Warner Mrine H1


New member
I bought a WM H1 from you, and it simply will not prime. I have the skimmer body full of water, but the pump just will not pull the water through the siphon.

The air line is blocked so it is not drawing any air. I am out of ideas, if it doesn't work how do I return it?
Did you block the line before, or after filling it with water? If before, open it back up for a few minutes, and then seal it up and try again.
I had the same problem. make sure you fill the skimmer up with tank water and put the airline down in the water (inside the skimmer). you may have to unplug the pump a couple of times until it starts pulling in water.

also since all the intake plumbing is just pressed into place (not glued) make sure that you have the 90's push together really tight so that no air can get into them.
here's mine at just less than 48 hrs. it wasn't even broken in yet!
its really a great skimmer.

btw mine is on a 18g ADA and its pulling this much skim.

Yes I will have to say the H1 skims like a pig. I have on a 75 Gallon tank and it skims better than the CPR back pack I had on it and even better than red sea classic skimmer.
This is my 2nd Warner Marine skimmer and I do like them a hole lot! They have bin my favorite skimmer in more than 15 years in the hobby.
Thanks guys. Took awhile, but I got it going. Hope it goes easier next time.

Its on a brand new tank, so there is nothing to skim yet; hope it works out as well as I expect it will
I will post pictures. Tank is bare at the moment - making sure all the plumbing and everything is working as I want before I add some rock. Besides, with the recent cold snap not much was shipping.

Hopefully will have something in it soon :)
I will post a couple pictures of the tank. Its a 30 long in which I plan to have an anemone and clowns. I built two chambers out of glass. The first is to hold the intake from the H1 and a heater. The second will hold a pump for a closed loop. No chance of the nem wandering across an intake or heater, and I get surface skimming to boot.


if you dont mind a mouth full of saltwater, you can prime the pump by sucking the water through the venturi hose, works everytime!!

thats how I get my H1 started
I just got mine today and the pump is LOUD. It makes a buzzing noise. I've tried starting and restarting to no avail. Any suggestions?
Thanks for the quick response. Gave that a shot last night and it helped a little but it's still louder than I would have expected. I'll see if it quiets down over the weekend as it breaks in.
Re: H1 noise... they all quiet down with a few days of use. Also make sure the pump output is firmly seated into the bubble plate fitting. If it's askew and contacts the inner walls of the skimmer, it can buzz.

And of course... check the pump to make sure everything's in good order.

Also... it's only tough to prime them when they're bone dry, after a power outage or something they start right up.
Jeremy- Motor/impeler shaft noise. I disassembled it and re-seated the impeller again and it sounds quieter- no buzzing and not louder than my chiller compressor when it kicks in like before. I'll have to see the next time I restart the skimmer after feeding this weekend if it goes back to the loud buzz. I was used to the Eshopps PSK-75H (which the H1 replaced) that just gave off a slight hum, so I suppose the Sedra pump is just a noisier pump. From 25ft away it's still audible.
I did find a youtube video of an older H1 in operation ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mes2y8rhy34 ) and I can say that the hum of the pump is louder on mine. I'll try to get a video of mine to compare this weekend. Hopefully though as Jon indicated it will quiet down.

Jon- Thanks for the input. I'll double check to make sure everything is as tight as it can be with the pump and bubble plate fitting. I did have to prime it (put my finger over the air intake) again after going into standby/feed mode for a few minutes though, but after about 30-45 seconds it draws the water up and into the unit.
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I'm still having an issue with the buzzing pump. I was able to tweak it and get it quiet this weekend with a nice quiet hum, but last night out of the blue it just started making a very loud buzzing. I tried restarting and stopping the pump to no avail. I had to wiggle the intake pipe which quieted it down a bit. I reseated the impeller this morning, and although it not the loud buzzing I heard last night, it's still louder than what it should be. It's definitely an issue with the impeller, and not with the pump touching the sides/bottom of the skimmer. Maybe I just have a finicky impeller. I just didn't think I'd have to constantly tweak it every time the pump restarts to get it running quiet.
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I would recommend giving Warner Marine a call at (805) 584-5197. See if Jon has any ideas for you, other than changing out the impeller. I will call him as well to follow up on this today.
