Wanted to share pics of my hippo tang


New member
First a little back story.. I've had this Tang for a little over two years now.. she almost died on me a few times!! Twice I came home from work to find her stuck to my mp40 and thinking she was a goner.. but she had some fight left in her.. on Christmas Day 2016 she was laying on her side in the sand bed and I was contimplating pulling her out because I for sure thought she was dead.. now here we are almost 2 years later and she's much bigger and doing amesome!! I've never seen another blue Tang like her except for a few google mages which they call "œbandit hippo Tang" shes got a black face! Totally neat looking and glad she pulled through and glad I didn't give up on her. (Trigger fish wouldn't stop photo bombing)

What a cool story. Was she sick when you first introduced her to the tank and were the two episodes back to back or was there some time in between?

She looks happy and healthy.
What a cool story. Was she sick when you first introduced her to the tank and were the two episodes back to back or was there some time in between?

She looks happy and healthy.

She was sick pretty much as soon as she was introduced to my tank. Had spots that I wasn't sure of.. may have been ich or flukes.. I dosed prazi and just used seachem kanaplex and metroplex with food, vitamins, and UV light.. After a few months there were no more spots on her and shes been perfect ever since. I never even noticed the black face until my dad was over checking out my tank and he mentioned it.
that's a good looking one. I've been searching for a darker one too.

Apparently someone has a near all black version
