Water Quality???


New member
Looking for thoughts and/or opinions....

My tank has been running in its current state for 2.5 years. SPS and soft coral look good but my LPS all seem to withered or shrunken in. Checked water parameters:

Tests done with Exact Ecocheck digital colorimeter
NH3: low
NO2: 0.08
NO3: 2.4
pH: 7.7 (I question this result as my Milwaukee probe reads between 8.2-8.4 daily)

Red Sea Titration Tests
dKH: 7.7
Ca: 400
Mg: 1300

I need to pick up more Phosphate reagent, so not sure what current phosphate load is.

The only thing I can think of is the coral need more food, but would love to hear any other suggestions.

Lights: 2x 54w T5 (aquablue specials), 2x RapidLED Aurora LED Pucks (at about 50-70% intensity)

Filtration: Filter sock, Reef Dynamics 100 Skimmer, NoPoX, GAC/GFO as needed but not currently running, chaeto, live rock.

Flow: Mag 9.5 return, 2x MP10, Tunze powerhead
The only thing that looks a bit low to me is the ALK/dKH. My LPS corals tend to "get sad" if my ALK drops like that.

I hope you find the issue.
Webmanny, thanks for the suggestion. :)

My alk has always run low, for a while I was trying to get it up to 9 but it would drop quickly below 8dKH, which is why I now try to aim for a consistent 8.0ish, that way there aren't any dramatic swings.
How often do you feed them?

Many LPS corals have large obvious mouths, and will accept meaty foods like mysis shrimp. For some, this feeding is an optional supplement while other species are unable to sustain themselves long-term solely on the products of photosynthesis and will gradually waste away if not fed.
ClownMan, I broadcast feed the tank.... sometimes LRS, sometimes Rod's, and I'll also mix in some of the smallest available Golden Pearls. I'm really starting to think the LPS may be starving as the fish obviously consume food quicker than the coral react. May have to try some night time feeding.

robthorn, yes I know.
How often do you feed them?

Many LPS corals have large obvious mouths, and will accept meaty foods like mysis shrimp. For some, this feeding is an optional supplement while other species are unable to sustain themselves long-term solely on the products of photosynthesis and will gradually waste away if not fed.

Agreed LPS like to be fed or in tank with super heavy feeding with lots of fish
Im currently going thru the same issue as you. I have 2 tanks, both fully stocked with hammers, torch, frogspawn, octospawn, favia, acan and zoas. The bigger tank is my predator tank which is fed silversides, mysis and krill daily. Corals in that tank are doing great. My smaller tank that i set up so the gf can have her clown fish is also stocked like my larger tank and the corals in there are starting to not fully open. I posted my issue in the lps forum and everyone was too focused on flamming me for never testing my water. Havent tested it in 3 years but to rule out that possibility i had it checked and water peramaters were spot on. I also do weekly water changes in both tanks. I was scratching my head as to why corals in one tank are thriving and my other tank they arent doing so well. Then i realised one tank is fed meaty foods daily and the other one only gets pellets for the clown fish. I started spot feeding the corals in that tank mini mysis and they have been doing much better.