Had some major issues:
Long story short:
AEFW, broken heater, lots of dead SPS colonies now starting to recover.
Short story long:
Where to start? I started to get some STN on a mille which was really slow, not your normal STN. All other SPS looked fine. Thinking it was just a lighting issue as I had recently changed lights to 8x54w dimmable sunpower from LEDs I let it be. I also bought a granulosa around the same time. I left this on the sandbed to acclimate before slowly moving it up. Next day I noticed what appeared to be bite marks. Only 2 that I can recall seeing but the typical AEFW circular bitemarks. My heart sank. I went and dipped the granulosa again to double check but didn't see anything untoward and there were no signs of any eggs. I dip all corals prior to introduction in CoralRX pro which for 3 years has kept any baddies at bay.
A month or so later I started to notice STN on a tenius with retracted PE. This was an established colony but I took the decision after losing the mille to frag it before losing it all. I dipped the colony prior to doing this and a couple of AEFW dropped off.....gutted
. With so many colonies encrusted on my rocks there was no way I could go the route of removing and dipping so decided to try and live with it. For the most part this seemed to be fine and maybe the FWS I was also dosing was helping. So things progressed for a while until something happened that really knocked me back.
My corals started to go tan coloured. Like almost grey. The skin would go pale like STN but the skin was clearly still there so wasn't being eaten so it wasn't AEFW causing this I don't believe. It was however ONLY acropora that was affected but I've never read about this happening with AEFW. I started to lose corals on a daily basis, not RTN or STN but looking like they had rotted. They would go that grey/tan colour and then RTN.
I stripped the whole tank equipment down, skimmer, pumps, reactor pumps, chiller, heaters....everything that I could think of. I cleaned the sump thinking I may have dropped a screw in there - nothing. Stray voltage checked out. Did a number of 50% waterchanges and there was no improvement. I continued to lose acros, slowly. Fragging did nothing to solve this. It was heartbreaking. Despite checking the heaters on the strip down I decided to check them again....one of the heaters showed condensation:
The glass was perfect with no cracks that I could see but water was somehow getting in there. I'm still not 100% sure that this was the cause but since replacing them with schego titanium heaters the coral deaths have slowed to the point that I haven't lost any SPS in the past 2 weeks. Moreover, the colour is starting to come back to some that were showing signs of letting go.
I'm still battling AEFW I think although I haven't come across any on the 'test' corals that are not attached to rockwork and can be easily dipped/checked. I'm 99.9% certain I still have them even though I see no evidence but it seem my wrasse are keeping them in check. All of the corals are starting to gain a little strength things seem to be improving a little so (tempting fate) my tank seems to be over the worst of it.
I'm tempted to strip it all down and start again as my heart just isn't in it like it was. Its gut wrenching losing stock you've had for years, especially when there's nothing you can do about it, not without starting divorce proceedings! So this year I've had a 14hr power cut and lost stock because of this, replenishing with stock infected with AEFW, managed to get on top of AEFW problem only for a heater to contaminate my tank somehow and cause no end of suffering which may still not be over. You could say I'm fed up with it but I'll struggle on I guess until the next disaster!