

New member
im looking for a dirt cheap sump or possibly an aquarium the bigger the better ...its for my 55 gallon tank.... im a low ranking airman so help me out here...check the back of ur closet...under that random blanket laying in ur garage.... im to untalented to make my own and cant afford to buy one...so ne help would b appreciated...also if neone has a decent skimmer for cheap let me know...
Hey man, if you decide that you can't use the red sea skimmer, I'll take it back. It isn't the greatest, but it did work better than my seaclone.
lol if i could figure out how to use it lol.......but ur saying the seaclone is that bad?? cause i was thinking about just picking one up..but if its that bad what is a good one i should aim for
with the seaclone 100, you have to throw away the air valve that comes with it and replace it with a simple plastic air line needle valve to fine tune the bubbles. something like the valve with the knob below the T.

thats all i did to mine. they seem to work better in a sump than as a hang on the back of the tank skimmer. shorter run for the bubbles from the pump straight into the skimmer base. rather than up and over and down a long tube to the skimmer bottom outside the tank. mine has been skimming dark gunky stuff for 8 years.

the other mods suguested on the net to cut down the center tube, have been incorporated in the newer seaclones of the past 3-4 years. not the best skimmer, but not bad for the price.
If you're looking for a low end HOT skimmer, the prism isn't too bad. The seaclone is low end also. A lot of people run the Aqua C Remora's, with apparent good results. Check out Kens mod ideas, my seaclone worked after I switched the air valve. Don't expect any skimmate for a while though, you don't have anything in there pooping.

You can continue to tinker with the SeaClown but your only going to be able to do so much with it. It's definitely low end at best and works into a tight budget. If you want good simming though I've got a Aqua C Remora Pro with a Mag 3 pump that'll do the job for you. I've also got a 90 gallon tank available that Ken just cleaned up for me as well as a stand. And a under tank sump filter system to boot. Basically the whole set-up you would need as well as a 48" JBJ PC lighting system. If your on a budget it'll work fine but I'd personally recommend a VHO lighting system if your on a mediocre budget but still want excellent growth.
Contact me if your interested in any or the whole deal. Being a low ranking airman (ex USMC here), I know how the budget is believe me. We can work out some kind of a deal.