Water for top offs. Switched to Publix...need opinions


New member
Well I have had my 90g setup for almost a year now and recently in the past 2.5 months I have been havng a hair algae issue begin to produce in my tank.

My inhabitants consist of:
2' snow flake eel
blue jaw trigger
falco hawkfish
carribean golden hamlet
maroon clown

I had no issue with algae and within the past 3 months I have been using publix purified water for top offs and I am just curious if anyone else here uses this water and/or have had any algae/cyano related issues.]

p.s. nitrates avergae between 10-15 ppm and I do 12-15% water changes every 2-3weeks.


Lets see, by my math you are doing about 240 gallons of water change a year, plus top off of proably another 60+. So over 300gallons a year, at rock bottom Publix prices of $0.69 a gallon, thats $210 a year. You should get a RO/DI asap. An eBay special will pay for itself in less than six months. Air Water Ice in a little over a year.
But as far as Publix purified, I seem to recall that Reef Life used it as top off while they were installing their large RO/DI unit, so I suspect it is just fine.
I agree with Osteo. Purchase a RO/DI. They pay for themselves quickly. I have the 75gpd the Compact Reefkeeper (for about 3 years) from Air Water Ice. Works great. Replace all of the filters every 6 months for $40. The unit is $129 with a TDS meter. They are in Daytona and you can call them and they will send you what you need within a day usually. I have used the Publix Purified water and have seen no problems. I usually buy it for the people that are taking care of my tank when I am out of town.
Thanks for the info! I just ordered a unit from AWI. They have great prices. I can't wait to NOT have to lug my 7 gallon jugs to the LFS. My back thanks you.
Life is easier with an RO/DI. I will never go back to lugging jugs around again! I can easily filter drinking water for my home and work as well. :)

AWI has good customer service and Walter is more then willing to help. BTW its been close to a year since I've had mine and I still get 0 TDS after the DI, haven't checked the RO yet.
i have been using Publix purified water for over 2 years for my small 16g nano tds meter reads zero, it has worked great. Now setting up a 90g and plan on ordering Melev's RO/DI full size unit for $169 because it will pay for it self never mind lugging the water from publix, and Melev has taken the time to label the unit in the picture below which makes it easier to setup.

I have use the glacier or whatever it's called at Publix in the big blue box .25 cents /gal. it does go through a r/o and uv. I have noticed some of the Publix have higher mineral content in thier area though and that can give problems with this water I found 1 store I used to live by that I was getting all kinds of problems from their water, a friend told me to try a different Publix, and the problems went away. At .69/gal a r/o unit pays for itself quickly, but at .25/gal. it takes a while. Just my 2 cents for whatever its worth
Is the unit that was mentioned earlier from awi the "reefkeeper"?

Or for pic referrence this one below?



Yes I should have bought this a long time ago but lazyness got the best of me....I should have listened to my brain the first time around... :)

I'm using the Typhoon III. The DI cartage is by itself like Melev's set up he is selling. I believe its a little more expensive but nevertheless still worth it IMO.

Its one of those "one time things." LOL