Watchmen goby


New member
I got a watchmen goby for my nano tank 3 days ago and it just died on me , the clownfish and corals are doing good any reason he can just die like that . ammonia 0,nitrite 0.nitrate 10ppm ,temp 75,

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At being in your system for jsut three days it could be just about anything but my guess stress palyed at least a part in it's demise.
A salinity jump like that, yes. Slowly, WITH a refractometer, and by topping-off with fresh ro/di water (or just fresh dechlorinated water if you don't have ro/di), to make up evaporation, bring your salinity down to 1.024 for your surviving fish no more than .02 change per half hour. Then go to the New to the Hobby section of Reef Central and read all the posts that sit permanently at the top of that forum: those will help you a lot. You need a refractometer, (cheap, from Amazon) and you need some info from the posts I have pointed you to. Your fish arrived probably at a salinity of 1.024 and your water sits at 1.030, and that change happening fast is very likely the cause of death: kidney failure. If you don't have an auto topoff system, which keeps your water at a stable salinity, that is a problem. Bouncing salinity up and down is a problem for a tank.
How do u acclimate your corals?

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How do u acclimate your corals?

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My acclimating process is a pretty simple dripping process. I do this for all my fish and anemones the same way. Only 1 hour. And never had a lost.

My second condy came with a salinity of 1.030 and mine is 1.025 and my 1 hour acclimation also worked without issue.

I don't think that's the issue then. 2 hours is more than enough.

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Can I drop acclimate these coral with a small siphon ?

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I would think so. Just make sure the salinity is the same in the end and the container is at least 50% filled with your own tank's water. That's what I do.

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From my exp from all the LFS in my area is all the fish tanks are held at 0.20 and all the Reef tanks & frag tanks are at 0.26. This always meant i had to add DT water to the fish water bag at about 1/4 at a time every 15min then test it until it was same as the DT. Never lost a fish this way im not a fan of drip at all for one thing the temp drops on the fish a BIG stress issue and there is another issue with toxins if the fish was shipped so i always went local only on a fish purchase, if i had a huge DT id have a QT for fish at 0.20 then id slowly raise it over a week to my DT but i no longer add fish so not necessary.
Corals do not need any drip just temp acclimating AND a parasite dip before adding to the DT and you should turn lights off or down 1st day when adding so as not to shock the coral any more then it already is.
Corals at a LFS are kept at Reef Salt LVLS verses what fish are kept at.