Looking for a bit of feedback and advice on my parameters.
125G Display
18G Main Sump (Holds Life Reef Skimmer, Waterfall ATS, main heater, return pump, probes etc.)
20 G Refugium (Only live rock and snails inside)
SG: 1.026
Temp: 80-81 F
ALK: 9.3
CA: 440
MG: 1320
Nitrate: 25~50 (Leaning more towards 50!)
Phosphate: 0
Age: About 1 year and 3 months old
1 Maroon Clown
1 True Percula Clown (Bigger than the maroon)
1 RBTA (roughly 3.5-5 inches when open fully)
1 green mushroom leather
handful of hermits
3.4 billion cerith snails (They are breeding like mad in here)
Note 1: True Perc and RBTA added about 3 days back (11-7 or so)
Note 2: Yes I know a Maroon and True Percula are not exactly the best tank mates... The Perc and RBTA were sold to me for 39.99, couldn't pass it up, one hell of a buy and they were a bonded pair. They haven't re-bonded in the tank yet though pitty. The Perc does chase the Maroon around a bit and tonight I found some tail fin damage on the Maroon. So the Maroon may have to be a refugium resident in the near future.
Feeding Habits: A few pellets hand fed to the Maroon every other day or so, he seems happy and healthy but I think I may be underfeeding.
Question 1: Should I feed more? My understanding is feeding more will help increase the PO4 which will in turn help produce nitrate eating bacteria. So in theory feeding more can help get me to around 0.02-0.03 PO4 and lower Nitrates.
Questions 2: Anyone else have a Maroon and True Perc Clown? Did they eventually settle in and maybe even bond or is the a losing battle and I should move Maroon or trade to pet store?
Thanks for reading, any input is appreciated.
125G Display
18G Main Sump (Holds Life Reef Skimmer, Waterfall ATS, main heater, return pump, probes etc.)
20 G Refugium (Only live rock and snails inside)
SG: 1.026
Temp: 80-81 F
ALK: 9.3
CA: 440
MG: 1320
Nitrate: 25~50 (Leaning more towards 50!)
Phosphate: 0
Age: About 1 year and 3 months old
1 Maroon Clown
1 True Percula Clown (Bigger than the maroon)
1 RBTA (roughly 3.5-5 inches when open fully)
1 green mushroom leather
handful of hermits
3.4 billion cerith snails (They are breeding like mad in here)
Note 1: True Perc and RBTA added about 3 days back (11-7 or so)
Note 2: Yes I know a Maroon and True Percula are not exactly the best tank mates... The Perc and RBTA were sold to me for 39.99, couldn't pass it up, one hell of a buy and they were a bonded pair. They haven't re-bonded in the tank yet though pitty. The Perc does chase the Maroon around a bit and tonight I found some tail fin damage on the Maroon. So the Maroon may have to be a refugium resident in the near future.
Feeding Habits: A few pellets hand fed to the Maroon every other day or so, he seems happy and healthy but I think I may be underfeeding.
Question 1: Should I feed more? My understanding is feeding more will help increase the PO4 which will in turn help produce nitrate eating bacteria. So in theory feeding more can help get me to around 0.02-0.03 PO4 and lower Nitrates.
Questions 2: Anyone else have a Maroon and True Perc Clown? Did they eventually settle in and maybe even bond or is the a losing battle and I should move Maroon or trade to pet store?
Thanks for reading, any input is appreciated.