Water movement advice



First post in this forum. After well over 10 years in the hobby and many tanks, we are moving into a new home soon and will be living there until retirement (or when I hit the Lotto). So, upgrading to a big show tank. Will be reef and hope SPS dominated (with scattered softies and my prized RBTA's)

Tanks I have had in order are: 55, 125, 50t, 90, and now a 120 with several nano tanks over the years.

New tank is approx 300 gallon (24"tall x 30" deep x 87" long) and will be an in-wall in the new house. Buying used from a guy downsizing. Has a single large corner overflow box with three 1-1/2" bottom bulkheads.

Now, planning equipment and need suggestions. Mainly for water flow.
I currently have two Ecotech MP40 pumps, Two Radion G3 fixtures, and a QuietOne for my sump return (will be repurposed for mixing water). Running an AquaMax EM300 skimmer and a Fluval FX5 canister filter. Calcium reactor as well. Reeflink hooking lights and pumps

Planning a larger sump in the behind fish room for easy access and easy water changes. Thinking 40-60 gallon range. Suggestions welcome.

I am planning on keeping skimmer until bioload increases (and finished moving and stuff with house). then likely going with a larger octopus. Keeping existing lights as well until funds allow to add on additional fixture.

Now, I want to keep as much equipment as I can to reduce cost.

Keeping the MP40's, should I add either:
1. Two more MP40's
2. One MP60?
3. One or two Maxspect Gyre units?

Return pump:
1. External or internal? I like the quiet of internal, but power of external.
2. Size? I will use the bulkheads for water input, and plumb over tank returns. What GPH suggested? Will prob use two of the bulkheads for inflow.
3. Brand suggestions?

I am sure I will have more questions as time goes on.
Thanks ahead of time and I will certainly be posting a build thread. Hoping to close on the 4th and hope to have tank done by mid July. Ambitious, but possible.
Look at getting a MP60 or if you do a external return pump you could plumb in a closed loop and add eductors to the returns to multiply output. If you go the eductor route don't get the chinese made ones, they aren't the same as the ones you can get from premiumaquatics.com
Look at getting a MP60 or if you do a external return pump you could plumb in a closed loop and add eductors to the returns to multiply output. If you go the eductor route don't get the chinese made ones, they aren't the same as the ones you can get from premiumaquatics.com

I was thinking something like that.

Stupid question, when plumbing in a closed loop with an external return pump, would I need a separate pump for the loop? Which intake do I use or do I just run it all off the main return pump from my sump?
I was thinking something like that.

Stupid question, when plumbing in a closed loop with an external return pump, would I need a separate pump for the loop? Which intake do I use or do I just run it all off the main return pump from my sump?

You could use one pump for both with a manifold. I put a reeflo hammerhead on a closed loop in my 220g with two 2" bulks in the back of the tank. The closed loop should be fed from the tank, not the sump. Sump won't be able to keep up with the closed loop
I have 300 gal tank and i am using 3 mp60's and never had issue with dead spots and water moves well though out the aquascape..
The 40's won't reach if placed on the sides. The center of the tank would be fairly low flow. But they could be place on the back glass and work well if that's an option. If you wanted the powerheads on the sides, I would add one or two 60's opposite the 40's. My mp60 pushes far enough to keep lps 6 feet away, but the 40's don't each nearly as far. Tunze 6155 or 6255 would be another option.
for a return look into a DC pump if you want internal. I have one now on my 220 and love it and wish I had gone that way from the start
I am in the process of setting up a new 330, I have (2) MP60's and starting to think I need a third