Water Change Help ASAP!

After takings everyones advice I have waited 2 weeks for a water change instead of one week. I have also dosed one tablespoon of baking soda every night. Here is my problem

My tank chemistry is:
ph 7.9 "Lowest I have every seen it"
ALk 2.29 meq/litre "The tablespoon/night just keeps it above 2

My 55 gallon water tub is:
ph 8.2
alk 4.25

My question:

Is this to far off? Should I do 3 little 15 gallon changes instead of one big one? My whole system has about 125 gallons in it 125 tank and 55 sump. I am obviously still having chemistry problems any advice would be greatly appreciated as usual.

Ive done 50% changes on my tank with no bad effects. Changing every 2 weeks instead of every week would make your problem worse I would think. I would use a marine buffer instead of baking soda. Your ph should be at least 8 preferably 8.2 and alk should be 3. Check your calcium too cause if its high it will be hard to bring your alk up. Airation will also raise your ph if you have too much carbon dioxide build up.
My calcium is always high around 500 550. I am trying to figure out what I should dose and how much to control my chemistry. My ph is usually ok but alk is low so I was told to dose baking soda and nothing else. Then an lfs told me to use kalkwasser. I am tired of doing so much water changing and buying of salt. Everyone I have met seems to do biweekly or monthly changes. What do you?
FWIW, If you bake your baking soda for 1 hour at 350 degrees F, it will drive off the co 2 in the baking soda and will not lower the ph, do you have a ca reactor this will significantly lower ph. This baking method is a very common accepted method, you can always drip kalk through your top off or a kent marine vat. Kalk is very alkaline over 12, this will help to keep your ph up especially at night.

good luck
Toothman is right. Using baking Soda unbaked will lower your PH slightly with each use due to its CO2 content. You need to bake it in order to drive the CO2 out. Then you should see a PH increase.

Are you adding any Calcium supliments? Your Ca is high.

I have read most of the articles. I am slowly switching salts. I have been using oceanic and since then my calcium is 500 to 550 every time. I have not been able to figure out a plan for dosing since everytime I talk to someone I get a differant opinon. Should I start using Kalk? Or start using part a b balancer. I am just confused at this point as to how to keep my tank under control and stable. Thnaks for your help
Maybe refer your question to the chemistry forum. You will probably get a better answer there.

Using Lime water is a diffinate advantage as it is a "Balanced CA/Alk" method of dosing as long as you dose small units of lime water (Line water has a PH of 12).

I would probably try to get your Ca down first.

Sorry that I can't be any more help. For me, I have always had the opposite problem!! I could never keep my calcium up.

Good luck. Post in the Chemistry Forum. Hopefully an answer awaits there.
How do you get calcium down? After my water changes it si still that high. I am using half oceanic salt and half instant ocean to slowly wean the tank off.