AOL chat 031406
shimmy yaz187 (8:12:36 PM): alright well I guess I will kind of start some talk here
rickyfinsaquatic (8:12:49 PM): cool shoot shimmy
sassycat112263 (8:12:54 PM): all ears here
richnkelly28 (8:13:11 PM): ok
shimmy yaz187 (8:13:31 PM): I am not currently a member of NCPARS and I will be honest as of late with all the stuff going on I will be really considering it as soon as things calm down a bit
rickyfinsaquatic (8:13:50 PM): well things have calmed alot since this has started
BMKINDIG (8:13:52 PM): has everyone heard the next swap is may 6th
sassycat112263 (8:13:57 PM): I'm not a member yet either....but I plan to become one!
richnkelly28 (8:14:00 PM): no there was no announcement
shimmy yaz187 (8:14:04 PM): I feel that there are a lot of issues that need to be addressed and the organizational skills have to be revised drastically
sassycat112263 (8:14:11 PM): Yeah - nice date - NOT. I'm going away on my long awaited honeymoon that week.
rickyfinsaquatic (8:14:13 PM): yea and the last I heard brad, it was unofficial
shimmy yaz187 (8:14:35 PM): also more information available to people who are considering to join the club would be nice
richnkelly28 (8:14:36 PM): yes a lot needs to be taken care of that's why some of us are making the elections so important
BMKINDIG (8:14:37 PM): ncpars is going to sponsor reefnexts swap
richnkelly28 (8:14:49 PM): cool
shimmy yaz187 (8:14:50 PM): like just for one example I don't even know who the BOD is
sassycat112263 (8:14:51 PM): I agree shimmy.....I feel like a dummy.
rickyfinsaquatic (8:14:52 PM): thats good brad
richnkelly28 (8:15:10 PM): shimmy - the majority of the members don't know who the BOD
rickyfinsaquatic (8:15:15 PM): don't worry about information, it is coming in slow for everyone
rickyfinsaquatic (8:15:22 PM): we are working on that
richnkelly28 (8:15:25 PM): one of the original starters of the club just found out last night who the VP is lol
shimmy yaz187 (8:15:40 PM): yeah see that right there is a major issue
rickyfinsaquatic (8:15:42 PM): that is why you have seen some of my nasty comments on RC
shimmy yaz187 (8:16:00 PM): when people in charge dont even know what is going on there is a serious communication problem
richnkelly28 (8:16:04 PM): like ricky said there are people working on matters right now to help move the club into a better direction
BMKINDIG (8:16:22 PM): there is an unofficial bod
shimmy yaz187 (8:16:25 PM): yes I know this
rickyfinsaquatic (8:16:31 PM): we are gathering together to put change into motion
sassycat112263 (8:16:42 PM): It's not easy - I'm sure. I belonged to a freshwater aquaria society back in Canada - and I know how much work that was.
BMKINDIG (8:16:45 PM): more like the slaves that put stuff together
shimmy yaz187 (8:16:56 PM): better communication and documentation is a must
richnkelly28 (8:17:01 PM): i agree shimmy
rickyfinsaquatic (8:17:24 PM): I am one of the original members and early today was the first time I got to see and read the by-laws
richnkelly28 (8:17:33 PM): that isn't right
rickyfinsaquatic (8:17:36 PM): so I agree as well
shimmy yaz187 (8:17:42 PM): i have talkedf to ricky already and have stated that I would love to be more involved however I do not have the time to be more involved
Smoke47756 (8:17:51 PM) has entered the room.
shimmy yaz187 (8:17:54 PM): this is an issue that some of the current BOD has as well
richnkelly28 (8:17:56 PM): hi smoke
shimmy yaz187 (8:18:00 PM): and it is causing the club to fail
sassycat112263 (8:18:01 PM): hi smoke
rickyfinsaquatic (8:18:09 PM): that is ok just being a member you will have a voice for change
rickyfinsaquatic (8:18:22 PM): hey smoke
sassycat112263 (8:18:40 PM): When did the club last meet?
richnkelly28 (8:18:41 PM): members will be heard when the changes take affect and they will feel that they are contributing to the club
shimmy yaz187 (8:18:43 PM): so we need to make sure that with the new elections people are going to do the duties involved with their post and if not then they ned to be removed from post to keep the club functioning properly
rickyfinsaquatic (8:18:47 PM): last year sometime
richnkelly28 (8:19:02 PM): our last swap was in OCT
shimmy yaz187 (8:19:12 PM): yeah I will definitly be a contributing member and throw out any ideas I can
rickyfinsaquatic (8:19:15 PM): yep thats right kelly and it was a disaster
Smoke47756 (8:19:17 PM): oct 28
richnkelly28 (8:19:23 PM): yes it was ricky
sassycat112263 (8:19:27 PM): Well, I just started this hobby up at the end of October - so that's why I haven't heard anything.
rickyfinsaquatic (8:19:34 PM): all vendors took a hit
richnkelly28 (8:19:37 PM): yep
richnkelly28 (8:19:49 PM): the last swap is one of the reasons we are no longer a store
rickyfinsaquatic (8:19:56 PM): I wasnt even a vendor that day and I could see a big difference in the amount sold
BMKINDIG (8:20:08 PM): the bod presently is kevin (fizz)tim(bytor)mal(mal3)jon(jonk) scott many names me, bill =wassomething and of course zooqi
rickyfinsaquatic (8:20:27 PM): Brad your list needs updating
rickyfinsaquatic (8:20:28 PM): lol
richnkelly28 (8:20:31 PM): lol
shimmy yaz187 (8:20:44 PM): yeah bytor hasnt been on in forever
sassycat112263 (8:20:48 PM): Is "zooqui" Mo?
richnkelly28 (8:20:51 PM): yes
rickyfinsaquatic (8:20:53 PM): yes
shimmy yaz187 (8:20:53 PM): yes
richnkelly28 (8:21:03 PM): yeah bytor isn't online much
sassycat112263 (8:21:04 PM): Ok - I've seen lots of his posts.
Smoke47756 (8:21:04 PM): i talked to bytore a week ago
rickyfinsaquatic (8:21:11 PM): tim is still involved
rickyfinsaquatic (8:21:16 PM): me too
richnkelly28 (8:21:36 PM): i'm involved also
Smoke47756 (8:21:38 PM): his computer was down
shimmy yaz187 (8:21:38 PM): i just havent seen him post in awhile
rickyfinsaquatic (8:21:56 PM): smoke do I know you
Smoke47756 (8:22:28 PM): i met you at psu swap
richnkelly28 (8:22:42 PM): i was wondering the same thing as ricky
BMKINDIG (8:22:45 PM): brb
rickyfinsaquatic (8:22:52 PM): wow thats pretty vague I saw about 300 people that day
sassycat112263 (8:22:53 PM): I don't know anyone here.
rickyfinsaquatic (8:23:11 PM): can ya help me out a litlle
sassycat112263 (8:23:11 PM): I've talked to Brad a couple of times when I was first setting up...that's it.
richnkelly28 (8:23:16 PM): you'll learn more people the longer you are involved
Smoke47756 (8:23:22 PM): ok i was the one that had my drill there to drill tanks
rickyfinsaquatic (8:23:24 PM): for sure
rickyfinsaquatic (8:23:35 PM): oh ok, its getting more familiar
richnkelly28 (8:23:39 PM): i know now
rickyfinsaquatic (8:23:43 PM): you are supposed to drill for tim arnt you
Smoke47756 (8:24:01 PM): yes
rickyfinsaquatic (8:24:17 PM): get your *** moving, I am supposed to do the plumbing with him
rickyfinsaquatic (8:24:29 PM): lol
sassycat112263 (8:24:30 PM): (yer in trouble now, smoke)
Smoke47756 (8:24:41 PM): im plan on going down sunday
rickyfinsaquatic (8:24:51 PM): smokes not in trouble
rickyfinsaquatic (8:24:55 PM): he knows how tim is
BMKINDIG (8:25:12 PM): back
sassycat112263 (8:25:23 PM): welcome back
Smoke47756 (8:25:45 PM): yep i drill his tanks the first time but he told me the wrong size bit to get
sassycat112263 (8:26:33 PM): Brad, are you running for the BOD again this year?
rickyfinsaquatic (8:26:34 PM): lol
rickyfinsaquatic (8:26:42 PM): YES HE IS
rickyfinsaquatic (8:27:06 PM): weither he knows it or not
richnkelly28 (8:27:07 PM): yeah were is your nomination brad?
sassycat112263 (8:27:15 PM): lol...did I open a can of worms?
richnkelly28 (8:27:18 PM): lol
rickyfinsaquatic (8:27:19 PM): nope
BMKINDIG (8:27:19 PM): bod yes not sure if i want pres
richnkelly28 (8:27:31 PM): i think you should do VP of Public Relations
rickyfinsaquatic (8:27:38 PM): brad whichever position you want baby
rickyfinsaquatic (8:27:46 PM): yea thats probably you man
richnkelly28 (8:27:47 PM): you have been doing a great job and busting your butt doing that already
shimmy yaz187 (8:28:06 PM): I made a suggestion in the one thread about using IRC for chat. What is everyones opinion on this? I think a chat where we could come and go would be nice and alot easier to get certain questions and issues answered and debated fast
richnkelly28 (8:28:08 PM): and trust me you will get recognition for it now
BMKINDIG (8:28:22 PM): yes but it's not shown
rickyfinsaquatic (8:28:24 PM): smoke are you running
Smoke47756 (8:28:37 PM): nope
richnkelly28 (8:28:41 PM): it will be shown with the new BOD
richnkelly28 (8:28:53 PM): i never used IRC shimmy but it's an idea
rickyfinsaquatic (8:28:54 PM): shimmy- the irc chat is a good idea, but I think our website has that capability it is just not being used
BMKINDIG (8:28:58 PM): rons a chicken
rickyfinsaquatic (8:29:05 PM): come on ron
rickyfinsaquatic (8:29:06 PM): run
rickyfinsaquatic (8:29:11 PM): we need ya man
richnkelly28 (8:29:14 PM): the website should have a chat room
rickyfinsaquatic (8:29:16 PM): we need everybody
rickyfinsaquatic (8:29:36 PM): yes kelly it should and it has the capability
richnkelly28 (8:29:40 PM): right
rickyfinsaquatic (8:29:52 PM): most websites do
shimmy yaz187 (8:29:52 PM): yeah the website chat would work as well
shimmy yaz187 (8:30:01 PM): I know you can have Java based IRC on sites
rickyfinsaquatic (8:30:12 PM): yep that is true too
richnkelly28 (8:30:17 PM): do you know how to do websites shimmy?
shimmy yaz187 (8:30:23 PM): and that would prob be easier for alot of members
rickyfinsaquatic (8:30:35 PM): we could probably use afterx as the server
shimmy yaz187 (8:30:37 PM): I have some knowledge of HTML
rickyfinsaquatic (8:30:49 PM): ok shimmy pay your dues and run
rickyfinsaquatic (8:30:52 PM): lol
shimmy yaz187 (8:30:55 PM): yeah I am on afterx right now
richnkelly28 (8:31:07 PM): we can use you after the new BOD comes in
BMKINDIG (8:31:19 PM): i organized this on aol and we use aol for bod meetings
shimmy yaz187 (8:31:24 PM): yeah I am more than willing to do what I can
shimmy yaz187 (8:31:47 PM): yeah AIM works the only issue is the inviting that has to be done
shimmy yaz187 (8:32:27 PM): who runs the website right now?
richnkelly28 (8:32:41 PM): Fizz
shimmy yaz187 (8:32:49 PM): thats what I thought
richnkelly28 (8:33:01 PM): but he said he doesn't know how to setup a lot of what the website can do
rickyfinsaquatic (8:33:04 PM): why do you sound so blah about it shimmy
richnkelly28 (8:33:12 PM): lol
Smoke47756 (8:33:16 PM): i help him out with the site
shimmy yaz187 (8:33:22 PM): I can look into what options we have available with our current setup and see what we can do about adding chat
richnkelly28 (8:33:32 PM): that would be nice shimmy
rickyfinsaquatic (8:33:38 PM): yea smoke I think kevin mentioned that to me today
BMKINDIG (8:33:39 PM): i can say this i need a website geek on my bod
richnkelly28 (8:33:52 PM): your right brad
rickyfinsaquatic (8:34:02 PM): yep
shimmy yaz187 (8:34:07 PM): I am not totally proficient but I do know some stuff and am always willing to learn more
Smoke47756 (8:34:14 PM): its not the geek part brad it learning the program were using
rickyfinsaquatic (8:34:18 PM): I think the BOD should all be geeks of some kind
richnkelly28 (8:34:26 PM): something that needs to be told to the members - there are also "members at large" positions that need to be filled
rickyfinsaquatic (8:34:43 PM): yes they were never filled were they kelly
Smoke47756 (8:34:46 PM): im a geek at everything
richnkelly28 (8:34:50 PM): not that i know of
sassycat112263 (8:34:53 PM): I'm a shopaholicgeek
rickyfinsaquatic (8:34:55 PM): way to go smoke
rickyfinsaquatic (8:35:09 PM): see we are all geeks at something
richnkelly28 (8:35:15 PM): shopaholicgeek we could work you in somewhere lol
sassycat112263 (8:35:17 PM): I can type 80wpm...does that count for anything?
richnkelly28 (8:35:26 PM): yes secretary position
rickyfinsaquatic (8:35:28 PM): yep
rickyfinsaquatic (8:35:38 PM): brad
sassycat112263 (8:35:42 PM): I held the position of secretary in the last club I was in.

Smoke47756 (8:35:44 PM): i have 5 computers on my network
shimmy yaz187 (8:35:59 PM): i had 7 at one time
shimmy yaz187 (8:36:03 PM): down to 3 now
richnkelly28 (8:36:12 PM): how long were you in your last club marlene?
BMKINDIG (8:36:15 PM): ricky
rickyfinsaquatic (8:36:15 PM): can you tell me if anyone has said anything to you about the current events of the club or if they talked yet about my newsletter idea
Smoke47756 (8:36:21 PM): all wireless
sassycat112263 (8:36:23 PM): About 5 years or so....but that was ages ago.
shimmy yaz187 (8:36:27 PM): alright I gotta jet
shimmy yaz187 (8:36:32 PM): i will look into chat
richnkelly28 (8:36:34 PM): bye shimmy
rickyfinsaquatic (8:36:37 PM): bye shimmy
richnkelly28 (8:36:39 PM): it was nice talking to you
shimmy yaz187 (8:36:43 PM): will read the comments later on though
sassycat112263 (8:36:43 PM): I haven't heard anything, Ricky - if you're talking to me.
Smoke47756 (8:36:47 PM): later shimmy
richnkelly28 (8:36:49 PM): thank you for checking into the chat thing
sassycat112263 (8:36:52 PM): Bye Shimmy
shimmy yaz187 (8:37:02 PM): nice to meet you all and I added everyone to my buddy list so feel free to message anytime
rickyfinsaquatic (8:37:09 PM): great
richnkelly28 (8:37:10 PM): thanks
BMKINDIG (8:37:24 PM): i haven't heard anything but did you submitt the idea to someone via email.
Smoke47756 (9:04:49 PM): bytor is on
rickyfinsaquatic (9:04:58 PM): invited him
sassycat112263 (9:05:02 PM): that's nice of you, brad....but I wouldn't have a clue what I want...
ByTorPA (9:05:40 PM) has entered the room.
rickyfinsaquatic (9:05:46 PM): hey tim
sassycat112263 (9:05:47 PM): Hi Bytor
BMKINDIG (9:05:47 PM): hey tim
ByTorPA (9:05:52 PM): evening all
BMKINDIG (9:05:59 PM): how you been
rickyfinsaquatic (9:05:59 PM): eww cool colors dude
ByTorPA (9:05:59 PM): whats going on?
Smoke47756 (9:05:59 PM): hey hippy
rickyfinsaquatic (9:06:14 PM): not much right now
BMKINDIG (9:06:22 PM): just bsing
rickyfinsaquatic (9:06:26 PM): for sure
ByTorPA (9:06:27 PM): hey Brad, how ya been?
sassycat112263 (9:06:43 PM): Ricky is kicking brad's butt to the moon, and brad is showing his butt....haven't missed much.
BMKINDIG (9:06:43 PM): hanging in there
rickyfinsaquatic (9:06:53 PM): oh if ya didnt know tim I am going to be on the nomination committee
Smoke47756 (9:06:53 PM): i thougt were were looking for a new bod
BMKINDIG (9:06:54 PM): lol
ByTorPA (9:07:11 PM): I am?
Smoke47756 (9:07:17 PM): damn my typing sucks
sassycat112263 (9:07:17 PM): I'm always looking for a new bod. About ten pounds less, please.
BMKINDIG (9:07:37 PM): tim delete the last 1000 email you got and save the headache
richnkelly28 (9:07:45 PM): i'm back
sassycat112263 (9:07:55 PM): welcome back...didn't know you were gone...oops
rickyfinsaquatic (9:07:58 PM): who cares
richnkelly28 (9:08:01 PM): i feel the love
ByTorPA (9:08:02 PM): Brad I'm still reading them and the post since friday
sassycat112263 (9:08:03 PM): lol
rickyfinsaquatic (9:08:11 PM): wow
BMKINDIG (9:08:19 PM): sassy i'll help
richnkelly28 (9:08:28 PM): hi bytor
BMKINDIG (9:08:32 PM): you work it off
BMKINDIG (9:08:35 PM): lol
Smoke47756 (9:08:37 PM): we sill on for sunday tim?
sassycat112263 (9:08:41 PM): lol - you're rotten
ByTorPA (9:08:43 PM): heya rich and kelly how's things?
richnkelly28 (9:08:50 PM): good and you?
ByTorPA (9:09:04 PM): still breathing , so i guess thats good
richnkelly28 (9:09:11 PM): yeah that is a good thing
rickyfinsaquatic (9:09:24 PM): speaking of breathing I am ready for a smoke break
BMKINDIG (9:09:24 PM): tim did kevin get a hold of you
rickyfinsaquatic (9:09:25 PM): lol
richnkelly28 (9:09:33 PM): that's where i went lol
ByTorPA (9:09:35 PM): Ron I'll let ya know better sat night... I picked up another job ta do today
BMKINDIG (9:09:38 PM): he was going to call you
ByTorPA (9:09:58 PM): yes Brad I talked to fizz last night
BMKINDIG (9:10:02 PM): but didn't have your ##
BMKINDIG (9:10:10 PM): ok
ByTorPA (9:10:14 PM): dunno y he didn't??
ByTorPA (9:10:28 PM): gave it to him months ago
BMKINDIG (9:10:29 PM): got me