Wanted: Small large angel


New member
I am looking for a small angel. I really miss the french I had years ago before our move. I also might be interested in a queen, king, or cortez. I have bought a couple small angels one from Premium aquatics and one from Uncle bills greenwood. I could not get either to eat. I am looking for one that someone has bought and is maybe picking at corals or is getting a little big for your tank. It still must be in juvinal form. I have a 180 gallon with two tangs and two clowns. no real corals so I don't have to worry about that. Let me know what you have. It would be best to email me at vanillaprice@hotmail.com. Of course I will have to see him eat before I buy it. I would like to stay around the Indy area.
nobody wanting to get rid of an angel?? If you go to break down your tank and need to find a home for one please let me know. I am not looking to buy it cheap. Just looking to get a healthly one. You can pm or email me. Thanks, chris