water evaporation bad for newborns


Hi me and my five about to have a baby , i wanted to set up a 29g tank in babys room i was wondering if it would be good idea to have a tank in that room, with all that evaporation could this give a newborn health problems?
It actually may help humidify the room a bit. You should minimally get a cheap humidity gauge to monitor it though. Assuming you open the door or even leave it cracked should provide for sufficient humidity reduction. If I were you, I would ask the baby's Dr., just to be safe.
Should help with humidity in the room, bigger concern might be when the little one starts to explore. My 2 year old grandson loves to feed chicken nuggets from his plate to the tank.
I would not put a tank in an infants room, for a couple reasons humidity being the least of them.

When my son was an infant he will pull him self up on anything within reach and that included my tank stand. I would only do so if you put the tank on a large support that could not be pulled over.

Electrical issues would also be a concern. You have enough to worry about with babies and infants. Adding more variables to the risk does not seem prudent IMO.

A tank in any other rooms seems more appropriate than placing one in a room where an infant and toddler goes un-observed for short periods of time. It would only add to my worries as a new parent.
it will be fine. I have 4 kids and they each got a tank for a night light. No health problems, no need for a humidifier and very helpful when doing a late night feeding or diaper change. Gives you something to look at when you are fighting falling asleep. :)
No problem have a fluval edge in my daughters room. even asked the doctor to be safe said it would be fine and could replace a humidifier.
It actually may help humidify the room a bit. You should minimally get a cheap humidity gauge to monitor it though. Assuming you open the door or even leave it cracked should provide for sufficient humidity reduction. If I were you, I would ask the baby's Dr., just to be safe.

thanks i guess will ask a doctor,
I would not put a tank in an infants room, for a couple reasons humidity being the least of them.

When my son was an infant he will pull him self up on anything within reach and that included my tank stand. I would only do so if you put the tank on a large support that could not be pulled over.

Electrical issues would also be a concern. You have enough to worry about with babies and infants. Adding more variables to the risk does not seem prudent IMO.

A tank in any other rooms seems more appropriate than placing one in a room where an infant and toddler goes un-observed for short periods of time. It would only add to my worries as a new parent.

for a baby reaching the tank would would not be a problem, it will be on 36'' stand, and electrical wires would be on the other side of the wall,this would be my second tank my wanted to put a pair of clown fish in there, i guess i have some thinking to do,
I would just be worried about, again, the infant getting into and messing with the tank. honestly if you hadn't mentioned it I would have never even thought of humididty as a problem. Good enough Idea, but it would probably be best in another room. Just more practical.
i had a 50 gallon reef tank and my daughter would sit in her chair and watch it for hours, she loved it and would be mezmorized by it. the tank was in anouther room thou.
Generally humidity for infants is good. Most homes are artificially too dry - particularly during the winter (depending where you live). Hence the sale of humidifiers in all the Baby's 'r Us around the country :)

I agree, however, that the primary concern about fish tanks has to do with size, weight and general fragility. Reef tanks are not kid friendly :)
You live on long island ? if so humidity is allready there But I do agree with smtank if you put it on a dresser ,an not a fish tank stand .Realy did you ever take a good look at some of the stands that thay have out there.I wouldnt put a 5 gallon bucket on some of them
im up in the rockies so all of my family with babies run humidifiers all the time in their babies rooms, it's pure H2O evaporating anyway.
I definitely wouldn't put any coral in though. IMO not enough is known about them and their toxins to put a risk at a young age. If you go to the zoa forum you can read about palytoxins and how deadly they are. I have my 25g tank in my room and the humidity doesn't seem any different than anywhere else in the house. Another factor that may be an issue is noise. What's "quiet" now is a lot louder at night
Putting a SW tank in a baby's room is a great idea, the soothing effects it can have is priceless. My youngest is 5 months old, and she would sit in her bumbo chair and stare at the big tank for hours if we let her. Both my older son's had tanks in their rooms when they were babies, and as such I'll soon be doing one for the little one.....I swore to the wife that the tank is just for her!

Don't worry about a tank tipping over, flooding or electrocuting anyone, just setup the system such that any of the noted conditions don't exist. Use a strong stand, keep the plumbing simple or don't have any at all, and practice good cable management and you'll be fine.
While the baby is crib-confined, you should be fine, but I just wouldn't trust it in there long-term. As most here have expressed, it's more of a safety issue than an air-quality issue. A 29G wouldn't evaporate enough to cause any issues to excess. In the short term, I think it's a great idea. Visual stimulation is great for little ones, and this sure beats legos in my book. But I think you'll agree there will come a time when you'll have to move it.
No need to be hysterical imo, there is alot of things that can potentially harm children. Just make sure everything is secure, like you normally would do.