then you cna see y no comment
rickyfinsaquatic (10:15:54 PM): yep
richnkelly28 (10:16:14 PM): that is what all the BOD says and now with the elections new people can have the chance to become the BOD and give others the opportunity to enjoy the club without the hassels of the BOD since it seems most of the BOD members don't want their position and were kind of thrown into it
ByTorPA (10:16:14 PM): Adn also I took the position as VP only until elections were to be held
richnkelly28 (10:17:01 PM): and we appreciate you taking the position of VP
ByTorPA (10:17:08 PM): I'm not a poltition and don't play one on TV... but give me a task to do and it gets done to the best of my ability
rickyfinsaquatic (10:17:21 PM): Amen
rickyfinsaquatic (10:17:25 PM): brother
richnkelly28 (10:17:28 PM): unfortunately we didn't know that you were the VP until the last swap
ByTorPA (10:18:10 PM): well the paper work was only being signed at the last swap
ByTorPA (10:19:51 PM): like I said I was only doing my part which I thought would make this a healthy viable club
ByTorPA (10:21:16 PM): A good club needs a good foundation which I truely thing the current BOD has given it
ByTorPA (10:21:28 PM): thing= think
richnkelly28 (10:21:29 PM): all i have to say is don't take any of this personally, i still look at all of us as friends and we need to seperate friendship with what is going on in the club
BMKINDIG (10:22:35 PM): lol
richnkelly28 (10:22:50 PM): then think it funny brad
BMKINDIG (10:24:23 PM): i sorry i can't help but take it personally
Smoke47756 (10:24:25 PM): brb
Smoke47756 (10:24:33 PM) has left the room.
ByTorPA (10:24:34 PM): and now that the foundation is in place let the members of the club come in and build apon it
richnkelly28 (10:25:36 PM): if you think this is funny when this is a serious discussion about what is going on then maybe you don't belong on the BOD
richnkelly28 (10:25:45 PM): i understand what you are saying Tim
ByTorPA (10:26:29 PM): thats good Kelly... it's kinda what the main plan was...
Smoke47756 (10:26:50 PM) has entered the room.
richnkelly28 (10:27:13 PM): i totally agree that members need to help build the club
rickyfinsaquatic (10:27:22 PM): yep
richnkelly28 (10:27:40 PM): we just hope that whomever does get into the new BOD can help along with the members
ByTorPA (10:27:41 PM): well that is what it's all about
richnkelly28 (10:27:44 PM): yes
Smoke47756 (10:28:27 PM): every one hates me
ByTorPA (10:28:27 PM): there are moire than a few current members of the BOD that will be stepping down... which imo is a shame
BMKINDIG (10:28:39 PM): not that 's funny but i can't help but care
rickyfinsaquatic (10:28:59 PM): it is a shame depending on who is leaving
richnkelly28 (10:29:07 PM): that's right ricky
rickyfinsaquatic (10:30:23 PM): oh I gotta spill the beans here
richnkelly28 (10:30:29 PM): please do
rickyfinsaquatic (10:30:30 PM): Mal told me I need to grow up
rickyfinsaquatic (10:30:32 PM): lol
richnkelly28 (10:30:34 PM): lol
rickyfinsaquatic (10:30:49 PM): maybe I do
BMKINDIG (10:30:51 PM): the only thing i would say is some need to that may care alot should let someone with more time step up
richnkelly28 (10:30:53 PM): that's one bean
richnkelly28 (10:31:22 PM): there is people with lots of time that want to help
richnkelly28 (10:31:38 PM): for example me
richnkelly28 (10:32:23 PM): you don't have to grow up Ricky
rickyfinsaquatic (10:32:44 PM): goo goo gaa gaa
richnkelly28 (10:32:46 PM): he just needs to get a better come back
BMKINDIG (10:33:02 PM): grow up kelley
BMKINDIG (10:33:03 PM): lol
BMKINDIG (10:33:20 PM): that should be a funny
richnkelly28 (10:33:40 PM): so ricky, what childish answer did you say to Mal after that comment
richnkelly28 (10:34:01 PM): i can hear it now "oh yeah! you too!"
richnkelly28 (10:34:18 PM): sticks and stones my break my bones but words will never harm me
richnkelly28 (10:34:19 PM): lol
rickyfinsaquatic (10:34:38 PM): I said, isnt that what I am doing now, i wouldn't be talking to you otherwise
rickyfinsaquatic (10:34:42 PM): something like that
richnkelly28 (10:35:04 PM): well that just ruins the fun me and rich were just having
richnkelly28 (10:35:07 PM): lol
richnkelly28 (10:35:23 PM): sorry trying to make you laugh during this time of seriousness
richnkelly28 (10:35:27 PM): wussie
rickyfinsaquatic (10:35:34 PM): lol
richnkelly28 (10:38:38 PM): hello - anyone here?????
rickyfinsaquatic (10:38:44 PM): yep
richnkelly28 (10:38:56 PM): did it get too hot?
ByTorPA (10:39:35 PM): no I'm still here
rickyfinsaquatic (10:39:38 PM): nope I just drank ice water
richnkelly28 (10:39:47 PM): good i thought we lost ya
richnkelly28 (10:39:52 PM): still reading emails?
ByTorPA (10:40:11 PM): yeah
Smoke47756 (10:40:43 PM): keep reading i think i need to send you a 100 emails
Email, w/ responses, sent to Nominations Committee

*Email addresses and profanity have been omitted or censored*

Rich & Kelly Rivera <> wrote:

The bylaws state that members can cast votes electronically. I had someone PM me on Reef Central saying that they wish they could vote but they wonรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt be in attendance at the swap. I will be posting a thread on Reef Central letting people know that they can cast their vote electronically. They will have the option to post their vote (which Iรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขm sure most people wonรƒฦ’ร‚ยขรƒยข"ลกร‚ยฌรƒยข"ลพร‚ยขt do) or they can email their vote. When they email their vote, their email will be forwarded to each of us in the Nominations Committee. It will not go to anyone else because no one else is to be involved with the elections.
I also think that each of us, if we receive any email votes, need to bring a print out of these emails so just incase someone forgets and also to keep accuracy and validity with the votes.
Is this alright with you?

Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 6:10 PM
To: Rich & Kelly Rivera;
Subject: Re: Voting for non attending members

If they send their vote to the ncpars email account we all will get a copy. Yes this idea is good, and will be fine for non attending members. I think we don't need any approval for this due to too many people f**** things up recently.



From: Carl Cattau
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:56 PM
To: Rich & Kelly Rivera; 'rickyfins'
Subject: Re: Voting for non attending members

Sounds like a plan!

UM, it says at the top you are done, and then at the end it says you won't quit, so which one of you is doing what?

thank you kindly,

If you read the bold print it tells you that this is an exact copy of the information that went out today to those who requested it. The information regarding us not quitting was before more crap happened.

We are done!
*Sigh*. I keep being sorry it comes to this. I honestly don't see the point in posting all this, I'm sorry you felt you had to, there was a chance to be on the board, but I guess now you won't be. That's fine, and of course up to you. But I just don't know this helps anyone; maybe that's not the point as much as it was to vent?

I didn't read all of the long letter of issues about the club and board, but I did see a note about resignations, the one factual thing to say there is that a couple of people announced different times they were going to resign, and then we (others) convinced them to stay. So there wasn't every really a resignation in either case. But I am not going to try to respond to everything there, I have some thoughts but I don't think it helps to keep going.

The BOD is trying to figure out answers to some of the things that have come up on this thread that yes we hope will fit in the bylaws, but also be fair to members, like figuring out if/how we can do absentee balloting when we hadn't thought about it before. You have a plan that is definitely under consideration, and thanks to Rich, Ricky, and Carl for working on that.

All I can say is that I hope others will still remain up for election and that members will come and vote. Not sure what else to say.

what a mouthfull. if only all the facts were straight.

the npo status thing was decided upon long agoand there were open meeting at peoples houses way before i got that serious into the hobby,yes i was at the 1st meetings as a newbie and bye the info i got on r/c and local reefers i became more active.
and now that the npo status has finally gone thou formal elections need to be done and we have to think this out completely,every time we think we have the answer we check to see if the bylaws allow it to happen that way,or we start over.

yes there are times a disagree with other bod members on things but in a day or to things get worked out.i choose to step up and run for president because a big part of my heart goes into my love for the hobby and ncpars.someone that has full knowledge of what happens in the club needs to be running it and maybe the by-laws should state something like having 1 year prior bod experence being needed.

maybe i wouldn't be the best president or maybe i could bring the club back together. the president doesn't make all the calls they just need to be able to manage things the bod needs to get done and organize lots of things.basicaly give people what is expected. i deal with people on a daily basis at cost to my personal time and energy(at work) i just have the same type of passion for the club and want to see it grow.

as for the raffles i have lots of contacts of people that have donating things and i would update the bod almost on a daily even hourly basis when i get a donation and there have even been times when i haven't gone after donations because of we haven't had the npo status. i would never hide a donation for personal use and i hope that noone would think that i would do such a thing hell why would i sink so much money into the raffles.the raffles are basiclly our biggest fund raiser and i have a strong believe in education of this hobby. education not just meaning schools and kids but teaching people about the hobby wheater it's doing a fragging demo tank setups and explaining why certain equipment is needed.

maybe part of the reason i feel the need to respond to certain post is that i am 1 on the bod and 2 i am the present vp of public affairs

i beleive this post is coming from the same people the left the club to go to another club because they got to be on the bod and when the left that club they came back to this club saying that we were very organized and that we knew what we were doing.but yet these are the same people that haven't talked to me since i decided to run for president and the only response was i was going down. but then agian how honest can someone be when the have been banned from r/c to many times to count.

so basicly anything posted in this thread should really be igored or deleted.
Lots of love to my Brother Brad, what a mouthful is right, and yes you are correct! Removed or deleted would be good. Are there not laws about this sort of thing?


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