Want to trade SPS


Premium Member
I have a few SPS that have to be trimmed and would like to trade with someone else. PM me if interested, Im in the Kendall area.

Green Digitata

White cream Acropora

Green Hydnophora
chino, all i have are zoos/ few rics and i have pc's so i dont know if theres any thing we can trade for unless u have some easy to keep sps like millies (growing a blue millie right now). I'd like to see the setup if possible (im also in kendall off miller). you are more than welcome to come by and check out my setup as well.

For these, you need MH but I have some other stuff you might like. I'll PM you my address and we can get together sometime.

According to liveaquaria, you can keep digitata under PC's so I think T5 will be fine. As for the acro and hydno, you need MH.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11940449#post11940449 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by djmicl
will these SPS grow under t5 ?
Yes, especially if you've got HO bulbs w/ individual reflectors.
I believe that's the only lighting that Eco-Reef is using over their tanks now.

Here's a shot from one of my favorite threads here of a tank in Portugal that is only lit with T-5s.

All those were grown out from frags, some as small as a single polyp.
Here's a link to the thread if you haven't seen it yet.
Just amazing.

They'll also grow under VHOs.
Although you should expect some color changes when changing the type of lighting.
I had an acro that went from bright yellow under MH to a deep green when placed under VHOs.
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I have been looking to add some sps to my tank. Let me know if your interested in selling some frags. Thanks. I dont really have much to trade other than softies. Thanks!

chino, the frags are sweet man. I hope the ones i got you will do well but either way i'm gonna try to razor off either a nice green rainbow colored ric or an orange /blue ric this week depending which is not attached to larger rocks...any preference?? i should have something nice for you for the swap.
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No preference. Once again, nice tank. The frags are already opening up. Hopefully they will take off and look as nice as yours.