Want just a mushroom tank w/ goby

Louis Z

Active member
How sensitive are mushrooms/ ricordeas/ yumas to nitrates and phosphates. Looking to set up a 15g nano w/ HOB refugium,aqua clear filter. Don't have space for refugium. Will try not to overstock with fish. Try not to have a skimmer. Or do they need to have a skimmer? I have only kept FO tanks so just want to ask as how to prepare for setup. Do not want SPS, maybe after 6 months I would like a toadstool, frogspawn if tank seems stable
Mushrooms actually like water a little "dirty" ..Well not literally but they do prefer some trates ,5-10PPM is not bad for them at all even upwards of 15 -20 ..
Good, thanks for responding. I am trying to get away with less equipment and less pristine parameters. I don't know if frogspawn and toadstool would do well in this tpe of setup
Mushrooms actually like water a little "dirty" ..Well not literally but they do prefer some trates ,5-10PPM is not bad for them at all even upwards of 15 -20 ..

Yes i heard they like little dirty water as well. What about Zooanthes are they prefer the same condition?
Check out this riccordia garden


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I think toadstools and zoos would be fine in water with some trates also ,,as far as frogs and or hammers IDK ,,they are stony corals
My nano tank is very similar. I had a skimmer which I no longer use because of noise

. 2-10ppm NO3

My only filtration is bio balls in the back and live rock. My corals and anemone are fine. I did start using kalk in my ATO. It's been great no salinity swings and no problems with calcium or alk.

Soft Coral: Neon leather, Red and green recordia 10-12 different zoas Gorgonian

LPS Hard corals: Acans Bubble coral Pagoda cup Favia

Fish: Blenny, Clown

Been in this set up 8months image-3730214716.jpg
Ynot65 that is a sweet garden. That's what I would like to have. Also mix in what Adam has in his nano. That's what I am shooting for. This tank is for a school to put in a biology lab. Very small footprint and no space underneath. I did a thread in the nano thread as to how to setup but now looking as how to have as much diversity and what it takes to maintain it. I want this as a teaching tool and as a way to introduce kids to this hobby. My daughter spends way too much time on Instagram. :uhoh3: