water flow?

mark fanara

New member
I have 4 med sized powerheads and the return from my sump that is powered by a mag-drive 5. I have a 120 gal. all-glass w/ dual overflows and I'm trying to grow sps. What would be the best way to position these powerheads to maximize the growth of the sps?
Personally, I think you should increase your return pump to a mag 12 or so, and then angle your powerheads so the are running towards each other to achieve different areas of turbulence. If you have dual overflows, the increased water flow will not be a problem and it will already double what flow you have now.
go to a 9 or 12 on the return with educators. throw the little pumps away and get a wave box less heat less electricity and phenomenal flow :D
im using a mag 24 and personally i still think i need more flow on a 75 gallon if i were to have lots of sps