washing filters


New member
I have a filter sock and was wondering if its ok to wash it in the washing machine? Any soap residue issues? Add bleach or not and how much? Thank you.
When I use to use bags I would just put them in with no soap and they would come out looking like new. You can use a small amount of bleach but I donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t think you will need it.
just use a capful of bleach with the washing machine, make sure you rinse it out good afterwards, then dry it. I have to do this at least once a week with mine, when my wife is not around of course...hehehe
After all said and done, I soak mine in 1 gallon of water with a declorinator to get any possible chlorine out. I also air dry.

sorry should have been specific about the drying method..I of course air dry them as well, not throw them in the dryer...hehehe.;)