Walt Disney Acro

Yay daylight pictures!!! Thank you gmerek2! Beautiful colors on the body of that piece. I can't wait til someone will trade me for one, I can't spend that much on a piece.

Same coral same day.

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Can anyone help me out about WD corals , are they from Australia or Bali , I have previously bought one which was nothing like .This is a coral pic thats being sold today by mail order as Bali WD.Is it or is it not ,are there variations ,is it worth buying. 250 to 400 euros.
thanks Bill

There are a lot of acros coming from Bali that have a few color combinations. The trick is finding one that keeps them all once growing in an aquarium. Normally the body will stay one color and the polyps another. I got one that has orange polyps on the tips and yellow Coralites with a green base color and blue on the underside of the coral it's where light doesn't hit directly. I love it. I love the Bali tenuis coming in now, there are so many color variations but what you want to pay for it is up to you. I am not sure which area the WD From came from but I would assume it was an Indo piece. Lots of other nice tenuis just waiting to be hyped up that's for sure :)
Can anyone help me out about WD corals , are they from Australia or Bali , I have previously bought one which was nothing like .This is a coral pic thats being sold today by mail order as Bali WD.Is it or is it not ,are there variations ,is it worth buying. 250 to 400 euros.
thanks Bill

Like Piper said, so many Tenuis of different color variations are showing up and really, it's about finding one you like. The one you have in the picture hasn't colored up completely, but based on the growth patterns I've seen on my own and several other WD, I would say this is going to look a bit different. If you're willing to drop the money on a real frag, I would find a reefer or trusted store to purchase. Everyone wants to make money off the next big thing, so you have to be careful!
bshow 24
I agree the only issue is that there are none like yours available in the EU or UK so its take a punt on getting something with similar colouration the last one I bought was just a blue tenuis described as a WD and another not even a tenuis,
Haha, that's funny. In my experience the ones with pink or purple as the main base color don't end up with that much contrast in the end. Most will loose any highlights on the Coralites but that doesn't mean all will. Try and find one with blue yellow orange green or pink combinations. They always end up keeping most of the colors. I wish there was a thread for the different variations of the tenuis coming from the I do area so we could learn which ones people have had success keeping colored well and which color variations there are.
I tried the same thing as you but failed and bought a piece from trusted source. But The problem is vendors like calling some wild ones WD because it boosts price by $100. But you have to remember that no one has this but people with lineage because where it is harvested is only accessible by helicopter then submarine and then down a deep cave with sharks is where the WDs live.

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Hahaha! Nice one. It is really hard to pick through all these tenuis when vendors and even wholesalers take pictures with LEDs and filters and PS them to make them even more saturated. This brings out flourescense that you don't see under any kind of decent lighting and a lot of the time the coral will only be one or two colors :/
Are dealers providing proof of lineage on some of these corals? I see everything with the JF or Tyree or ORA name but no way to verify. Is that just based on trust with the vendor?
This might be coral that make people start to see that blue-only pics are fools gold, or perhaps there is not a better example. I have a whole handful of acros that look better than WD with nothing but blues on them. I have never seen one under full lighting that is not boring - they look a lot like the photo by Gmerek2 above.
I have seen a 6" colony under 20K Radiums with some kessils on there for some "pop," but they do no pop anything much. Boring. The guy cannot even sell frags for $100 anymore.

I would have to see yours in person to decide - those photos are way bluer than 20K, but taking photos is hard and I cannot really bash anybody since I am no good at it either. I would need to see some pure white sand to really tell in a photo.

Under blues only, I have a Westside Tort that is pure yellow like Big Bird - the kind of yellow that everybody dreams of. I also have a Red Granulosa that is red as a fire engine... not pinkish or kind-of-red like most "red" acros, but true pure red. Both are Glamor Shots and not real.
I have seen a 6" colony under 20K Radiums with some kessils on there for some "pop," but they do no pop anything much. Boring. The guy cannot even sell frags for $100 anymore.

I would have to see yours in person to decide - those photos are way bluer than 20K, but taking photos is hard and I cannot really bash anybody since I am no good at it either. I would need to see some pure white sand to really tell in a photo.

Under blues only, I have a Westside Tort that is pure yellow like Big Bird - the kind of yellow that everybody dreams of. I also have a Red Granulosa that is red as a fire engine... not pinkish or kind-of-red like most "red" acros, but true pure red. Both are Glamor Shots and not real.

Let's see them !!